Tree of Savior Forum

Unofficial Rogue Nerf Megathread + Class Discussion

I know that you guys wanna optmize the DPS of a build but, in the end is all about playstyle. Even that one class/rank does a little bit more damage than other, play with you feel comfortable. That’s all that matter :slight_smile: Let’s all be friends <3


Sigh* I’m really really starting to question your credibility when you give or teach other people stuff. I am grateful about the stuff you told me about the ridiculous scaling of STR and how Magic Arrow gets increased cooldown due to it’s attribute, but I seriously question your judgement when it comes to choosing what’s most efficient and what’s best.

First, how can facts be theorycraft? I literally gave you the base damage:cooldown of both skills. Those are facts, they are not theorycrafted because theory means not 100% sure while the numbers I gave is what exactly the skill does.

You see, there’s the problem. You are comparing Twin Shot’s damage burst to Spiral Arrow’s burst when obviously, Twin Arrow’s advantage is it’s SUSTAINED DPS, not how much damage it does PER use. I can’t believe you do that kind of comparing, with that kind of logic, we must all hail Meteor or Agony of Pole because they do tons of damage in 1 go w/o considering the cooldown.

Now you’re starting to compare a low rank class such as Archer to a high rank class which is Fletcher? You do realize that you’re being ridiculous AND desperate now aren’t you?

Nevertheless. Barbed Arrow is situational, what will you do when a WB with tons of HP is not cloth or leather armored? Spam Bodkin? The problem with Fletcher C3 is you max your best skills which is Crossfire, Magic Arrow and Barbed leaving you only 5 skill points remaining so don’t tell me you got enough skill points to max even Bodkin so you get more sustained DPS. Your argument that you can spam both Barbed and Bodkin is invalid.

In some cases, true, Archer C3 might not compliment well a build that includes Fletcher C3 due to Fletcher’s 0s spammables but that’s only the case as long as Barbed is effective on the enemy being discussed. When enemy is not leather or cloth type, you can get more DPS by having an Archer C3 on your build.

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What should i max for rogue 2 other than backstab ? I don’t see vendetta and other skills are good atm. I only have feint, backstab and sneakhit… anything else i can get ? ty in advance :wink:

Lv1 Capture for occasional bursts with the help of your allies or if you got skills that can be captured like Throw Gu Pot, Flare Shot etc. Don’t bother with Evasion buff.

how bout Lachrymator this skill ?

Totally forgot about this skill … It’s fine for crowd control I guess in some situations. It can do abit of damage too by learning it’s attribute.

Some stuff about [lachrymator].

  1. The damage from the attribute is fixed. If you have lv 1, the skill will do 1 damage per tic. Elemental damage works. Bless works (forgot to check sac).

  2. It does not affect flying or bosses.

how many levels would you recommend me to get btw ?

IMHO, I would say 1. If you are sure you have 9 more points to spare then go for 10 because it more than doubles the duration. It has a 60 sec cd though. 8 sec is more than enough to cut down a dungeon pull to a manageable size.

As for the attribute, you can skip it entirely. I mean seriously, what is 100 damage every 2 sec (basically 400 damage) at the lv you reach rank 6 (btw that lv 176-177 give or take a few lvs). It’s a waste of silver unless there is some amazing combination it has with something.

It would be more accurate and realistic to include the “unload” time of all 5 over heats. So its practically 1000%+3200 every 10-12s? depending on ping -just a feed back, great job overall

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I was actually planning to add this earlier but I thought, even if this was taken into consideration, Twin Arrow is still clearly the winner and the fact that you get Multi-Shot Lv15 and Swift Step: Critical makes it overall the better choice compared to investing more ranks on Ranger.

Giving it a final chance,
Twin Shot technically having 11s average cooldown due to casting animations. (1000%+3200)/11s
= 91%+290 damage per sec.
While Spiral Arrow technically having 38s average cooldown due to casting animations. (1200%+2160)/38s
= 31%+57 damage per sec.

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so archer c2 vs ranger c3,which one is better?crt on swift step looks very good too

Since you’re already Ranger C2, there’s not much really other choice than to go for Ranger C3.

hmmm thanks. btw do u know how arde dagger works on.archer with no fire attack?i see alot of them using it

Arde Dagger’s 153 fire attack adds up to every legit hit you do. For example, for each arrow of Barrage, Arde will add 153 fire damage to each. If the damage was originally 1000, it becomes 1153 each.

wow i thought its not additional dmg…and how about scouts fluflu, i try to cc.the mobs and its useless…they still attack me

You need to go invisible after casting Flu-Flu to see it’s full effect.

……wow kk,i thought its like a hard cc, at least fears

It also saves your whole party against dungeon mages(like the 190 dungeon), they literally just stand inside the smoke.

On your other notes, pretty much the saving grace of my rogue c2 was my Archer c3. It allowed my musketeer to deal burst and consistent DPS. Having feint lvl 10 allows me to have minimal dex but still have 100% crit rate.

My twin shot allows consistent semi-burst/dps during the downtime of my musketeer skills.

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hey dream can you also give some gearing tips? like what should you get before hunting WBs. and from what level you should be getting good gears? if you can point out some good and not hard to get archer gear that would be great!