Tree of Savior Forum

Level 200+ Swordsman (Any Class) ... Are you doing well?

Way too much exaggeration in this thread. Swordsman dps aren’t bad. As a CCer, my best partner is actually a swordie and i feel he actually does more sustained damage than a typical wiz ele.

There is no way a con wiz has more damage than a swordie lol. A swordie has like 15k hp without investing much into con, while mage needs to invest almost 40% of stats points to reach that. Go re-roll and play a tanky wiz if you actually believe those 30k hp wiz do more damage than you.

What I have noticed is that they are way too many bad swordsman players out there. All brawn and brainless. They often do not work with their team and wants to hit monsters ASAP just because they are melee instead of taking an extra second or 2 to set up monsters into proper position for optimal splash damage dps.

There is no real need for a tank since monsters hit so hard late game. But we still need a somewhat tanky char frontline to tank some hits that CCs fail to catch. Other players also need to stop treating swordsman as a tank but a melee dpser and play around that.

Also do not mistaken swordsman as a underpowered class just because they can’t really solo high level mobs as a melee, ranged classes could probably do it but they are very inefficient. Swordies fulfil their role in a party just as good as other classes. I never had any thoughts of rejecting a swordie dpser in my party before.


240+ swordsman here. Sw2-Hop2-Cor3. Without Peltasta due to being PvP-oriented. Was obviously a mistake in not taking Pelt1 due to PvE being the central part of the game atm, but I manage. Soloing Igti Coast for 3.2kk exp per hour and partying with friends when possible.

Hell yeah, I do dmg. But in a small hitbox before me (apart from Pistol Shot, which is amazing AoE by swordsman’s standards). When I party without linker, I realize I’m only useful for the Flag and 4-classes exp-bonus.

I really want Hoplite C3 on C8, if better options fail to emerge. Spear Throw shines with Geras Spear and a gem as a filler skill to live through the long CD’s.

Swordsman =/= tank and it’s not good to even suggest that.

We’re TANKIER because we go face to face and are not built to avoid damage using distance like the other classes. Would you expect a wizard to melee mobs and bosses with their HP? No? Then why is it weird that swordsmen need more HP? It does not mean it’s there so they can tank.

There’s a REASON there are different routes swordmen can take. Barbs, dragoons et al. are meant to be DPS classes. Peltastas and rodeleros are meant to tank. They have skills that make it clear what they’re meant to be doing. Right now, the actual problem is that the class skills aren’t strong enough to allow people to do their job… not that swordmen are designed to tank.


I dunno about that, a wizard with 400+ int will deal more damage than a swordsman with 200+ str and dex. if both guys will out their remaining stat into con they will have roughly the same HP. try it at lvl 300 and compare.

well apparently some say are DPS arent bad and that were just all brawn and brainless or something.

Swordsman is more to durable than a tank. Just because you have lotsa HP doesn’t mean you can tank, especially taking a load of magic damage slapped to your face. Isn’t tank supposed to have high defense in both physical and magical to say the least?

Problem is, we are ‘forced’ to take Pelt to become somewhat useful later on, perhaps, that’s the only thing we are good and generalized for in game. Those who don’t take this circle would probably be labeled as peasants.

Level 234 Hop C3 Dragoon here.

I’ve found that I deal decent sustained damage in parties, but the precise positioning of both my character and mob packs required for my skills to be effective gets annoying at times. This seems to contribute to a higher skill ceiling for the swordsman class, since I rarely if ever notice any other DPS class pay this much attention to such gameplay mechanics.

This extra attention to positioning can be quite rewarding in party play though, due to the fact that as the default tank/aggro magnet, I am able to ensure that the mobs are kept in a tight group so other damage-dealers in the party can get the most out of their abilities (think monks with DP/Blast, fellow swordsmen). I feel that this aspect of party play is often under-appreciated, and can really speed up the grinding/dungeon clearing process.

