Tree of Savior Forum

Archery on ToS. Thoughts?

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We can see he went Archer - Quarel Shooter 3 - Sapper - Schwarzer Reiter
290 Str, 7 Con, 4 Int, 4 Spr, 160 Dex

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Actually its Archer C2 > QS C3 > SR - you can see he assigned kneeling shot to key 8. The one placing the traps was his other party member.

I wrote what it’s written on the page, but sure, my mistake on this one =)
Anyway, Kneeling Shot is the only skill from the Archer tree that you cannot use while mounted. Go figure out…

Now something’s weird, 로그 is Rogue and he wrote that’s what he took at rank 5? :confused: Anyways, I think he took kneeling shot as a means to level up quickly, though I could be wrong.

Oh, now that you talked, it’s spelled Logeu but they say it with a R. Rogeu. My basic-korean mistake.
Whatever he took at Rank 5, it doesn’t seem to be making a difference, unless he’s using passive skills.
But as you pointed, probably it’s Archer 2 - QS 3 - SR.