Tree of Savior Forum

And so the rich get richer - 100 Dullahan cubes vol.2

Sorry for my out of topic reply :
I personally think that “neutral” option will be implemented after IMC release that guild battle feature (server vs server). @Pappus

So, declaring war against other guilds just to prevent them for doing something is not the best solution. All we can do now is giving IMC suggestions, feedbacks, while giving proofs that the current world boss system is really bad, which a lot of people already did.

From my side and my friends’s side, we don’t really mind if the developer change the world boss system in order to make more players, at least the majority of players who dislike the current system, to enjoy the game again. There are a lot of people who have already voiced their opinions at this forum. The dev team should already notice that a lot of players think that the current system is badly designed. So it’s up to them about what to do with the system. I just wish the dev team can act quickly to prevent this game from dying because a lot of people have been dissapointed so far by both the game design (unbalanced classes, world boss system, etc) and the game’s policies (market, trading restriction, etc).


We’ve done this dance before where you make claims and I post exactly what you said and you just ignore it when you get called out. You cherry pick things only convenient to your agenda so let’s leave it at that. It’s not my imagination that you’re complaining.

As for you, I’ve already dealt with you and established that you’re a non-factor so please. Don’t mistake my calling you out for your flawed Logic as an attempt for me to get his attention. He’s in my guild. I would call you out for your idiocy on any topic any time of the day. Diminish that however you want, with personal insults if you’d like… Whatever helps you cope.

The big issue I see is it is incredibly hard for people to even be close top what the top players a putting out dmg wise. The top groups have gear they also have money which means attributes. This alone makes it an uphill battle for people new to bossing. You cant compete in a reasonable to against max lvs that are funded to do even better. A good day of dulh farming by some max lvs is a couple easy mill in a few days after you can retrive silver. That silver is then put into attributes that give % dmg. So the groups already demolishing it do better every fw days while the people attempting to catch up fall behind more. The people unable to cube have to buy drops from the groups beating them purpetuating the gap betwen them becuase the funding is from the players trying to make gear to even compete. Its like teaching your bully how to better beat you up x.x

Then you also have to thnk max lvs camping low lv worldbosses because they refuse to chalenge higher lv bosses its kinda adorable.

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What if people could only get one cube per world boss per day?

That would limit the campiness of world bosses or force people to at least make multiple boss-killing characters. It would allow players who aren’t total monsters at boss-camping/killing a chance to actually get a cube without having insane specifications. :0

ToS already limits a lot of daily things (dungeon access, party quests, etc) so I don’t see why they shouldn’t limit worldboss cube accumulation to prevent elite campers from monopolizing the world boss economy.

I haven’t read this whole thread super in depth so maybe someone already said this. If so, sorry for double-posting it. :x

This would screw the economy even more creatin even more scarcity and hordeing of boss drop infalting prices higher. People have a demand for the mats but supply is low. Make supply lower demand is still there prices go up . Basic econmics

You know, brothers and sisters can love each other. It happens, you shouldn’t be ashamed of it.
Go, go, go to him, knowing that you have all my support ! Here, take this rose and declare how blossoms this fire in your heart !
You can’t keep it in yourself longer, you have to let it go ! And follow this sweet music called love !

Maybe you’d be interested in my suggestion ?

I think that your statement operates under the assumption that the campers are the only ones hunting the bosses. The items would still come into existence, they would just be dispersed between other players besides the elite boss hunters. Preventing people from hoarding items through monopoly doesn’t mean there will be fewer of the items, it just means the items will be more widely dispersed. Why is that an issue?

That good day comes rarely tho. If I wanted to I can also farm dullahan 24/7 and get guaranteed cubes but my heart can only take so many f*cking talt a day. I’m at the point where getting talt is actually discouraging me from playing(have only gotten talt from cubes and extra rolls since day 1).

Exactly my point that you’re a non-factor here. You have nothing useful to contribute. Thank you for proving it.


You will actually like the marionette world boss then :smiley: talt isn’t in the drop table, and she has ~50% chance of dropping a complex gear :slight_smile:

No use explaining that to them. They see cubes and they think = godly gear = you wiping your butt with silver pieces no matter how inconvenient and uncomfortable it sounds.

I dunno, I don’t think it needs to be so complicated. I’m personally all for the GW2 model of “anyone who participates is rewarded” but I know most of the elitist tryhards here are completely against that concept. I think it should either be “everyone who participates is rewarded” or “you can only get 1 cube per character per day from each world boss.”

The way it is now is reminding me too much of why I hate American economics and I’m getting triggered.

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I still agree the system is flawed tho, I don’t understand this meeting in the middle of casual and hardcore system. I say either fully cater to casual or fully cater to hardcore; Either make bosses only give drop to the best damage there or more than top 6 damage gets it.

This is not a bad idea, I liked the GW2 system. You can make it where the top X to X damage gets better cubes with higher drop rate and everyone else gets the “lower” cube. It caters to everyone and does not kill the market.

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I think i saw a nice suggestion a couple of posts before, give a world boss a timer too, make it spawn the same, every 2-3 hours but flag the user like in a dungeon flags you, you can only do 3 WB per day or something. would make it fair-ish and give more people a chance at it.

Even WoW had this world bosses at its early stages, but it spawned every 5 days or so.

Make the cubes available for everyone but rig the chances. There lol

The world boss system is total garbage.

Getting mad at people playing the game is even more garbage.

Jace is a good guy. He barely ever level because he has months to do that before expansion. The smart thing would be to make as much money as you can now, before 700 people are at dulahan all the time. Now he is making smart moves. His group will out dps almost any group you bring. I have ran with him mutiple times. He’s a good guy.

World Bosses now only spawn in a special channel where PK is allowed.

There I fixed the world bosses wow that was hard

Now please IMC go fix your optimization issues thanks

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1 .of all wbs in wow … where just for fun :wink:
2 .the WoW boss was flaged after the first hit for the raid .
3. there were so much other stuff u could do in wow.
4. The bosses needed a pretty strong grp
5. if another grp interfered with the encounter they were put in jails for days by gms .
There was one who got into godmode if 41 people attacked so if some guys had fun to attack him ones they could kill the raid and this was used and punished right away … it took not even hours before they got punished :stuck_out_tongue:

If u could raid and have fun with dungeons and mission for the same time and amount like in wow really no one would ever complain that this bosssystem is ■■■■■■ . Than no one would care about never see a WB in their gaming expierience.