War Cry doesn’t have 100% uptime either, doesn’t improve your crit damage, and you won’t ALWAYS get max debuffs.
Flimsy strawman is flimsy. Try again.
regardless high dex fencer out damages str fencers due to Epee garde. Unless you are comparing builds totally without Epee garde.
Why is everyone just theory craft all talks and no screenshots or videos to show achievement
Dex has more value than str for Doppel?
Its only valid before the 30% extra physical dmg patch and block penetration for str, it’s a totally different story now.
With you having now actual supporting evidence to show in a pve situation…seems like its very clear now…
Totally wrong lol
Follow this guy and you will become not needed as doppel
It’s clear that High STR dopple has the higher damage over time fare in party.
As for kirito solo that is another case because you are unable to mitigate damage. Well regardless why are you taking so hard into them unless they are trying to taunt you to talk rofl.
Imo like what i said STR with low dex * not 0, since none invest will make crit rate as low as 40% or lower which defeats the purpose of you building crits as the statistic value shown it’s not enuff might as well go for Raw damage in this case which is better value compare to crits. This only applies highly on dopple not all Swordsman.
It should be Dex has more value when your STR have capped out or sufficient. Not for evasion but actually for the proc chance of crit and we are all talking on PVE and not PVP. for PVP specific it is totally a different story.
The critical formula in this game has 2 things to keep in mind, there are no fixed value
Monster crit resist will keep raising as your level goes higher, means to keep up with it u will need to keep investing DEX, which makes ur HP low and standard DPS low (to crit), not rlly viable to venture further with HP less than 30k.
2nd is the higher level u go, the less critical rate u will receive, if u ever seen the crit formula u will see the game takes ur base lvl and / it lol, it means the lower lvl u r, the more crit u will get
And my main point, is the point where people still don’t get it.
Invest STR because u will get more due to ranking and 30% bonus while getting DEX / crit rate equipments and cards.
Not the other way around of investing DEX and get phy attack, DEX doesnt multiply like STR does, thus u lose alot of RAW stats by pumping DEX and trying to find phy attack equipments.
p/s: and con is the most worthwhile and value stats to be honest, 1 stats for 85 hp???get some con and don’t go full extreme retard build.
Evidence? I am a live evidence, bring up your evidence or screenshots or videos before anymore theory crafts, the Doppel player base has been suffering thanks to all the misinformation in the forum that quote stuff like go FULL DEX, I don’t even wanna share my build but seeing these circumstances and ignorant trolls ruining the lives of other ppl by teaching them FULL DEX, I just have to come out and share my videos and screenshots and do something about it.
- Show your ET video or SS where u r the main DPS
- Show you are carrying as the only DPS in WB/Mega
- Show your stats
I duno, all i see is blah blah blah all theories, show some achievements before further theory crafting that DEX is great, and please dont share ur PVP video and claim shits like Accuracy and Dodge, in the high lvl TBL there are no Archers or Swordsmen (except catagoon) =)), unless u r an ignorant arrogant player which has no idea how TOS TBL works. Because Doppel is a char made for PVE first, it just wreck things in PVE.
Build High Str if you want to reroll at lvl 200 maps or be a dead weight on DG/Missions. Those Swords who built high STR rerolled into Archer or Wizard classes.
This is exactly what I meant by people who gives out wrong information base on their personal experiences and not end game content.
Search the forum on what was the most common Stats for Swordsman. Dex swordie died after CBT.
err…did you just say “Dex” swordie died after CBT?
Weren’t you arguing for Dex?
^ This sounds better.
“Build High Str if you want to reroll at lvl 200 maps or be a dead weight on DG/Missions. Those Swords who built high STR rerolled into Archer or Wizard classes.”
^ this response is bias, just saying.
Explain why most people went high STR versus high dex after CBT.
can someone tell me a good status build for shinobi?
i mean how much Con would be enough?
should i go for str ,dex or both?
This video was posted in another thread which I can’t find anymore. Salty thread, so I will just leave this here.
Lancer PVP
SW3>Cata3> Dragon1 >Lancer
Note that this is PVP. PVE may require a different stat approach.
if I am building a PVP char I will take 1:1 dex con too, just saying.
Build Dex/ low or no str + con for PVP,
Build High Str , low Dex a little con for PVE if you are dopple.
Build above avg str and 75% crit rate dex for dragoons.
Build High Dex low str low con for Fencers.
Balance all 3 for shinobi hemlet bro
for cosair er see you at rank 9
Yes i do. Because of additional 30% for going high str, most people abandoned dex swordie altogether. If you remembered well, all build if not all were dex swordsman in CBT. Meaning after the shift into High STR you see swordsman suck, swordman suck at DPS, cant quests at lvl 200 map, Swordsman is dead at lvl 200. I can guess because they dont have any survival stats going to those maps, hence a rise of these kind of whinings at the start of this game and even today. We had updates afterwards but most people already re roll into archer or wizard after that.
^ that kind of thread. Str swordsman is the most popular stat build even today. Seeing the feedbacks of most swordsmans who rereolled or whined you can grasp the horror they experienced by making a melee glass canon.
lol that Murmillo on the enemy team couldn’t do anything at all.
@jynxie10 so your advice is to reroll archer/wizard? Stop playing swordsman altogether?
I’m sorry but I love swordsman and I’m pretty sure a lot of others here do too. Been playing Swordsman since CBT and I wouldn’t play anything else.
Because you are FULL RETARD not reading the Argument we are talking about.
RAW Value of STR over DEX = DEX wins over.
Who inserted the Doppel ■■■■ here? you perhaps? to what? attract some attentions? show your very failure Runaway pouncing move?

we’ve already move on to more serious topic and yet you keep posting your so-called achievents, videos, screenshots blah blah blah… theory crafting sh*ts. seriously nothing of your replies here are new. they are all recycled trash.
i’ve already send you back all your words and argument that BACKFIRED at you, yet not a single one were answered. instead you misdirect the thread with your undying self achievement. famewhore LOL
My point is that, if those people cant have fun because theyre dying all over the place why instead use a high dex swordsman? Str cannot solo at lvl 200+ without using tons of pots. Cant imagine my cata solo questing at lvl 250+ going high STR. Even at DG or Mission run. High Str die so fast they cant afford to just toss their skills and run. Wiz can, archer can, Swordmsan cant unless there is always a cleric who will babysit you all day long and that is not always the scenario. Thats why the rise of whining threads about how weak swordsman are.