Tree of Savior Forum

The Chapel [Cleric Build Discussion]

2min Daino scroll, 4min the actual skill(passive attribute)

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Ok thank you @iago_l

**[quote=“felipetomazellicresp, post:153, topic:130291, full:true”]

2nd - does incineration(plague doctor) and discerning evil(Pardoner) work along?


If it work, it will be too OP. Each incineration will stay for 20sec at pardoner c2 ! But we have no answer for this question. It will not be so hard to test.
Pick a pardoner with this skill on, and a doctor.
Test it on a monster.

I really want know the answer of that question.
For those who playing kobt u can just shoot it at general chat too to have an answer.

I want to know this as well!

Theorhetically, with Pardoner C2 and Plague Doctor C2, you could keep incineration up indefinately. This would likely be the highest sustained DPS in the game. OP for sure.

Adding a 7th question…

7th - if a druid transform into a ranged monster, and have aspergillium buff, would it hit the monster? Or would aspersio be casted in front of the user and not hit anything?


you probably are going cleric - diev - monk because of steparu’s videos, if is that so, things are really different from what you may think

1 - diev totems probably do scale with int, even if people say it doesn’t, BUT it’s base damage is good, and you don’t even need to invest in INT (1~2k base damage, multi-hits, can get even higher if you reach max enhance and hit monsters weak to magic)

2 - dievdirby was really strong when steparu made his videos, then in iCBT 2 it got nerfed and bugged, really crappy, but then on kTOS it got heavy buffed and it’s really strong now, the CD statue even got an AoE Slow, and the carving time is like 2 seconds for every statue, uninterrupable

3 - if you watch carefully, you’ll notice that steparu fight people 20~40 levels behind him on those videos, because he was overleveled, so it’s not stupid strong as he make it appears, but it’s a really strong class

4 - even if people don’t realize it, it is the best “ranged” cleric you’ll get, since the energy blast and the owls have a reaaaaaally good range, the coin throw have some good range too, and every other spell on every cleric tree is melee-ranged

overall you’ll have a good DPS, a good sustain, they recently buffed safety zone giving it a 20 hits resistance if you’re cleric circle 2, there aren’t that many dievdirby’s, so you won’t feel like playing something everyone is playing

i played dievdirby-monk in iCBT2 and eventhough it was crappy at that time, now i would recommend it :smiley:

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Wow! Thankyou so much for such a detailed overview! I really appreciate it. I was interested in mainly diev which made me start to read into it and yeah I have seen those videos of steparu but I know they are from cbt1 so that’s why I was really unsure if it was still doable.
Can I ask you what stat distribution you had/what you would suggest? I’m going to give it a test.
And again thanks so much :slight_smile:

Can i add a 8th question?

  1. Can i spread Divine Stigma on mobs and receive ton of int and str?
    Does Divine Stigma can stack?
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i played something like 70 con, 80 str and the rest in dex

it was really good, if you’re going monk you can decide if you’ll focus on DEX or STR, the main difference being the dodge rate and overall dmg

if you go DEX, you’ll dodge a lot, and the crit pays off the fact you’re not investing in STR, if you choose to focus on STR you won’t crit or dodge that much, but you gain 10% bonus STR and INT every time you rank up (+60% STR on rank 7), so your damage probably will be higher, on the other hand, if you don’t invest enough on DEX you’ll probably miss very often on full DEX characers in PvP
(keep in mind it’s not possible to reach 100% dodge or 100% crit, it feels like both cap around 75~80%, but there is nothing “official” on those rates, and probably classes with +80~+100% dodge buffs will feel like impossible to hit as long as the buffs are up, but owls never miss ;D)

if you only care about diev though, i think that >maybe< the best choice would be to go for cleric - something - diev 3 - something - plague doctor, those something could lead you to a lot of different builds, INT oriented

@pop_coe14 @goldmnjp

They do. Gwenyth did a test with weapons and I think that’s enough… It gets matk like any other magic skill.

Altough it’s quite hard or kinda boring to play with an INT Dievdirbys imo. I actually had one…and maybe I made a mistake when I chose Priest at rank2 and I didn’t have Zaibas… and I didn’t get any magic skill on the first circle of Diev so I kinda had a bad time with it… XD I still could level with it btw… so maybe later it could have been fine but I reseted to DEX and it was so much more comfortable. …but also it was in 2nd icbt so things changed since then.

What do you guys think of this build?

This is meant to be an int and spr based cleric, good at dealing damage for solo levelling and a healer in parties. Iam open to all criticism since I am not experienced in clerics yet.

The Str cleric classes are only Chaplain, Paladin and Monk or am I missing some?

