Tree of Savior Forum

Attack speed affected by Connection Quality

Your delays “are” still the same? Man, are you currently even playing any beta “right now”? Sorry, I’m rather confused and worried if I’m missing anything.

P.S.: the patch note was on 15th of August, 5 days after the 1st iCBT ended

EDIT: or enlighten me…is Kr CBT still going on?

kCBT is currently running an extended version on their test server.
Started on monday 10th, with no end date so far.

Footage distribuition (streams, videos, screenshots…) is proibited for now, that’s why a lot of people don’t know about it.

ENVY YOU Koreans, 11 days ady and u still get more hahah have fun and thank you for sharing the info

I have 130 ping. Does that mean Quicken will work for me? If so, what level?

I tested quicken with some ppl on 50-90 ms and it didn’t change their attack speeds. Granted these were wizard auto attacks.

Need to check quicken with swordsman and archer as well.

Never noticed anything like the OP posted.
Maybe thats because my ping is at 180 and I have nagle disabled?

And yes you should always disable nagle for games like these.

how u guy check the ping with the server ?

Whatever happened to this thread? I’m sure at least 30% of people who left is because of ping problems. This should be addressed. My Schwarzer Reiter is very lackluster because of this :confused: