Tree of Savior Forum

Updated FAQ on the Latest Announcement

Do not forget that there are also cash shop…

I don’t want any of token benefits. I want buy hairstyles and outfits. (But I want to trade hats with friends)
Casual player will be a high part of the player base.

IMC, you really think of a casual player buying hairstyles, outfits, other cash shop items and even a token???

Even Blizzard will fail so hard with this nonsense system.
And Archeage case not say you anything?

PD: @greenfoxy21 for president!

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I think the additional movement speed is a token feature nobody really wants or needs. That could be removed…and instead change the trading system some more. Remove the potential loss when trading with the shared storage. Yes, hide some features behind a paywall, but at least make them rewarding when people pay for it. The potential loss is a showstopper imho


they could just focus on making cosmetics for money since people do love kawaii (cute) stuff. in Dungeon Defender II people buy cosmetics even if it cost $40 ( 1 set of costume ) even though some complains, they know that the dev dont have any other means of getting income aside from selling cosmetics.

i know that people can afford buying $30~$40 cosmetics as long as the design is good else make it like $5 for rental (30 days) or $15 for permanent.
can also sell unique emoticons (whole body moves not just simple duckface stuff)

people will understand that and will support it even free users will put like $5 - $15 if IMC can provide the features that we really really need but restricted by a cash item


I want it.

Then people would just complain about how P2W that is :joy::ok_hand:

It’s ot even noticeable. Even in pvp.

There’s other things that give you way way more speed.
And 3 movspeed is just ridiculus xD…

10% increase … rather then that they should give you the ability to ride companions, which give 20% movement speed bonus. Outside of PvP and will dismoutn itself when takeing damage.

(riding, no attacking. Just for horse movement bonus other games sell too. And with great sucess!)


This sounds wrong.
I don’t see why Team Storage itself would even need any kind of limitations at all (it’s a core feature that greatly affects character-path decisions in the team-picture and makes everything A LOT more friendly and convenient), but at the very least in this case, you should be able to TAKE OUT the item and just not be able to put anything into the team storage after your Token runs out ^^"

Feel like same “train of thought” was lacking when trading was developed.

Why enable/disable trading as a whole instead of setting different kinds of limits “what”/“how much”/"# per day" you can drag into the trading window?

Also, could you please take a look at the thread in suggestions area on this topic? :3


I agree completely. And I am happy people are talking about the shared storage system. Lets hope it will be adjusted for the international release.



So, are the founder hats tradeable? If they are untradeable, can I still put them in the team storage? What is their potential?

If they are tradeable, can they be sold in the market?

So that’s why my 1.5GBs “patch update” on ToS disappeared and it went from “updating” to “preloading”. (sigh)

They are tradeable(on market for sure), 5 potentiall.

On kToS they cost ~15m though(good ones).


A friendly reminder to you f2p forever token haters, they can be sold on the market, by players, for silver. It’s a lot like EVE’s plex system.

They’ll be expensive, for sure, but nothing you won’t be able to afford at high levels. Unlike the headgear scrolls - those are going to be complete and total p2w.

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trading 1:1 only you have token, is big issue for most players
the best way to prevent gold seller, is block option for trading gold and only allow interchange between players lvl 30+ for example

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Damn Julie, that seems like a bold face lie to me. I cannot speak for the korean betas that occurred before the International betas. But in the international betas we could trade silver and items freely and price things how we saw fit on the market. And even if trading wasn’t available in those betas it wouldn’t matter as you the staff have told us we are supposed to be different from Ktos.

Ignore a system other mmos have used for years that has worked as reference?

I feel as though your not being very reasonable.


There even was a wonderful thing called “Buy-in shops” !


will we have an open beta before the early acess of march 29?
“…we will announce the Early Access and Open Beta dates separately.”

@thebloodyaugust That or Julie doesn’t know anything about TOS

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No. The Open Beta is after the Early Access. It starts on April 28th

idk if you’ve been made aware — or if I am misinterpreting your quote, but silver is untradable — even between 1:1 token users, silver can not be traded — there is no feasible method of giving your alternate characters silver.

Our teams are every man for themselves! :smile: (<-sarcasm)


“no feasible method”

The option you mention is a way, but it is neither convenient nor easy… nor good really. :sob:

I’d much rather they try something similar to your other suggestions. Let my team be a family!
Big momma swordy just wants to be able to help her new born wiz baby when the time comes. :cry:

Actually there is one way, though it’s taxed hard. You can buy very expensive item from the market, transfer it to your alt and then sell at a lower price. This way you’ll lose like 40% of the money but eventually transfer it to your character.

Though I’ve posted a suggestion about enabling limited silver transfer (like 10000 at level 1 + 2000*1.01^lvl per level, up to level 200) but restricting AH trading for lower level(below 200) characters instead, so they won’t be able to sell items higher then their level for example.

It will help you to more easier support your alts but prevent them from recieving excessive amounts of money.

Maybe a good idea would be adding Interaccount silver stash from which every character would be able to get capped amount of money.

So before level 200 money you can recieve from stash should be capped by level (so you won’t be able to recieve more money until you levelup), and past level 200 it will be current max cash + 15000/lvl PER MONTH (~2.5m silver per month for every character lvl 280).

This will help a lot, I assume.