Diev has some physical skills

Plague Doctorn can also easily be played as a physical class, with all the skills having a small range and all.
And if you REALLY wanted couldn’t Druid be physical via transformations?

It can work, but might not be the best route.

Either way i would recommend you to rush towards taking priest3+ army chaplain first to take advantage of chaplain’s huge auto atk dmg. It should make leveling a lot easier and thus less time consuming.

And i’m not sure you’ll offer enough healing without heal lvl10+. It simply scales far better with int and 2x10 tiles every 27 seconds is quite good. Mass Heal is just a aoe heal every 30 seconds. Healing Factor definitely helps but that only saves one person at a time.

Plague Doctor is one of the better options for chaplains atm, even if you won’t be able to get full use out of fumigate.
I’m a bit torn on krivis though, as daino scrolls might make other class selections more preferable.

And you will need to sacrifice certain good options in priest3 due to a lack of skill points either way.
I would take 5 points from blessing and put them into sacrament though, since it scales sacred rites.
And a higher level stone skin would also be nice, but likely not worth the cost of lowering points from something else.

There’s also:
Bokor’s Bwa Kayiman - But likely won’t be viable late game due to the low level.
Dievdirby’s Carve - But it’s more of a utility then str dmg skill.
Druid’s Shape Shifting, Telepath & Transform - But weren’t worth using during icbt2.
Arguably Priest/Army Chaplain are also decent options for auto atk based str builds.

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I would argue that Chaplain is an Int cleric class, since they have magnus and apergillum which scales off int, in fact none of their skills scale off STR.

I think it’s fine…I’m just not sure if sacrament is enough like that or not because of the last rite synergie… but no one rly knows…or tells XD how last rite works so…

You rly shouldn’t look at them like that and that’s what most ppl don’t understand… I think only 1 Cleric is rly not advisable for physical Clerics and that is Sadhu…
Pardoner c3 will have a powerful physical attack too that costs money btw…
So most of the classes are mixed or can help you in a way.

But I’m sure too that there will be more Cleric classes with actual physical damage skills later…

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Almost all classes of the cleric tree can be helpful to Str buid (which goes very well with Spr). The base class already provides a malus remaining useful late in the game: Deprotected Zone. And with C2, Divine Might can be combined with all the skills, including physical ones. Kirvis is not necessarily a Int oriented class. With Zalciai and some Spr, this class gives a bonus to auto attack. C2 Divine Stigma can give 43 Str which is not bad. Aukuras remains an interesting skill for stationary classes as Dievdirby or Paladin. The Priests probably offer the best bonus for offensive skills and basic attacks. Monstrance combines well with Zalciai, not to mention Blessing or Sacrament who really help. Aspersion can also be used for a physical character with some points in Con. Bokor C2 can help a lot for physical classes with Bwa Kayiman which is much more interesting than the auto attack and very fun to use with lots of zombies. Dievdirby statues help both supports and offensives classes. C1 may be sufficient but combines well with Paladin. Zemyna help with low base sp and Laima with long CD. Carve is a correct skill that can be used when other skills are on CD.

For other classes, I don’t know which are compatible with a physical build. Certainly not Sadhu. Pardoner can help for defensive builds with some Spr. Str does not add much to Druids. Maybe a bit for transformations. The Oracle is a strictly supportive class. Arcane Energy can help Monk with the addition of 25Sta. Plague Doctor or Kabbalist can be used in a physical build with heals, mirrors, immunities or HP/SP conversion. Finally, Chaplain remains a good candidate for an auto attack oriented build.

Clerc C1/C2
Priest C1/C2 (C3)
Kirvis C1/C2
Dievdirbys C1
Bokor C2
Paladin C1/C3
Monk C1/C2
Chaplain C1

An example with a build for a physical and support Paladin.( STR/SPR):
Cleric C1 / Kirvis C1 / Priest C1 / Paladin C1-C3 / Dievdirby

Hey I thought of making 2 different clerics and I just want to know if they’re ok or not.

  1. Cleric C2 -> Diev C3 -> Oracle C2
    (Mainly because I love diev and oracle, probably will go oracle C3 when possible for the gender swap skill)
  2. Cleric C1 -> Krivis C2-3 -> Sadhu C2-3 -> Kabbalist C1
    (With this I dont know if I should take c3 from sadhu or krivis on that I don’t really have a preference if some other class would fit there nicely with c1 I’m open for suggestions)

Basically theres all the cleric classes I wanna make so far, if those builds are terrible I could consider a third one but I hope those are ok.

(For now stat builds or skills don’t matter but if you want to share your knowledge I wouldn’t mind.)

You could take cleric c2 too, on the second build

To get cure and safety zone attributes, plus divine might and heal tiles