Tree of Savior Forum

World boss rebalance / drop sharing mechanics

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To make the world boss accessible to most people, just let every party that deal more than X damage get the cube.

Other than the cooldown debuff, these ideas sound terrible in my opinion… Maybe I’m missing something. I’m told the top 5 or 6 dps (and their party members) all get cubes meaning there’s already a potential 25/30 cubes being dropped. If you do, “a metric ton of damage” chances are you’re one of the top 5 dps and your party members will all receive cubes. If you don’t receive cubes, you are vastly overestimating your damage.

If everybody who participated in a world boss received a cube, the value of the items would decrease drastically. I’m not sure why you would play a gear/level progressing based MMO if you enjoy the “everybody wins” mentality.

If a premade is timing the boss spawn, you can do it too. It’s simply a matter of dedication and resources. The weekly server resets give you (basically) the time bosses spawn so make some friends who are interested and share the timers.

Taking world bosses out of the game (or making all of them instanced) removes the main competitive aspect of the game.

I like KToS’ idea of a debuff timer preventing you from receiving cubes for a specific duration after killing a world boss. It keeps it competitive but prevents one group from being too domineering.

cool down on cube is a fair share. Highest dmg take the prize might be unfair to those undergears.

@silverguy Highest damage dealers having a better chance of taking the prize is pretty much how most mmo’s work. Partying is always an option for support classes and classes that aren’t as well geared/higher leveled/more viable.What’s the point in leveling up and gearing if it grants no advantage? If you want to do higher damage, invest more time and effort into your character.

That’s why domination n unfair. And this game class is not balance too.

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I like idea number one. Maybe make cubes tiered so highest damage dealers get a cube with higher chances of item drop and so on and so forth until the lowest damage dealers get a cube with highest talt chance but still a slim chance of item or recipie drop. Might help make the game more social if anyone could participate in wb and feel rewarded, rather then people hoarding respawn times and monopolizing wb.

That’s a noob dps swordman talk or what ever fail build that didnt understood that making a character in tos is a challenge.
Continue qq please our popcorn need more salt

Poeple that have understood the mecanic makes team with wellthinked class composition.
well you will never understand anyway

less loot for you more loot for us !

i had enough of how this game turns into tree of harvest moon

I dont think someone that wants everybody getting rewards knows what it should be about. MMOs are competitive games, not only co-op.

Like i said in many other topics, the WBs cubes are working fine. In RO only the ONE Top dps get a cube and that was fine as well. This one here is a piece of cake.

Good. Excellent. Fight this more so you’ll burn that much harder when they change it :smiley:

That’s the MVP specific award ASIDE from every other potential drop.
That’s also an entirely different game where almost every MVP worth killing has amazingly specific requirements.

This game’s bosses are literally about stacking dps and moving away once every 5-10 seconds.

So let me make it abundantly clear how this ■■■■ works.

Say 30 people go in. Of those 30 people there are 6 who will do the most damage. The party limit is 5. If each of those people are in the exact same party, up to 10 cubes will drop (5 in one party, 1 in another party with 4 others)

Say the boss has 10.000.006 hp. Every player there does 1 million damage. Only those 6 do 1.000.001 damage. Only those 6 get boxes + whatever teams they are in, which is always just 2 teams here.

You can show up with 50 people (happens during peak) and still only 10 will get those boxes cos they did 1% more damage.

These parties never split up and divide best dps amongst the people there.

You can kick and scream and cry a lot and say what i suggest is terrible and call me names, yadda yadda, but Ktos has a functioning system and we don’t. There’s no competition here, only elitism. If i show up with a boss killing specific build, i only get invited into parties with other such specific builds. This automatically defeats the entire ■■■■■■■ dropsystem and therefore that ■■■■ has to change because i, and plenty of other people are ■■■■■■■ tired of wasting our time there.

Well, I guess thats exactly how it supposed to be. Just cause they change something, doesnt mean they wanted. They need to sell the game and profit, só dont tell me all the changes happens for good.

The ktos WB system is good, I like it. But you are wrong if you think it Will change anything. The competitive guilds Will just get more Fletcher alts and keep the cubes for them. Thats what MMOs are all about: winning. Not whinning, winning.

I was looking about it in ktos and find out there is a guild if one need for their members: Fletcher alts 225+. Thats it.

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Agreed on changes being needed. If even flippin’ Blade and Soul is doing a better job, then changes have to be made.

IIRC Blade and Soul guarantees you a drop as long as you’ve done at least 1% of the boss’s HP in damage. And if you die, you still keep contribution unless you respawn, in which case you just have to hit the boss once to get it back. Doing more damage means better drops, so there’s incentive to keep attacking…which also means that people with low DPS may not be able to do enough damage before the boss dies, but it’s still a better system than what we’ve got here. ._.

RO wasnt like this at the very start, and for a long time. Every single game become kind of p2w in the end, thats normal. It happened to RO, PW and many others, for sure.
The point isnt make it like RO, I’m just saying this is what MMOs should be.

I still like my idea QQ