Tree of Savior Forum

World Bosses, and what you should know approaching them (Updated 9/20 - Fade myth reproven)

Lol. The only reason for a tank to get mvp is if the dps dies as he kills the mvp.

I can find you the code if u want, ive worked with eathena/rathena and hercules

No, it does not reset when dying like in ToS.
And a Tank can even MvP with just AAā€™ing while tanking.

MvP is not Loot.

And eathena is not 100% accurate, i have it myself, + i have originall Aegis, which is just harder to find the code, because its spaghetti.

Ive also checked aegis. And i know that if u die your damage stays, but if u die when the mvp dies you dont get mvp.

Anyhow, fact is in ro only 1 player gets the reward. At least on tos its 5 xd

That is true, dead persons are dead. :slight_smile:

Yes, and the loot usually isā€¦nothingā€¦eluā€¦nothingā€¦crap equip/weap worth 20z at npc.
And if we talk about prenewal, where mvping was interesting, mvp with worth loot, like valkyrie got Guild camped, and if a shield or armor dropped, still has do be shared with anyone.

I just lost line if ur pro or contra changing ToS loot system xD

But if you die and the MvP at the same time, and noone else is there, if strongly believe, you get MvP (with or without sign, could be its only displayed in chat ā€œyour mvp reward is 4234234234 exp and a Appleā€.
That im not 100% sure.

So the chance to get anything from a world boss is lowest than win the big prize of the lottery three consecutive times in a monthā€¦ nice, i will try to fix the performance of my builds to ignore any world boss drop, because when fp2 goes up, we will have no chance to get even dirt from the floor.

Im neutral tbh. I think it could be tweaked, but giving loot to everyone is a no-no for me.

k, were on the same line :smiley:

alert message appears only on current channel or for all?
most stupid thing in the world to check every channel on 2 locations.

Except with RO it was different. Iā€™ve played RO since alpha and the gear/MVPs you mentioned came after the community grown and have accepted that as the norm. Back before Trans came out or even 2-2, MVP gear was mostly for ā€œfunā€ and/or look(headgear); Of course with the exception of MVP cards.

Can you please use actual paragraphs and sentence structure. I canā€™t even read your response lol

Yeah alpha i didnt played, i started around when european servers opened i guess.
I dont know what MvP Loot except MvP cards was WoE relevant, like later valkyrie as a must have.
But card alone (except drake card :stuck_out_tongue: ) is and was always a reason for competition. And i think back in the days (alpha as u mention it) you couldnt really oneshot mvps as Monk :smiley:

I guess what Iā€™m trying to say is RO came out during a time where ā€œgamingā€ was kind of new so you donā€™t really know what to expect. ToS is currently out in the gaming age with ā€œcasualā€ mindset. ToS boss rewards need to cater to casual players or it will lose most of its player base.

I dont think this field boss hunting really a good system for new players or low-geared DPSā€¦
I rather let those boss be in a special dungeon and form a party of 10 men or so on to complete the mission so that everyone having the fun on boss huntingā€¦
As you know, alot of players complain that when near field boss they already lag them out badly till they freeze and i wonder how is this going to work if they wanna hunt?
Those lag,freeze and low-geared DPS will never got the chance unless the whole game already left ghost townā€¦
I wish that this system can really tweak well so that everyone can have fun with it instead of limit to only the strongā€¦

hello all.
i have a question about the field boss / map boss.
Iā€™m on Bellai Rainforest the server was started for 40 minutes.
i get the message the field boss appear.
i think field boss appears every 4 hours after the server restart?

The problem lies in the hands of people that already got what they need and are just camping the bosses with their full gear on just to make profit or perhaps just for fun, taking away the opportunity for others to get what they need too.

just my 2 cents: and saint, this was very well written and informative.

I did a bunch of bosses on kalipeda today and got a ton of cubes, even a karacha recipe. Iā€™m a level 197 wugushu pvp build, and honestly itā€™s not that terrible to try to get cubes when people are working together. out of nearly two dozen world boss encounters iā€™ve had since reset, iā€™ve only not had a group for one, and only missed cubes when the boss bugged out. obviously there werenā€™t tons of groups at these encounters as the bigshots have all moved on to bigger bosses, but I canā€™t stress enough the importance of just reaching out to people and getting a group together. itā€™s all about cooperation, and even if thereā€™s six full groups at the boss, if you all work together, you could easily get cubes for thirty people.

will you ever add the info that Fade wipes your damage contribution to the boss or was this proven to be false?

With the next update yes (Iā€™m in the wrong thread, but yes again Iā€™ll add a memo up there). Fade is still useful for general questing and PvP, but we 100% confirmed it true on stream in multiple tests that it wipes damage contribution. So does Cloaking and probably the Shinobi invisibility as well.

Thanks for confirming, it was fun watching you test your theory that time on Dullahan in your stream. Found this thread and thought it weird you didnt add it somewhere at top.

This thread in general can use a few updates, but Iā€™ve appropriately added a memo in the opening post about the mechanics of death, bosses, and loot, since itā€™s pretty important information, especially at the demon lord fights.