Tree of Savior Forum

Where is the compensation for a full week of dungeon disconnects?

I don’t see how making a child out of yourself on the forums is doing anything for anyone. If anything, you’re chasing players away by screaming here like this. You’re first post has little argument, just high volume through the use of giant, bold font, and lots of exclamation points. It makes you look like a baby to me, period. It doesn’t help that you ignored the rest of my post in order to cry even more by focusing on one thing I said.

I wouldn’t mind some form of compensation, and I don’t like that I spent money on a game that has server stability issues, but acting like this doesn’t do anything for anyone. Grow up, you little ■■■■! IMC can’t solve its problems immediately, they have more than one problem on their slate, and as I understand it, they’re a small team. So please, chill the ■■■■ out :slight_smile:

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I agree many things are not as they should be, but you need to inform yourself better. This is early access to a beta (a paid beta if you prefer), just as the announcements have called it. This is clearly not a finished product and no body has said it is.
And you are being “charged” for anything. The moment you paid for early access you must have known that this was a beta and understood what that meant.
You might as well have waited for release if you wanted a “finished product”.

@Topic: Some dungeon resets would be nice…

Kept getting CommanderLoadFail every ■■■■■■■ time that I get matched up into a party. Twice already today, not sure why I even bother anymore. Not a single word from the ■■■■■■■ staff member regarding this issue, shows how much they care. I find myself logging on less and less these days since I can’t do dungeons or missions. I guess I will stop logging on past May 24. Give us an update on yet another issue?

@STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_J

Yup, except that not. Find me at the Steam page one, ONE mention to this being a paid beta. This was NOT advertised as a beta on Steam.

It was advertised as early access on Steam, which might as well translate to beta. The page clearly stated that the game was not released to the public yet and paying to get in now was a head start. That notwithstanding, which MMO have you played that hasn’t had issues? I’ve never heard of one, even the most popular MMOs have had massive glitches that affect classes or gameplay in general.

You just didn’t care to inform yourself. The link on the DLC points you to the information.

WHERE? The link on the DLC page points to this:

There’s no question about open beta, there’s absolutely nothing saying it’s an open beta. Please stop saying the words “inform yourself”, it’s annoying as ■■■■ and there was no visible information anywhere.

EDIT: In fact, the apologectic message on that thread’s quote is:


Nope, this is early access to the full release.
From Steam;

Steam very clearly stated the game was going f2p, so it’s pretty obvious given the current trend with early access games that you aren’t getting a complete product. I agree that it’s stupid that gaming companies do this, but it’s nothing worth complaining about here.

Read the Edit.


It’s not an open beta because it’s not open, you have to pay. Duh, dude! :slight_smile: Many companies call it “early access” nowadays, you just got scammed because you can’t put the two together. Like I said, it sucks that it’s like this, but it very clearly is. The gaming industry only does it because people have no patience and will throw money at unfinished games. And again, MMOs have historically been ridden with glitches and issues; it’s the challenge of having a limited development team running a massive game being played simultaneously by thousands of players.

P.S. you didn’t really get scammed, I’m just trying to level with you.

Because it’s not an open beta…

My bad I assumed you guys followed the forums from before Steam DLC where up.

You do realize that “open beta” on that announcement was most probably meant to be written “free to play” as it’s consistent with ALL THE REST OF THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE - especially because this is the only mention to an open beta in a ton of posts where “open beta” is not used because it was dropped - right?

EDIT: Seriously, they say with all the letters here there won’t be an open beta because reasons. You may keep clinging to whatever two words on a sole announcement you wish, but it won’t change the fact that THERE WILL BE NO OPEN BETA AS THEY DECIDED ON A FOUNDER’S SERVER.

So what’s your complaint?

That we still can’t enter dungeons/instances correctly, CommanderLoadFail and DC from inside dungeons.
(Save SEA!)

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  1. That an unfinished product is sold as founder’s server, with all the implications
  2. That someone said “inform yourself” to me when they should have informed themselves first. :grin:

Defining the game as “open beta” just gives people an excuse to defend their beloved imc.

I would say this game can be better as time goes. But all the complains are legit at the moment because imc really did a bad job for a paid access.

It was not meant to be anything else. That’s what it was, or is.

Now, you can see how they hide the name of the game’s state on all other announcements, very cleaver of them… Oh and since you are so salty about it let me add that if you had informed yourself about all this you would have known it’s an early access to a beta.

Have a good night :smiley:

Same glitch/bug happening to me quite often this week.

Cool story, bro, but it needs more information. BTW, I’m saving your username so when they announce free to play with no beta, I’ll PM you two hundred times.