Team name: Rokas
Server: Telsiai

Those guys are usually playing another class or a build that has nothing to lose. You’ve probably noticed that it’s swordsmen like Lharz (who plays a tank) that swear everything is OK because it doesn’t affect their gameplay if they can’t compete with other classes DPS-wise. They can have mid-low range DPS and it doesn’t matter because that’s not their job in a party.

You must have noticed how many high level people are saying the same thing. It’s not because nobody who picks a DPS swordsman knows how to use their class, or because they’ve suddenly forgotten everything after 200+ levels. The class just needs a buff/un-nerf.

[quote=“MadHatter, post:58, topic:210928, full:true”]Problem is, we are ‘forced’ to take Pelt to become somewhat useful later on, perhaps, that’s the only thing we are good and generalized for in game. Those who don’t take this circle would probably be labeled as peasants.

Nobody should have to take a class and abandon their preferred playstyle just because other people can’t be arsed to round up mobs by themselves.


What Hallow said, no one should abandon their play style for the sake of something broken in a game and needs to be quickly addressed. Swordsman needs an overhaul and there is no word from IMC. I’m already feeling the pain at level 210+ … :confused: … I’ve geared my self with Glass Bracelets with 2+ and additional Defense bonuses from hair equipment and I have Knight gear. My damage is alright, but the mobs health is becoming ridiculous at the moment. And some of the mobs hit very very hard.

One Archer passed me and hit a mob for freaking 35K damage with one hit … I have to use 3 abilities on a mob that takes additional damage from slashing in order to hit them for 11-12K … I don’t know what to say man. The Archer was 4 levels below me, too.

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Rodelero isn’t a tank class, common misconception.
It’s an attack class (this is also how it is defined in Korea by the devs) that utilizes Crowd Control to lockdown enemies while its killing them in a similar vein as Cyromancer or even QS. Its theme is using the Shield as a weapon instead of merely a defensive tool. Peltasta is a unique beast in its defensive focus. Quarrel shooter comes close except Pavise can be pretty garbage at times.

That was sarcasm on my part =D, I do believe what you are saying.

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Repost, hope IMC take notes. KrToS already made their changes, and this is 1 of the reason why the changes has been made. So why not iToS do the same thing before everyone else reach the higher level and know all their hard work are paid off with such weak character?

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@STAFF_J @STAFF_J @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @hkkim



I believe a good start to fixing the Swordsman classes is to swap Swash Buckling with one of the current base Swordsman skills. This leaves the 100% mandatory skill in a place we all can get it.

The most logical swap would be to switch Pain Barrier and Swash Buckling, but I would hate it if they did it like that, because without Pain Barrier we lose even more damage due to the number of bosses with knockdowns.

They could just add it to the first tier and create a new skill for Peltasta instead, like frozen/sleep/petrify resistance for x seconds, much like Pain Barrier.

A huge problem with dealing damage is that we actually have to be in the face of the monsters, no matter what our skills/aa has in potential we are unable to use it while laying on the ground, being frozen in place, being petrified or having a character that is sleeping.

Then we have the obvious lack of scaling with equipment, keeping numbers and increasing the percentage on that would help a lot as well. There’s no need to rework a whole class group when small fixes could do a lot!

How much is the damage difference ? x2 ? x3 ? x10 ?

I’m okay with x3, I might not be with x10. Depends on many things.

That’s ridiculous. If you go full DPS and do 1/3rd of the damage of another class while being melee restricted and subsequently having less uptime and soaking more damage, why would anybody ever want you in their party?

Full DPS swordsmen need to either bring substantial support to their party (which they don’t bring right now at all) or do close to the same damage that Archers/Wizards can do at range. Otherwise there’s literally no point in playing them if you’re even remotely interested in efficiency.

With your balancing approach, the designers can just as well remove 2/3 of swordsman classes and live with the fact that a significant part of players will quit the game because their advertised class diversity is nothing short of a lie.


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Why isn’t IMC applying the balancing patches of KTOS?

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Better yet, why haven’t they responded to this thread Kappa


Well I’ve seen 280 swordsmen without pelt. Both were dragoons though.