Way too much exaggeration in this thread. Swordsman dps aren’t bad. As a CCer, my best partner is actually a swordie and i feel he actually does more sustained damage than a typical wiz ele.
There is no way a con wiz has more damage than a swordie lol. A swordie has like 15k hp without investing much into con, while mage needs to invest almost 40% of stats points to reach that. Go re-roll and play a tanky wiz if you actually believe those 30k hp wiz do more damage than you.
What I have noticed is that they are way too many bad swordsman players out there. All brawn and brainless. They often do not work with their team and wants to hit monsters ASAP just because they are melee instead of taking an extra second or 2 to set up monsters into proper position for optimal splash damage dps.
There is no real need for a tank since monsters hit so hard late game. But we still need a somewhat tanky char frontline to tank some hits that CCs fail to catch. Other players also need to stop treating swordsman as a tank but a melee dpser and play around that.
Also do not mistaken swordsman as a underpowered class just because they can’t really solo high level mobs as a melee, ranged classes could probably do it but they are very inefficient. Swordies fulfil their role in a party just as good as other classes. I never had any thoughts of rejecting a swordie dpser in my party before.