Tree of Savior Forum

Updated FAQ on the Latest Announcement

You can not judge a game by it’s predecessors. If you want to play a WoW clone or a classic MMORPG. You can jump ship. If you would rather support the game knowing everything I’ve quoted above, by all means do this.

If you have these kinds of expectations on future mmorpgs they will not grow, change or offer something different.

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Players complain all MMORPGs are the same.

Developers make one that’s different.

Players complain that an MMORPG is different from the others.




ban plssssssssssss

They limit many thing such as market, trading to counter bot. Blame bot for that.

It’s a basic feature of any multiplayer game, and they still have it, they’ve just put up a paywall. It’s not surprising that people are mad, it’s an expected feature that they want you to pay for.
(I assume this is still about 1:1 trading)
The point is, putting up a paywall for the same function you get in other games is not different.

My opinion is that people should think for themselves and form their own objective opinions on the game from playing it. If someone can justify such a system is required and has a work around that doesn’t damage the economy in any way by making these ‘conveniences’ too accessible. By all means.

I’m not saying they are wrong. But from playing the game, even though I would prefer a 1:1 trading system for f2p players. I can not still after playing for hundreds of hours justify it with a solution.

The accessibility of Token to f2p players alone is adequate. But making it clear to new players that they can buy Tokens with silver is something they need to show players that they can do. It’s not out of reach and it doesn’t take that long either as long as you are committed enough. @Staff_Julie


There are still many ways for gold seller.
for me, i’m thinking 2 ways :

  • Via Market, gold buyer sell worthless item with high price then gold seller buy it.
    idk it’s restricted now for sell worthless item for high price or not, also you need silver when you put item in market ( idk what % ), the higher price you put, more silver you need.

  • Sell bot ID or ID that has many silvers to gold buyer.
    Cons is you need make new character from beginning ( not good option tough ).

Its a simple, i can’t buy any DLC, because IMC don’t talk about char’s transfer…i dont want play into ghost server after open all regional servers., sell or not, but this service will have to be.:sunglasses::relaxed:

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I appreciate what you’re saying, honestly, and at this point we are just waiting to actually play the game and test the features.
The games not even out and people are going crazy about potential P2W mechanics, I imagine most of this will die down after they give us the game…

I suggest to not take most of the complaints seriously as it’s not something we’ve even experienced yet. (My complaints included.)

On the other hand, at least people care about this game and don’t want to see it fail.

@Staff_Julie is looking into this.

Excellent. Pretty good news all around. I’m glad 1 to 1 trading will be locked behind something. That and the ability to sell tokens on the market for silver will shove a stick into the gold seller’s gears by reducing demand for their services and making their services more difficult to lose.

Not a solution, the debates raging on the forums are clear about that. But it slows them down a bit.

yes mostly the Market method
goldsellers will charge more for x silver and the buyers will still buy it regardless of the limitation and tax. example would be they will sell 1m silver and noted that you will only receive 70% of it for a price of $30

no matter how you restrict players to prevent bots and goldsellers, they will still find ways to go around it. no damage to bots and goldsellers but a heavy damage to free users and paying users that doesnt buy token much

restrict market to 1 time a week or a day they can create multiple accounts. disabling market to free users will prevent it somehow but still the goldsellers wont give up and again, it heavily damages the f2p users because of a paywall to use a feature that is default to almost all MMO games even co-op games or simple online games (Dungeon defenders I)

Exactly. Nothing will prevent bots…absolutely nothing. All those ideas on how to block bots will just annoy the real players?

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if people think that this will prevent bots and goldsellers heavily then they haven’t think about how it damages the real players both free and paying users.

we should compare this to other mmo based on the default feature a game should have and not everything. example would be the pay to win mechanics. we should check other MMO how they lessen the p2w mechanics or how they tried to avoid it and make our own based on it. being unique on an MMO is pretty hard to make especially if the unique part is about features

Did you just contradict yourself?

There goes all the fun in trading with strangers when you luckily spot him picking an item you want and he doesn’t while you have what he wants.

also rip varv skin selling D:

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Bit of a correction here, as 1:1 trading was present in the kCBT’s, kTest, iCBT1 and iCBT2. It was only taken out of the game just weeks before kOBT on kTest.


[quote=“web_nervepress, post:322, topic:153003, full:true”]
If you have these kinds of expectations on future mmorpgs they will not grow, change or offer something different. [/quote]

Sacrificing a crucial gameplay mechanic to help stop bots is not a fair trade. Not everything needs to change. Have you never heard the saying “If it’s not broke don’t fix it”? There is nothing wrong with 1:1 trading for it to need to be changed.

While we’re changing things that don’t need to be changed, why stop there? Lets cut the bots off at their source - Remove all currency from the game. No one can buy anything. You make or find it yourself or you don’t get it. No wait, then bots could sell items. Alright, we’ll also delete all items. That way the bots have nothing to sell. While we’re at it, lets try an MMO with no levels or stats. How about one with no fighting or monsters? Oh, here’s a good one. Lets make an MMO with no party system or interaction with other players, you have to do everything solo.

Saying you shouldn’t compare it to previous games is just asinine. Everything is compared to the things that came before them, that’s how we learn from our mistakes. You compare the thing to the thing that came before it and say “Hm, is this better or worse?” If it’s better, congratulations, learn from that and continue improving. If it’s worse, you need to learn why it is worse, fix it, and never do that again. And taking away trading from free users is definitely worse than having trading for free users. Why do you think EVERY MMO has 1:1 trading? Because it works. Because it’s a good system that everyone likes.

In the future, new MMO games will be compared to this one just like this one is being compared to past MMOs, and the devs of those future games will say “Oh, that game tried to kill trading, a huge aspect of MMOs since the dawn of time and a major component of the social aspect they rely on to survive and it died because of it. We better not do that.”


Exactly this. It was one of the features ingame from the beginning. It was then later locked away…

You cab buy all 3 of them and redeem all 3 at 1 server or at different servers as you wish. But you can’t spread 1 pack between servers.