Tree of Savior Forum

World Bosses, and what you should know approaching them (Updated 9/20 - Fade myth reproven)

I don’t think you understand the core argument here. No one is asking for anything free. People are just suggesting better ways to improve the loot distribution that isn’t reliant on 100% DPS.

Let’s look at a successful MMORPG like FFXIV. It has FATEs and Hunts which are basically events that has enemies and world bosses. There are three tiers of reward per event. Bronze, Silver and Gold. Do you know how you rack up points for each tier? By playing your class. If I am a White Mage or Scholar (healing class) the more I heal during the encounter, the more points I am awarded. If I am a tank? The more aggro I have, the more I am rewarded. If I am a DPS? The damage I dish out the more I am rewarded.

What does this mean? Every class has a fair chance at getting credit for loot drops (which is often a currency or EXP in FFXIV’s case). This is a great system because no class is excluded and everyone can participate.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the “casuals” are the vast majority and a lot of the game’s income is going to come from new players. If the “hardcore” players were the only ones going to fuel the game, guess what? This game wouldn’t be free to play. There are all kinds of players and the game should cater to everyone. Now having every class able to participate in these battles does not take anything away from the hardcore players. If anything, it is a more fair competition.

But I am guessing super DPS spec Fletcher might get insecure if the Peltasta has a chance to get a cube, right?


Prison Cutter Prison Manager is okay. Pretty fight, very mobile boss, using a re-skin of the 240 dungeon sub-boss. Has the ring Elements Dance, maybe other items too that I can’t be arsed to look up.

Sadly, the Demon Lords have very, very underwhelming loot tables from what I understand. Most of them aren’t really worth hunting outside of a few novelty items (Circle Rod, Prison Cutter). They have about 10x the health pools of Dullahan each.

I play a Diev Doctor. My class has, as per expectancy, fallen off at lower level world bosses where burst classes are reigning in over damage over time ones.

Let’s refocus the thread back to world boss hunting and not discussion of WB changes. I’m sure the new players who wanna learn a thing or two would prefer not to wade through piles of debate. @MrPeep (Rubiss merely responded)

You’re part of the problem if you think the way things are now is okay. Period.

Having cubes for the 5 selected players and their parties is okay.
What need to change is how theses 5 players are selected.
Currently, theses are top 5 players. I think it would be a good start to randomize it based on the DPS. Like if the top DPS deals 20% of the damage, he will have 20% chance of being selected for the first selection, then we move to the second selection, etc… until the fifth selection.
In this scenario, the top DPS has something like 20%*(1+80%+80%^2+80%^3+80%^4)~67% chance of being selected. That’s way better than the current 100% imo… And it should spread the cubes to more parties :slight_smile:

edit :
You could add a hard limit too. Something like, “a player can’t have more than 10% chance of being selected”.

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YES, lets bring communism back, everyone DESERVES something :slight_smile:

Let’s get loot just by touching mob or pretending to heal random people :slight_smile:

The system is great the way it is now, it forces you to make specialized character to hunt bosses and get better gear than rest of the people, who don’t have that kind of ambition, or fail to find a party with a good dps.

You get rewarded with better gear for making more effort than others, what is wrong with it?

Why do you want to just have everything without effort? Anyone can make a full dps character, there is no wall there.

You don’t want to do it, it is fine, you won’t get benefits.

well but we want more diversity … we want supports and crafter … we want people to have fun, we still want competition and we want a reward for bringing more effort .
I dont think the solution should be :
Lets make a dps meter for the best build and make a advertise on the homepage "u wanna farm wbs … easy follow this guide make this charrakter and u can have fun with this ".



Reminder there’s more threads to rant in.

Let’s keep this one clean and discussion about how to actually secure your spot in a world boss area instead of complaining that other people has more time than you or you don’t like the current system.

I would complain also because I don’t have time and I’m a filthy casual cleric but let’s do that in the other threads.

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well right now its simple … i would say a1, r3 , f3 is the best solo dmg dealer for this … soo build only this :stuck_out_tongue:
If u happen to have a friend take some support with u… maybe depends on synergies of the supports the best dmg dealer switch to something else .
But because everyone should build a dd like stated above … the support should think about building a a1, r3, f3 too :stuck_out_tongue:


I dont know if it was this thread where i already talked about ro and mvping.
But to clear something up:
It was and is not based on last hit. Its a mixture of taken dmg, and dealt dmg.
So the only class lacked where Priests, because they usually have 0 dmg.
Still there was always the Monk class, which outdpsed any non ghost mvps.
The Lasthit thing was for the MvP Reward, and usually crap.

And i said, yes i remember the time, Top Guild Camping like Valkyrie, Ifrit, Beelzebub. With extreme respawntimes and GvG Relevant gear. And noone complained (well this isnt true, but it was widely accepted).
But still it was fun.
This game has to grow more, that this fun can get a chance to be the same.
But in my personal oppinion the guild system is shitty, firstly because only a single class can open one.
Time can change, gvg is still developing, lets wait for the future.

But, this is not ragnarok, Worldbosses are not comparable to MvPs.
And the drop system should have some tweeks, not 1 5man party can controll the whole loot, which is guaranteed.
If u compare it to ragnarok, remember like valkyrie, u needed 1-2 Partys which can hold 12 members iirc, and the boss dropped only once, or just nothing. Like 1 shield for 24 members etc.

All Hail RO-prerenewal MvPing. But dont compare it with ToS Worldboss :slight_smile:

No chance with your build, reroll to fletcher.

No bruh. Parties like me. :slight_smile:

Dullahan up every two hours?!! TIME FOR THE CARD HUNT!!! :open_mouth:

I don’t care about world bosses but I do care about this game staying alive.

Many studies have shown that 1% of every players in MMO are hardcore players.

So yeah let’s get the rest to quit and see if this game survive… Sadly, it’s also the reason why roughly 95% of the MMO that open every year don’t last more then a few years at best.

Of course MANY MMO that get released have crappy release like TOS. Good game, great ideas, but they lose too many players for silly reasons.

I just hope this one last as long as iRO.

I already don’t care about the field boss loot rule anymore, which is the most lame loot rule i ever experienced, and i have decided to stop my adventure at this game.

I shall not waste my money and time at the mmo game with such a loot rule.

Good luck to you.

you just predicted right my thought lol.

cubes should drop to all partiicpants but lower the drop rate to cubes that everyone can get. then have another cube /award multiple cubes to those who do the most damage ext. its the fairest way I can see of distributing them. everyone should be rewarded for participation if you a tank, a support or a DPS

Thanks for the post!

Is it possible to reincarnate world bosses, or backmask them back to life (is backmasking even fixed yet)? If so, is it possible to…like…just constantly respawn a boss with a bunch of chronos and cooldown reducers, HAHA (probably not but god I want to see that)

Also, do all bosses need some prerequisite to spawn, like Kubas?

Backmask does not resurrect field bosses from what I’ve seen. Reincarnate does work with a low success chance, an infinite number of times. It is possible to bring the field boss back to life with a low amount of health and reset the amount of damage contribution dealt to it.

Field bosses have been at this time, been able to been resurrected up to twice from what I’ve seen on Klaipeda with triple the loot in a single instance. Again, the success chance of this is fairly low.

Not all bosses require a prerequisite to spawn. Almost all of them just spawn naturally given time and a place.

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It was only based on damage dealt. If you dealt 51%(anf the mvp didnt heal) you’d get mvp. Long time monk/champ player