Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts Banned for Exploiting the Mystic Cube Timer Reset

no i dont know what the code were. i was just in the fedimian channel, while other was crashing.

where is the ban list mates?

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Not his fault his cube timer reseted, better pop it up than have it expire(<this one is IMC’s fault) right?


oh god, iam a bad guy

So much :ppp

No wonder, VacaOverpower haven’t be banned.

Another common day for the Tos community



So bad see u dont pay for the things that u do, but well imc do what they want


I know much confusion and doubts are in the air. What I can assure you is that we applied our utmost scrutiny and caution when compiling the list. Upon analyzing data we have, we found the pattern of exploits and proceeded with the banning process. The claim that we banned our users at random goes against common sense. Why would we limit our own user base? We had legitimate reasons and went through a thorough process.

From what I have seen so far of this issue, some of you are trying to bluff your way out of this. It might have worked if the aforementioned process was not rigorous enough to have some significant margin of error. Moreover, the case was far too clear cut and left no room for ambiguity. Therefore, I am confident enough to say that cut it out. And stop embarrassing yourself.


I Just wanna know If it was 7 Days or permanently

I love it when IMC state the facts. #savage

Please watch your language.


pleasee show ban list =((
i want laugh


@Domtop @Kolalis_owo

I warned not to use it


yea, yea. wishes for you be on the next list rsrsrs /rolls

Obviusly they gonna use if u send 4 shout’s or more with the command…

What people don’t understand is why you didn’t ban the people who actually crashed channels using the command in chat.

The people who were just chilling in Fedimian that opened up their mystical cubes (“oh cool, the timer reset”) after someone crashed the channel were subjected to harsher punishment than the ones that actually were crashing channels with the command.

Someone who opened their cube, got crashed, then noticed their cube was still off cooldown? “Huh, I better click it so it goes back on cooldown”. Then another crash, and the process repeats. What are they supposed to do, not open the cube and deliberately waste time? Some people were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they get stuck with a month ban.

Meanwhile, a player that shouts that they are crashing channels, about how inept of a company IMC is, and even shouting “The GM’s can’t save you now,” and proceeding to crash the channel that a GM is on. A player that shouts the command for crashing the channel whilst encouraging other players to continue crashing; this kind of player isn’t banned, because they didn’t use a mystical cube while crashing others.

What really happened is that you staff had to do something drastic to prevent players from wanting to take part of this “exploiting”, to set an example. However, the staff lacked the proper knowledge or effort to actually ban people using the crash command. But since they had to do something, they tried to ban through their current method, even if it resulted in people that didn’t deserve bans to get banned.

Certainly most of your list consisted of players that deserve bans, but there are definitely players who do not, and they are banned simply because you staff had to do something to set an example, resulting in a ban list that messed with normal players as well.


It depends on if they logged every command or text sent

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Ehhh when rank 8 was release the mystic box reset during tbl is free for all which left many players in the dust since they got end game equips in 1 day, those who didn’t abuse the bug suffered from it 11 of my friends quit but you didn’t ban those who abuse it. Now you’re mass banning people for the mystic cube bug??? This is unfair for those who waited 2-3 months daily for their practonium they deserve to get it


It seems ignorance is not tolerated. People have global chat and forums to communicate and know what is right or wrong to do. And obviously, common sense and intellect.
Ignorance is not allowed this days. We have google and stuff.