Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

Hmm? The this guy u mean is me?

What do you mean by posting my stat funny?

U do realize the other guy is a complete troll right? lol
He has nothing to contribute but just an idiot trying to win an online forum war, he uses all those method cause he got no evidence or prove to shows his theory…well…u can call him a theorycrafter.

he just trying to amused us

How long is the crit res debuff? Probably not 100% uptime. And how much crit res is it going to reduce? Have fun trying to get enough crit rate through costly equipments.

Mean while, I prefer to spend all that silver on attributes, refinement and Transcendence. Might easily cover all the PATK loss from Str though. Buffs also help too. Have you considered Warcry? New info showed that it can give up to 660 PATK. That’s approximately 282 STR if you ever wondered.

I know right.
I have no idea why is people discriminating each other instead of trying to share knowledge to get the “best possible” average stats or interesting combination matching with gear.

That is saying accept everyone opinion with a grain of salt. After that craft out the best stats then to showcase.

The maths is rather interesting as compare to people at each other throats going XXX is better ORZ.

Like for say you can have critical gear up to about 236 crit rate. How much additional juice can you get out of it. Using crit rate gear also offset the fact you are unable to get AOE ratio gears. So you have to use headgear and cards(? centuar) to make up for it.

Some analyst would say around 666 crit is about 80-100% crit to all mobs for now? So how can you boost your character with gear to hit up to at least 400-500 crit which is around 75% and going MAX MIN on your str for maximize damage. 75% is a big number. These means you will be dealing addition 50% damage 3/4 of the time "

Also note that. Builds for max min will also be extremely expensive. So how much can you juice out on “Affordable” general then. This greatly help all players regardless STR/DEX to consider their build path to 280.

Meanwhile the community itself is shrinking heavily due to “IMC slow’s reaction” to things and getting toxic for weird reasons.

Do take note that cards stacking will be limited to 5 when the patch hit later.

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Regarding Fencer discussion.

pretty sure balestra is 15 second debuff and on a 30 second cool down after use. Investing dex is still better in general for Fencer even with Epee garde nerfs.

Addition of strength does increase the base output, but as compare to dex.

Let me put in for example.

If you are missing 1 crit during Epee garde that means you are losing 150% damage. Will this catch up with str builds. I doubt it will happen.

do note even with crit resist being down. You still need about 700 Crit rate to deal 100% at 330 to mobs with 0 Crit resist.

That saying. You just need to hit the nice spot of crit. Since swordsman with 700 critical rate is kinda impossible. Optmising rate will be about 75-85 any higher will yield you too much investment in dex and your over all output will infact lose to a combination of High Dex low Str.

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I’m reading everything assuming everyone’s just trolling which is entertaining.

hahahaha. kinda true in that way.

i just love how straightforward you are bro hahaha

And proves that you are just one ordinary player who doesn’t know how a simple logic works.

Stand alone computations are much basic and necessary to understand further calculation, assumptions. nothing like someone here who keeps posting HIS screenshots/videos which isn’t even Relevant to STR / DEX issue. because he just went STR:CON and have or almost ‘zero’ experience when it comes to FULL STR.

and this is very basic. if you can’t understand what stand-alone computation means. i have nothing more to say to you. Goodluck mate

to add on Let me put in for example.

Let me put this High Dex , low str 200 str 300 dex verus 500 str 130 dex

This is considering 330 with R8 80% str and 330 + 39 points from bonus

200 str 300 dex will net you a base physical damage stat of about 539 and 301 crit rate and 209 crit attack before items

501 str 128 dex will net you a base 831 Physical damage, 128 crit rate and 501 crit attack.

Assuming Weapon damage is the same for both cancels out

Critical damage is 50% additional
Epee garde is 100% critical damage. additional up 75% of the time.

Having a full gear will enable your crit rate to go up to about 540 for Dex builds which is nearly 80% crit

Where as for Strength build you will go up to 45% crit.

If we take just Fleche into this base is level 5 3 hits @ 2543(2542.9) power

Non crit Dex Damage : 2543+ 539 = 3082

Non crit Str Damage : 2543+ 831 = 3374

crit dex damgae no Epee: 4832
cirt str damgae no Epee: 5562

so in counting a crit with Epee Garde on high dex 9664
As for Strength a crit with Epee Garde will hit 11124

taking account of 3 hits + 3 over heat = 9 hits

Dex build will deal: about 7 crit, 7 Crit 2 non crit
67648 + 6164 = 73812

Str build will deal 3.6/4 = 4 crit 5 non crit
22248 + 16870 = 61366

Edit on maths because i forget Epee is additional 100% crit damage. aka double.

