Tree of Savior Forum

Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity

Google it putting two and two together given the time frame of when these spikes in prices starting going up. More demand is making more bots and RMT move in from what was once a flat liner to a positive gain.

This also took place at around that time:

People getting banned and maybe buying RMT silver? So bots now need to bot harder?

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Yes, demand is the word.

When you see new names showing up with lv.10 transcendence, you know something’s up.

TP shop item buy-n-sell still can’t catch up with RMT in terms of silver delivery speed.

That’s just from a single scan on that day.

I have tons more from other scans but I’m too lazy and disappointed to make the effort in having these players reported.

There’s possibility these are just dummy accounts used as “middlemen”, that is, used to buy silver directly from goldsellers - a process which has more chances of being detected as shown above, then buying the overpriced loot posted by the main account which is less likely to be detected due to knowing when exactly those appears on market.

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At this rate, even the WhiteKnight server will exceed server capacity one day, forcing everyone to join the Hue side. Soon™.


IMC found out they can cook new player counts by forcing botters to make new bots. That’s why they are going to ban more bots and macro farmers now.

Pls, report them =/////

Why when they’ve got this under control right? Surely everything they do is naught in vain?


15 in each lodge, total 30.

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I’ve already complained about this before, and what they did? Added 3 more channels in the >MAP< Saalus Convent, not in the Saalus Missions, I don’t even know what to say.
Now this is happening not only to Saalus Missions but also to every dungeon in the game, they need to realocate some useless channels to dgs/saalus or just expand server capacity.

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Surprised to see no one posted the very simple solution to this problem. I get this bug often when I’m trying to enter an instance (dungeon/mission/Saalus) with a premade party, but if we all leave and remake the party from scratch it works perfectly fine. It’s still an annoying bug, but it’s easy to work around once you know the trick.

I doubt it has anything to do with server capacity, considering it can be solved just by remaking the party and trying again. Probably just a bug that makes the game think the server is full when it really isn’t.

And what about people spamming remake or enter for 10 minutes or one hour?
I tried again your pro tip, I remade 150+ times before it worked.

Did not work, trust me, I tried this more than 1000 times when solo rusheing dgs to obtain Fortune Cookies with 10+ chars daily.
I think you are playing in Klaipeda/Orsha servers that doesn’t surfer from this problem, am I right?

Also, It’s not that easy to remake party like 50~100 times when you are trying to run Saalus with other 4 friends, it’s not the solution even if it works.


Ah, that might be a Silute-specific variant then. Alas.


Before Maintenance, Saalus = 5 chs
After Maintenance, saalus = 8 chs

And i cant enter in Saalus dg.
Nice Imc!! You didnt fix the error.


this is exactly why we huehuehue and tos is dying



I think ridiculous, passes manutenca and imc does nothing, are a bunch of amateurs, do not pay to fix the game, the game was crowded now will start to run out of people again, sorry to speak more voices of the IMC are dumb

People wanted more Saalus dailies missions servers, instead they got Saalus convent channels only.

@STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Amy @staff @moderators … Everyday, any hour server time " Failed to create missions instance due to exceeded server capacity" [SA] Silute server especially into saalus dungeons. Fix it ASAP.

@STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_Yuri @staff @moderators Still failing to enter instances after the Maintenance. Please, just, PLEASE: Fix [SA] Silute Instances