to add on Let me put in for example.
Let me put this High Dex , low str 200 str 300 dex verus 500 str 130 dex
This is considering 330 with R8 80% str and 330 + 39 points from bonus
200 str 300 dex will net you a base physical damage stat of about 539 and 301 crit rate and 209 crit attack before items
501 str 128 dex will net you a base 831 Physical damage, 128 crit rate and 501 crit attack.
Assuming Weapon damage is the same for both cancels out
Critical damage is 50% additional
Epee garde is 100% critical damage. additional up 75% of the time.
Having a full gear will enable your crit rate to go up to about 540 for Dex builds which is nearly 80% crit
Where as for Strength build you will go up to 45% crit.
If we take just Fleche into this base is level 5 3 hits @ 2543(2542.9) power
Non crit Dex Damage : 2543+ 539 = 3082
Non crit Str Damage : 2543+ 831 = 3374
crit dex damgae no Epee: 4832
cirt str damgae no Epee: 5562
so in counting a crit with Epee Garde on high dex 9664
As for Strength a crit with Epee Garde will hit 11124
taking account of 3 hits + 3 over heat = 9 hits
Dex build will deal: about 7 crit, 7 Crit 2 non crit
67648 + 6164 = 73812
Str build will deal 3.6/4 = 4 crit 5 non crit
22248 + 16870 = 61366
Edit on maths because i forget Epee is additional 100% crit damage. aka double.
^ look at the difference when skill added are this damage. This is not counting 100% attribuite.
This is the output high dex low str vs high str low dex.
Crit builds are playing with Chances.*THEY CAN out perform Strength builds. Provided you crit 1 more than you are suppose to which is highly possible
Full dex builds are not playing chances without a + 15 weapon and transcend high level the damage on par will never win a Balance off
Where as Full strength build with decent crit will balance out damage. As shown above. They are not too behind.
TL;DR version crit/high dex build for fencer is better as the moment u crit 1 more hit than your statisticical % with Epee Garde you win the race. Which is highly easy.
If you are wondering how easy it is to CRIT at 40-51% try hitting anvils at +15 weapons lel.