Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Lag - The Search For More Lag

i agree with the OP 100%, experience the same thing except i play with .200 ping normally and now its at .400 - .500 its just not playable. i enjoy it, but im just fustrated because i of the server issue… so yeh its put me off from playing.

this is practically the only issue ive had since founders launch, did experience quest bugs but that didnt bother me.
and now im over it untill it gets fixed, well if it ever does…

Not fine at all :3

In the video I only carve once. The character carves the statue in 2 secs, the owl statue is out… then server rollback to the uncarve state, stun the character in position for 1-2 secs, then does the carve animation for another 2secs and finally the statue is out.

In the usual state within 2 secs the statue would be completed, not 6 secs.

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I don’t think it’s REALLY related to ping / latency.

The hosts can probably handle all the players. But the ToS server itself can’t handle it due to poor coding.

These “lags” feel more like 3+ seconds delays when the ping doesn’t really go nearly that high (you can feel it really strong especially when talking to NPCs).

Yes R.I.P. my A2QS3SR.
Charching MS lvl.10 normal ~1sec…now 4-5sec.
Same with Concentrated Fire.
Running Shot?Useless now because i hit with the ASP from a Staff using Wizard.
I play now LinkerChrono…

The lagg seems out of control. Some server are unplayable as it seems. Some are just laggy as hell…

On weekends it gets worse for me. After maint. the lagg is better (not gone, but better and playable) The morning hours is quite laggfree, too. (I am a student so, I can play in the morning sometimes)
My ping has hiccups. Its from 30ms ~ 500ms sometimes 1-2 seconds. I am living like 100km away from the server. I should get a ping around 25~35 but, its mostly never under 100ms.
Playing from Germany on EU Server Fedimian.
Sometimes I have the same Ping as if I would still play on the NA Kleipeda server.

My Characters effected are:
-Diev c2 :
Carve does not work properly, Heal tiles show after 3~5 seconds

-Archer2 Sapp2:
Multishot needs a lot of time till it is charged completely (to lvl10). (I have that quick chatge attribute but it needs more time, than without it) Traps work “fine”

Blessing/sacrament stunnes me for 1-5 seconds and wont go off/need to cast it a 2. time, Heal tiles show up after 1~5 seconds, mass Heal keeps me stunned 1~6 seconds without going off/ delayed (delayed heal).
Revive/resurrect works “fine”

Flameground sometimes do not work. I hear my Charakter use the spell, but it wont go off. Have to press the hotkey 2~4 times.
Links dont work. I have random 0fps (down from 60fps <<*) laggs/freezes. People/monster on my screen freeze. I use Link, but WHILE the freeze is active (only on my screen) people/mobs move, I dont have a target -> link fails.
My WHOLE purpuse Spiritual chain -> Life line (shared stats) is gone and I am a useless deadweight to my group.

-Sw Palt1 Hop2:
Attacks wont count. I hit a target, but out of 4 attacks only 1or 2 are counted. So I need more time to kill things.

Sorry for the rant, but it HAS to be adressed. It is always on “High demand times” like weekends and in the afternoon/evening. It is not my connection neither my PC. It is not the best Rig but it works fine (for other games, too.

Everytime I see “Improved Server stability” I am very happy and in the hope something gets better. But well… Not really.
I really hope that matter gets adressed. I really like the game and I try to fight the lagg…
Sometimes I just have to stopp playing and do something else. The Bad server performance is making me Sad.

I really would like to try quarrel 3… But that should stay a dream…
Never the less: Good day, fight the Lag!!!


The lag is exactly the reason why I have (temporarily) stopped playing ToS. I won’t bother logging until the problem is fixed. But I trust it will be so will keep my head up.


Them multiple swings. It’s funny because I can’t bare the lag in Alameth either. I I just made R7 and I was glad but I couldn’t grind anymore because my multishot was just too unbearable. HELL. When doing 45 Green Corpse Flowers as daily mission and multishot only max level multishot does a level 3 of it only…if that. I just can’t do it anymore. I re rolled and after maintenance it was okay as usually but of course it kicked back into lag central. I too been playing since beginning early access Multiple Founders packs purchased. I just couldn’t do it any more. I mean had given IMC a pass when the lag made me name my falcon “2” as I read in the “FAQS” it states about the bug of it happening. I get a reply saying "We see you purchased founders packs, Thank you with a inserted smiley face. I kid you not, literally smiled about me buying the founders packs only to follow immediately with sorry we can’t change falcon(companion) name. You don’t know how upsetting that was for me. But I let it pass and continued on to be R7 musketeer. But with this lag. that was just last straw. I really love this game, as many others feel the promise of it. As the OP stated. “development Reports” is not in the “news” and that’s a problem. Especially for a game such as TOS. I mean we are literally getting from the community about “Korean TOS” changes and we all know, ours get tweaked. So it’s not 100% fullproof we will get all the updates. I just can’t no more. I’m gonna come back in a month or two and see how it goes. But I can’t. I wish everyone the best as this is an amazing game. Just not being able to get the FULL experience is hurtful to me.

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too bad IMC doesn’t care so deal with it

same there, stopped until normalize ping. it’s unplayable. so this is why the chart dropped so much :joy: hope it drops a lot more so i can have a better ping
Or the bot server run out of electricity :sweat_smile:


that huge drop, tho…

now, IMC will do something…
because telsia started lag a lot too, but silute is a lot worse and have lag since 4 hours after server is open, if they fix telsia without fix silute, they would lose a huge amount of players.

500ms on telsia in rush hour? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk silute have it at 7:00am br time

eu lags as well … if u play only during the nights its pretty fine but well
I think this game gets pretty fast a bad feel for delay …
Its in a sense a lot worse than something like wow …
maybe comparable to action based mmos like tera or bns if there was any lagss there ur combos didn’t work u could not evade it was completly unplayable …

Getting very laggy indeed.

They got our money and ran away already… and now paying minimum wages to inexperienced developers to look after this game and try to make some side money with it until it die. Now they’re probably looking into a new game using copy and paste method and duplicate a game to milk some more money…

Well…welcome to the f2p mmo industry :sweat_smile: founders cash grabs.
New awesome game starts cbt->people buy founder packs so they can support the game,fix bugs,etc->obt starts(critial bugs and glitches supose to be fixed)->people enter the game and chaos starts:fps lags/latency issues/unbalanced classes->laugh at founders and hope they learned they’re lesson,new game starts from the same company repeat :sweat_smile::laughing:

Oh back when mmorpgs didn’t have the founders the companies worked hard or they will not get money.
Now u pay in advance and be left with an unfinished game and companies laughs at you.
Now they suppose to have much more money for fixing things …but nope thx for money please come again

It doesn’t exactly work like that if you bomb too hard and piss people off. Companies like Trion will remain forever with that stigma where people just don’t buy into their trash after something like Archeage. Same thing with other publishing companies like EA with their crappy reputation.

Also, a lot of the lag problem here is because…this is going to shock you…the fact that every Brazilian and their grandmothers cried about having their own publisher and servers. It’s the same thing with most of the SEA people being refugees from what they consider a bad publisher.

In this case the problem here is not only did IMC mess up with their bad core development from kTOS, but that also multiplied by twofold without the lack of publishers to help them handle server capacity.

Basically they just dun goofed and prolly don’t know what to do at this point. They should have listened to people from the betas about lag complaints, errors, and everything else. We are just too deep that I do almost forsee a reboot like RO2 which sucked hardcore or ayyy lmao private servers fixing everything.

You can find proof in the pudding on the forums if you look.