Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of Lag - The Search For More Lag

too bad IMC doesn’t care so deal with it

same there, stopped until normalize ping. it’s unplayable. so this is why the chart dropped so much :joy: hope it drops a lot more so i can have a better ping
Or the bot server run out of electricity :sweat_smile:


that huge drop, tho…

now, IMC will do something…
because telsia started lag a lot too, but silute is a lot worse and have lag since 4 hours after server is open, if they fix telsia without fix silute, they would lose a huge amount of players.

500ms on telsia in rush hour? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk silute have it at 7:00am br time

eu lags as well … if u play only during the nights its pretty fine but well
I think this game gets pretty fast a bad feel for delay …
Its in a sense a lot worse than something like wow …
maybe comparable to action based mmos like tera or bns if there was any lagss there ur combos didn’t work u could not evade it was completly unplayable …

Getting very laggy indeed.

They got our money and ran away already… and now paying minimum wages to inexperienced developers to look after this game and try to make some side money with it until it die. Now they’re probably looking into a new game using copy and paste method and duplicate a game to milk some more money…

Well…welcome to the f2p mmo industry :sweat_smile: founders cash grabs.
New awesome game starts cbt->people buy founder packs so they can support the game,fix bugs,etc->obt starts(critial bugs and glitches supose to be fixed)->people enter the game and chaos starts:fps lags/latency issues/unbalanced classes->laugh at founders and hope they learned they’re lesson,new game starts from the same company repeat :sweat_smile::laughing:

Oh back when mmorpgs didn’t have the founders the companies worked hard or they will not get money.
Now u pay in advance and be left with an unfinished game and companies laughs at you.
Now they suppose to have much more money for fixing things …but nope thx for money please come again

It doesn’t exactly work like that if you bomb too hard and piss people off. Companies like Trion will remain forever with that stigma where people just don’t buy into their trash after something like Archeage. Same thing with other publishing companies like EA with their crappy reputation.

Also, a lot of the lag problem here is because…this is going to shock you…the fact that every Brazilian and their grandmothers cried about having their own publisher and servers. It’s the same thing with most of the SEA people being refugees from what they consider a bad publisher.

In this case the problem here is not only did IMC mess up with their bad core development from kTOS, but that also multiplied by twofold without the lack of publishers to help them handle server capacity.

Basically they just dun goofed and prolly don’t know what to do at this point. They should have listened to people from the betas about lag complaints, errors, and everything else. We are just too deep that I do almost forsee a reboot like RO2 which sucked hardcore or ayyy lmao private servers fixing everything.

You can find proof in the pudding on the forums if you look.

The SEA server is located in Singapore. Are you serious? I live in Malaysia (It’s just beside Singapore) and I still get huge latency. Like seriously? SEA Server? The high ping is really pissing me off. :grinning:

Same… lag everywhere.

Well older people will know trion and never play their games…newer peeps will join and never know what happened with older peeps.They will join like nothing happened and they will be the next to get rekt:))
Ok back to the topic:
If even in the beta was lag and now the same you all should put yourselves a question…Their team are incapable of solving a medium-hard work.And the patch notes proves.
It’s not because of the huge player base…I’m from europe,play on eu serv and got lag…even if the server is on green and i’m not far from their server and good really good internet.80-500 spike the 80ping is rare while pingin.The stable seems 200

Well at least they know how to fix other things tho…better that nun XD

First of all we knew their game optimization was garbage and it’s something they should have fixed over 6 months ago. Back then the game was actually playable for a multitude of reasons until they removed mob spawns, started dungeon run limiting, trade limiting, and everything people hate. A lot of the problem is with client only running on single core and poor optimization along with their cardboard server coding and just general capabity. Channels are even hard coded to not go over 100 people too and this is all something people have figured out recently.

Fun facts: You think it’s bad now imagine never being able to use the AH or dungeons because the servers couldn’t handle it. This happened in iCBT2 after they allowed over 100,000 more people to test and mainly the BR were crashing the servers with shouts. I also speculate it was people farming the giant red kepa overloading the AH with useless junk too.

They at least fixed it to an almost semi-playable state so I gotta give them that.

Lul i taught Enter limit in serverlist was a joke.Who in the right mind place a limit of 100 in an mmo.It’s not lobi coop based like warframe for instanceXD

@STAFF_Ines - Can we get a reply here please?

That’s because of bad routing from your ISP to the server more than likely. You would have to traceroute the IP address and figure out if that is the problem or just from the sheer capacity from people transfering off Klapedia/Orsha onto those along with the SEA refuges piling in too.

Well at least if this gets common it also will get common never to trust and invest into any early accseses …
I mean the buyer also learn from mistakes maybe he will try it 10 more times but at some point he will never do it and in conclusion the hole industry will suffer from it .

Well I’m not sure about all that. Besides, Early access was fun. Also I was not on Klaipeda so I didnt have any issues during it!