Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS Bossing Changes - IMC fails again

well if the developer are so stupid and give the best wb drop of alll wbs to cerberus it can’t be helped i would say …
And well an mmo needs some freedom to stand out …
If this game would have a filter u can login only for 1 hr a day and do some stuff would anybody be really happy ? oO
Well even with a change like every ■■■■■■■ bot who hits one time gets a cube and all drops are worth nothing anymore would be a better game expierience !!!

While I agree that something had to be done with world bosses and that boss hunters monopoly is awful but it’s the really lazy solution to the problem, well as always, gz IMC. Now those who farmed a lot and kept their drops will earn even more silver than before and those who cried will have it even harder to get theirs gear.

Well if it changed then clearly it wasn’t just NA players complaining about it. If it was something like that then we would have this right now. No point in blaming the forumers it was going to happen anyway, and look it did.

Well i hate this change the most but we will see … so how the company works it will be just a rotation :stuck_out_tongue:
u take 280 chars and mix them with twinks …
and than u change for the easy going there will nothing change

Good change I hope it comes here. Needs to be tweaked a bit but its a nice start.

I bet half of the guys being irritated by the change are perfectly happy with the current system.
Sorry guys, current system is lame as hell. Imc may not have chosen the best alternative, but this change is still better than the current system.
If you really wanted to improve the system, you would have united and lobbyed for a better one.

So far, the suggestions having the most success were the ones harming the boss hunters the much.
Some suggestions were more conservatives, you should have supported then.
Mandatory link : World Bosses, and what you should know approaching them (Updated 9/20 - Fade myth reproven)

I like the change. Thanks for the news!

i have posted in a lot of topics about this … and jeah its true the current system don’t really work …
But with this a lot of the hardcore ones will quit …
And it does not give that much more to the casual gamers :stuck_out_tongue:
especially if its true and this debuff will not count for the easy to find bosses like dulla

A bunch of hopeless delirious losers think they have a right to decide how boss hunting should work. I’ll pass.


So essentially you’re upset the system can’t be monopolized and feel the need to publicly complain about the inclusion of other players in rewards you feel don’t belong in their dirty casual hands. Well said /s


I hope we get this change asap in iToS too. <3


You do realize… our community had nothing to do with this change right? Otherwise it’d had come here first. A lot of people probably QQ’d to Nexon. This doesnt mean IMC will follow

Hey mom, please pay my bills so i can “compete” in world bosses ranking 20 hours a day. im sure IMC will reward me with “world boss competition award 2016” someday and ill make you proud.


There’s an issue if a small minority can ruin a feature for the majority. Glad to see that the company realized and fixed it sooner rather than later.

@Zilox: This message was sent on reply directly, on accident. Was meant to be just a general response to the thread. Sorry. :slight_smile:

I think the cooldown effect would have been good, were it eight hours per boss instead of global. This would give other players two spawns after any given set of players to get loot, before any given set of players could return on the third respawn in the day. Also being able to log out or at least play an alt while the cooldown runs would’ve been nice.

In any case, these changes do not affect the gimmick boss Dullahan and a few other low level bosses, and so fights like that will still be “monopolized”.

Perfect!! Love this change <3


if every boss would have a seperate timer this would be something entirly different …
I still believe the better choice would be to incease the amount of loot first :stuck_out_tongue:

Who is using barrier scroll? Don’t assumpt every one do the same from videos.

This seems to be a greedy call from them. For some reason, i did notice that you can open the cube many times in return of gold but it became useless because of how fast you can clear dungeon with boss rush.

In this perspective, getting a good loot from cube is already hard enough thus forcing you to open it again using gold and thinking the other way around it will force you to buy cash item to sell for gold.

Economy will be broken that way because it will lessen the stocks of each item.

IMC Sucks so hard that they’re becoming like ncsoft.