Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Lag - The Search For More Lag

Been playing since early access, watched the game steadily become more and more unplayable. It’s at the point now where I am no longer able to play the game.

  1. When I attack a monster, it takes 4-5 swing animations for a single hit of damage to show up
  2. When I interact with a TP statue or quest object, it takes 4+ seconds before it even registers I clicked it, let alone beginning to interact and the time it takes to process that the object has been interacted with
  3. When I kill a monster, it takes 7+ seconds for loot to even pop out of the space where the monster used to be. Even guaranteed quest items are not showing up.
  4. When I’m in a dungeon, everything stops moving for upwards of 30-60+ seconds at a time. It then instantly catches everything up - some party members are dead, I might be dead, some mobs might be dead, it’s nuts. OR we all get disconnected.

The craziest part is that during all of this my lag is anywhere between 50-200ms, which isn’t really that bad. It’s not ideal when its at 200ms, but it definitely should not be responsible for this. What is though? Server capabilities. Simply put, these servers suck apparently. They can’t handle all the people on them, and as a result we end up with this garbage “play experience”.

The worst part? IMC has done little to almost NO COMMUNICATION about this. Sure we get a patch every week that mentions improving “server stability” or something. But there’s no hard details. There’s no Moderators showing up to reassure us that they are trying and hopefully making progress on these issues. There’s no dev blogs talking about how they’re going to fix anything or create an impact on improving our play experience. There’s nothing.

In fact, if you go to the Moderator section of these forums right now;

You’ll see that the only responses we’ve heard from this slack-ass moderator team is about ban reports, small issues like the headless complaints, and hell - the latest post is about them telling nobody to use the urgent email because supposedly THERE ARE NO PROBLEMS WORTHY OF USING IT. WTF?

What are they waiting for, another 1000 likes on their facebook page? More people to complain about how they want to buy TP? More people arguing over circle resets or brazilian players?

I really want to play this game. This game is fun. This game has a lot of promise and potential. I feel like the players are the only ones excited for the game - the devs don’t seem to care to fix it. Or at least to communicate with their own players about it.

@STAFF_Ines - Well?


same here bro… cant do ■■■■ with this lag even though i have “low” ping as well, 200-300

but 5-10 seconds delays are insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane
this should have been fixed already or at least improved…


The server lag has been horrible since launch, and it always gets worse a few days after a maintenance. Couple with the game performance lag and the game is really not all that fun to play moment to moment. I hope it gets fixed soon :frowning:


The server lags doesn’t looks like it’s the network. Is more like it can’t keep up with the processing of information that the clients are sending it. Technically it looks like 1k packets in, server only does 400 packets a second. Then the occasional cast but nothing happen lag is the sad packets that the server flush due to out of buffer or something.

This is the reason I come up with based on why it lags even if there’s no one in channel. Cause there’s pretty much not enough processing power at the server level (or just lousy code)

This was the same thing with RO, and to this day, the lag is still the same. Will it be the same with ToS?

I play on Orsha… I avoided quarrel shooter due to the inconsistent servers after having planned to play it for a while. Past few days come to realize going archer 3 wasn’t any better since the lag renders multi shot practically worthless to me.

Not really having a fun time at this point. Wonder what class I could play to be somewhat lag proof.

lol i chose a diev to avoid lag
hope that will come out useful

auto hit 3 times to get 1 dmg number is horrible lol

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Too late for this to get fix, seems like imc is going to ignore this problem since day 1

Yeah same story here… Takes me 2-3 hits to get a single hit to ‘register’ on a monster, makes melee characters literally impossible to play properly.


Brilliant OP. Just brilliant!


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You can flame the OP, but at the end of the day, the people making addons are improving the game at a much faster pace than IMC right now, there is no way that should be the case.

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its soo annoying, it takes like 3 secs to hit 1 arrow with an archer and the skils dont even land, i imagine how frustrating it must be with melee classes, also the giant lag when talking to npcs, like 5 secs delay just to accept a quest.

Lagged in a group of mobs and came out of dead, tree of lag indeed.

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I know right, how is it that in 2016 we still get servers like this? Lag is one thing but these are potato servers.

Sad to burst your bubble. Diev also gets the lag no matter what.

Below is a vid on how dievdirby in lag conditions is, on a white (low population) channel somemore. This is considered quite ok, sometimes it take 9-10secs just to carve 1 statue.

IMC really do need to improve on the game in this aspect. Telsiai after 2weeks+ of horrible lag has improved but now it still lags quite a bit during weekends :x

Even my positive personality can’t deny that it has been a long time since a “talk” about the lag issue and not just any kind of vague sentence like “improving server stability”.

I was talking to one of my friends, who by the way were players before F2P arrived and they were complaining about server related lag, I asked them their pings from time to time that they were playing and it was around 100 - 150 MS and if it skyrockets, it hits 200 MS, which is still playable. Keep in mind that this person was a CBT player, payed for CBT entry and everything, CBT happened like what? months ago? 2 months ago?

I’m losing hope that these guys are even listening to their playerbase, what they want probably is for an MMO that was worked hard on by the devs to just be another one of those MMO’s that has a big entrance and then after a few months will eventually lose its players and just become another ghost town.

This is probably what IMC wants, a game that has a pretty good potential to just be thrown into the trash, srsly IMC, before you focus on TP stores and other sht to cash grab on players, make sure that your servers aren’t sht because where would your cash players play on?

Get your sh*t together IMC. Seriously.

looks fine to me maybe cuz i don’t know how fast usual carve should be… at least better than 3 hit to deal 1 dmg
