note: Fell free to correct me anytime.
note2: I’m covering DPS Archers.
Debate, discuss, send your opinion. We need the community together on testing times like CBT.
I’ll link and attach every kind of opinion. If you think archers are strong and we are looking from the wrong angle, please give us your feedback.
The major opinion and/on spec’ing an archer:
We have 3 major builds running around the forums, communities and reddit: Full Dex, Full Str, Full Spr.
Each one has a purpose and tries to maximize the capacities and roles of Archers, which can be different.
Full Dex is aiming at late-game crits at a cost of lower damages early on.
Full Str is aiming at early damages and increasing those crits, at a cost of reduced frequency
Full Spr is aiming at spamming skills to maxime damage, at a cost of low base damage and money spent on potions.
•So what?
Look at swordman: They have high survival capacities, they hit hard and their attack hits in area.
Archers, on other hand, they are known for high-dps on single targets. At this point, Archers are behind in survival (which is expected), AoE DPS (which is expected too), but also on Single-target DPS and mana-consumption.
If your archer wants to keep-up with swordies and mages on damage, they’ll need to spam their skills, which have long cooldowns and mana requirement. This point of view gave birth to Spr Builds or Spr spent points.
If you want to give away the ability to do so, but want to burst like a madman single-targets, the attacks are behind everyone else too. Full Dex, Full Str and hybrids came from this test point of view.
I’m not covering tank archers (QS anyone?) or support roles, but feel free to address me on that.
•But my archer is doing so much damage, you are playing it wrong. Git gud
Maybe, but that’s why it’s called Beta. If we can prove it by organizing the community and sending feedbacks, ok.
Otherwise, we need to show those unbalanced numbers so IMC can balance things out.
•New info:
Seems that on the Megathread, people are talking about the viability and the role of the Archer class.
People are forced into SPR builds so they can spam skills and keep up on damage, but that makes the Archer class don’t feel like archer at all.
- The leveling skill seems to be Oblique Shot, but the skill needs to remain on low levels so the SP costs don’t skyrocket.
- Hunters and Falconers are eating too much mana, too much.
- Rangers can’t properly AoE kill because their CD are to high and the damage output too low, if we measure the mana needed to use their skills.
Archers attacks are feeling weak, we are behind on what should be our major role: single-targets DPS.
Archer skills are actually ok on damage, but they are too mana hungry or require us to turn into physical mages… but with no damage because we need the Spr.
Maybe archers aren’t behind, but the other classes are way too ahead.
I mean, we can AoE clear a whole spot alone with basic attacks on our Swords, but the same on archers costs 20 mana potions or 40 minutes.
Correct me anytime. I’m just feeling underperforming and underpowered. I have a barbarian with skyhigh damages and a Ranger struggling to kill a single target, unless I spam everything and get out of mana.
Useful Data
• Damage Charts and Graphics:
-Full Str and Full Dex builds
-Damage output from different skills on different builds
• Related Videos:
-Ranger leveling… exciting.
-Swift Step level 15 (Archer Cicle 3) usage.
-Schwarzer Reiter good leveling and damage with NO SPR
The following build: 290 Str, 7 Con, 4 Int, 4 Spr, 160 Dex
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• Reddit