Tree of Savior Forum

Copy of CloverFinder Addon

Hello guys, the creator of CloverFinder deleted everything about the addon and now theres no way of downloading it.

Any of u has a copy that can upload for the rest of us? Pliz!!!

Bump. This doesnt need to be burried

From the creator’s Twitter posts, it seems to have implied that in a Q&A a kTOS player asked if they were ‘out’ (was the term the creator used, I’m guessing s/he was asking if it was allowed, but I could be wrong).

Seems to imply the answer they got was it was ‘out’, so the creator took it down.

source: , scroll to Feb 6th post.

Well, it’s Github, source code is still available on older commits such as:

Someone can just repack the source code into an .ipf file.

Any idea on how to do that?

90% of player i grind with every day have this addon… so if is not allowed IMC should start banning 70-80% of their player base

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When they can just threaten and ban creators with cease and desists along with burying topics and threads involved like nothing happened. Not that this happened but more than likely would in a given scenario.

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didnt even realize this was an addon

now im depressed

Can someone pass me a link in a PM pliz!

We need this. Cancerlocks, cancerers, and necrocancer still plague various maps and still not banned and this addon is a different story? If you delete this topic imc ill make it.

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