Tree of Savior Forum

Weekend Double EXP Event (Feb 17-18, 2018)

Weekend Double EXP Event (Feb 17-18, 2018)

Simply interact with the Kupole NPC near the Fishing Spot in the city of Klaipeda during the event period to receive two times the EXP gains on all your characters!

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I don’t think it’s right to call this event “Double EXP Event” when it’s actually add 100% bonus to base EXP, you don’t get your EXP doubled since there is a lot of other bonus and they’re not multiplicative.

nice¡¡ time to lvl up my alts

TY @system

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Are we having this every other weekend? This will be a nice feature and propbably attract more players who have difficulty leveling.

We’re considering about the various EXP event :smile:
We’ll inform you when we have more EXP events :wink:

I think the event is broken.

Getting “item is not enough” when attempting to talk to this NPC.

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Did a little more testing. Turns out this NPC will eat talt in exchange for 1 hour 50% xp buffs. That number (of talt consumed) increases by 1 every time you ask for the buff. (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> etc)

I thought it was supposed to be 48 hours of 100% xp bonus for free? This is awful.

Also buff disappears when you swap characters.


They could’ve warned us… :roll_eyes:

If we knew beforehand, it wouldn’t be frustating…


Seriously. To be told 100%, 48 hours, all characters free and actually get 50%, 1 hour, 1 character, 1talt per request is just insulting.

They’ve run 100% weekends twice in the last month, I don’t understand why it’s so hard to do it a 3rd time.

I just did the math for the 16 characters on my account to get what was promised, I’d need to spend 18,816 talt, which would still only get me 50% xp, so double it again to get 37,632 talt.

Now this is a bit disingenuous because you can’t possible be playing 16 characters at a time, but I don’t really care. That’s what was promised me. I’ll happily accept my 188 mil silver as compensation :slight_smile:


Well, in their defense, they didn’t say it’s free and lasts 48 hrs… Ah who am I kidding?! Even the best lawyer in the world cannot defend this…

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F ock IMC, more and more stupid, it is not written in event page that u need talt
No communication between the devs and the team lol
Or is GM going to update the event page ?

I wonder if GM can do one whole week of announcement without having to correct and update the pages ?

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It doesnt say anything about talt?? and the picture shows 100% exp, why do they lie so hard?


Please, meme with correct and complete data:

Unique players in last 2 weeks is actually going up in the last days after the Merge announcement:

CCU is relative to people doing mostly Saalus after they’re done with game r9 content update that happened in December which explains the change in CCU.

Thank you for deceiving everyone again, IMC.

Can you show what is orange and green ? There is no indications.
New players are just veteran making alt account for saalus shards, it doesn’t prove anything.
The real indicator is still number players at the same time, the peak players.
The peak players doesn’t rise but new account rise, can also means like I said veteran making alt account for saalus with exp bonus up to 4 chars, you make a lvl 330+ in just 1 day
Even dungeon 300 it is nearly impossible to do at night, no one does it. You have to wait 30+ min.
Shouldn’t be night time the peak moment ? Not at all. They don’t do dun 300 for alt account

It isn’t only about new players. It’s about people playing.

And here what’s each thing is:

Yeah, unfortunately Fedimian have those problems. Klaipeda is a little better, altho still not as great.

Most people actually only do Saalus, not dungeons.

It’s misleading, it lacks information. The information is real but we do have 35k+ players currently. Both should be used together.

Simply because not everyone does dungeons but they do other types of dailies. They participate in the game economy and other things. You just have different interests than other people currently in the end-game. But that doesn’t make those people not exist.

Just look here:


52% of voters actually doesn’t do dungeons in the game, yet does other dailies.

So the unique account logging in in a day is 35k?
It is hard to believe.
Maybe the data is unique chars :stuck_out_tongue:


What his stupid steamspy chart is showing is the number of connections done in the past 2 weeks. Just that, launch game once and BAM you are somehow a “unique player”. Which means new bot accounts, people who just login to check the market, etc, basically people who barely play the game.

In any case, what matters a lot more is how charts evolve over time. And what is clear is that the population is going down no matter what metric you use. Of course he won’t show you the evolution of his dumb chart (the max you can get is 90 days, which is not enough at all. While steamcharts gives you all the data it has). He’ll only be showing you 2 weeks of data, which is 100% useless.