^ look at the difference when skill added are this damage. This is not counting 100% attribuite.

This is the output high dex low str vs high str low dex.

Crit builds are playing with Chances.*THEY CAN out perform Strength builds. Provided you crit 1 more than you are suppose to which is highly possible

Full dex builds are not playing chances without a + 15 weapon and transcend high level the damage on par will never win a Balance off

Where as Full strength build with decent crit will balance out damage. As shown above. They are not too behind.

TL;DR version crit/high dex build for fencer is better as the moment u crit 1 more hit than your statisticical % with Epee Garde you win the race. Which is highly easy.

If you are wondering how easy it is to CRIT at 40-51% try hitting anvils at +15 weapons lel.

^ precisely

and having to boast ‘i can get gears to boost crit chance’ is utter somewhat stupid when he said ‘even high-dex players will have a hard time landing CRIT due to monster CRI resistance’, if SO, how much more will your STR land crits if you don’t have BASE CRIT RATES from DEX?

facepalm argument from your TOP SWORDSMAN.

Dopple is a island on it’s own TBH. If you invest yourself with a Full Dex Dopple Verus a Full Strength Dopple.

A strength one will always outdo Dex. Unless you are not into DOV it will be a different story. Since if you look at how IMC design dopple to be. They are basically high risk reward glass cannons.

DOV is retarded and spike your Phy Dmg to ridiculous amount.
Which is why most of us agree it’s a straight HIGH Str low Dex better than no DEX. How much dex is up for you to decide how high crit rate you want to attain.

Either way you will gain a edge on stable output DPS then praying to RNG each time you land a skill
Capping up on physical. Dex can’t really outdo Physical damage improvement. That is a damage race issue.

Dex also offset the main gimmick on Dopples Which all of us agree, but this is not a issue looking at monster with higher accuracy / magic up later.

Dex crit : 50% crit damage —> Dov Provides u 50-100% physical damage pretty much case slove. obviously if can captialise both Crits + PD = god like pve.

As for PVP. Please roll cata dragoons and lancer instead . Dopple are bad PVP end of story. The whole bloody skill set is base on being a PVE monster.

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we all do acknowledge DoV grants overwhelming P.ATK, not just for Doppel but for other Skills. who knows, R8, R9, R10 might have will benefit more of it.

What went wrong is not accepting the fact about its drawbacks. which the issue runs into, right now it is ‘somewhat’ acceptable that having 0 def doesn’t seem much. but for future proof builds. no one knows how strong monsters can be. I.E, if they hit for 5-6k base, Gears might reduce them to 3-4k accordingly. while ignoring this fact.

Videos are provided with this. but these people are good are misdirecting arguments. heuheu

Imo considering the damage spike in skill ranks. Dov ain’t that bad just to take up for 1 circle.

The drawback is 50% reduction in Physical defenses when 5 stacks… it is best pair with mitigation via your favorite “girl friends/ homo” clerics :^).

What will happen on future is kinda dark. At least majority of the swordsman got it’s buff ayyyy lmao.

also, One thing i take into consideration is that ‘DoV’ is a buff. in which, if, future monsters becomes challenging, what i’m afraid of is they can have skill that can debuff your character.

right now there is non, nor a skill that remove buffs, unsure if PD2 has that (can someone confirm?), but as is, DoV is a BUFF. and again, for future Proofing. calculating damage from basics plays a big role if this kind of scenario exist… and back to the topic, where DEX outplays STR…

But the future is dark, and we don’t know. that is why we have this ‘basic’ calculations as saving grace when everything isn’t clear.

Yea PD2 is able to totally remove all your buffs at a % rate. up to 50% atm (lv5)

I am not surprise if they come out World bosses with Mass buff removal. That will make Diev extremely useful because they are deployment buffs.

Stuff like Chapalin Cape will be extremely useful there as well.

if that happens, these BUFF dependent builds will have a hard time playing.

makes me want to play some RO again, gets dispelled all the time. LOL

:scream: god i hate valkyrie randgris/ifrit and thanatos

Back on Track, this is why we can clearly say DEX > STR in general because of what we gain from it overall. (as written from my previous post)

Not because we want to make you guys full DEX, but because this is what ToS Offers. they give less value to STR over DEX.

at the moment in this 330 yes, but sub optimal would be around 190 dex included with ellaganos 5 card to hit that 65-70% crit rate with gear. Not neglecting your physical damage and defensive gear…