Tree of Savior Forum

Are Archers weak?

Just it. I’m just feeling that Archers lack in damage and survival compared to other classes. Am I wrong?


You’re not. Archers are much weaker than the other classes. I’m sure someone will come in and say “omg my Archer is amazing!”

Try another class. Find out how wrong you are. My highlander can easily kill things 40 levels above him. My Archer struggles against even-level enemies.

They NEED to remove that stupid penalty on bows against medium/large enemies.


Yep very weak… Kill boss is a pain in the ass

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I agree archers are way too weak.
While I take about 15 minutes to kill a boss at even level, my friend (who is playing as highlander) says he can kill a boss with 4 skills…
I would find it normal if archers were a support class, but as they are a DPS class, I think it is wrong.

They are hard to level up.

I think they shine in the latest ranks though. We’ll see.

Archer sucks! Time wasting ■■■■ >_>

Yah I can see they will get buffed after beta they just dont do good

i’ve tried several different stat builds, so far full spr seems easiest way to level as you can just spam oblique shot, with it maxed it does a ton of damage (archer c3), but even full spr it drains way fast, so i reset it to level 1 and while i can clear a room room pretty easily, still run into issues with spr, and sp pots cd seems too long to keep it up.

You reset you skill to level 1? Whats the damage difference between level 1 and 15? Also you can get a bonfire and you got a full mana about 30 seconds?

yes bonfire does restore sp really fast i think i was getting 40sp per tic,but the problem is finding time to sit when there are tons of mobs all around the place.
i have 20 points in the atribute so that helps a bit with lv1 skill, lv 15 i was 2 hitting mobs were is it takes 4 hits with level 1, this was around lv 50 i think

Do you have Twin arrows? Hows the damage compared to multi or oblique

I dont really see a use in it, besides when multi is down, lv15 multi shot is still the best way to kill bosses, i kind of used it while waiting on the cooldown of multishot

Archer surelly is kind of weak, even more noticeable on boss fights.
It’s pro is mostly on his skills, since they deal a very high damage, and walk while shooting.

I’m only lvl 62 and went Archer>Archer> Archer

killing bosses only takes around 2 minutes so I don’t know if thats bad or good.

Use a 2 handed bow and lvl up the 2 handed bow mastery (the one that deals 20% more damage to flying monsters). You can basically 1-2 shot flying monsters of your lvl give or take. (so grind flying monsters)

I think it’s pretty good but it could be terrible compared to other classes.

Hrmm is there an easy way to find out where flying mobs are mostly located?

@suezo_me I have no idea… wish I knew

Ironically during character creation the stats indicate that archers are the highest dps, but it doesn’t really seem that way.


Each class is the strongest depending on how you make it.

Archers are weak both in PvE and PvP (unless you know what you’re doing). In PvP, every other classes are hard to fight. One because of being a squishy class and the other is SP. I’ve noticed in many archers that they are the one who usually run out of SP first than mages. This is also the same for PvE, as it’s nearly impossible for them to just take on a hoard of mobs or even fight a boss not like other classes.

The struggle is so real as playing ranger 60+
It was fun but insanely SP drained was a bit boring. I tried to play another Pyro and got lvl likes 3 times faster and easier. cry

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