Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

because you are not the TOP SWORDSMAN, who has his own guild, and his party, you don’t have vids and screenshots either. your non-achiever.

You have no right to highjack a thread with STR vs DEX , while you yourself Build STR:CON…

all hail Top swordsman

err isn’t that why DEX builds started popping up again? So they can survive?
Isn’t that the point of this whole thread?

No idea bro people are too fixate on the Full DEX and Full STR builds to consider balancing it to have the Pros of not neglecting evasion + critical for “general swordsman” and not losing out in Physical damgae either with Decent amount of HP left over.

I mean lol. other than that is just some peeps getting head over heir heels

Only now but before tons of swordsmen rerolled into archer or wizards already. Because they cant be a DPS without getting killed over and over again. DEX vs STR is not all about damage it also include fun factor. Do people have fun dying again and again? I dont think so, proof was the tears of swordsmen in this very forum, see the link i gave above.

P.S. People arguing over who has the biggest damage are meta people not common people who only wants to play and have fun. Common people follows meta build, the current meta for Swordsmen is high STR.

Fun is subjective. You can roll a Int swordsman and name it fun. People will just label you insane.

Ultimately as long as you are happy with it. It’s fine.

Do you have fun getting killed over and over again? Soloing, questing, solo queuing? And cant progress beyond lvl 200 map without spending too much time and silver/real money.

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That only applies to people who made it pass 200 for your question.

Then again some people do enjoy getting killed. Like for instance a player ran to standing infront of Marnox/rexi when they are level 80-90 levels gap. for lulz. I think for the whole hour he died more than 200 times.

i will not name out who but yea. You get my point.

There will always be “peeps who are into SM and not.” For those who just want to end up playing alone at higher maps. I woulda say this game has design flaws for certain builds classes and it’s not mend to be a solo game after it. Surely certain classes can cheese it but majority of the specific builds are not.

The problem in PVP dex is because the archers are weak. Youll see more swordsman in PVP ranking if theyre more archers there, for the reason Swordsman counters archers so good, much like Wizard counters swordsmen. Same logic goes to cleric, there are no predators to kill them.

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@haukinyau you mad bro?

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TBL now is different in KR, you can only say that for now but so far rank 8 skills damage already can 1 shot~ people int TBL. 2 builds 2 different purposes. If you want to kill mages and clerics you might as well go very high con then str to mitigate the damage. Ill stick to my evasion Swordsman because i like going after physicals.

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People can’t put down their ego to discuss properly.
Which is why u have the “i am more superior than you and my build is better diseases”


^ you can’t when you are the TOP SWORDSMAN

i don’t even recall when we last talk about dops or DoV.

BTW, i also forgot some added ‘flat damage’ (not sure how they call it). much like blessing and concentration. These damages are on top for everything regardless of level gap or defense. (i recall at earlier times we we’re killing Vubbe thief in 2nd Demon prison, its level was 190 so we deal 1 damage, but blessing/concentration deals flat damage)

these numbers are great beneficial to DEX, it is that DEX grants RAW bonus for EVA/HIT as basic components. this should be included in the point where ‘case to case’ basis applies.

Hey man, Im a dopple with 325 str and 155 dex
Allocated dex is 108

With sissel + max peta + zach bangle.

I wonder if i just need to craft more siss or glaband?
What equipment do you go?
I equipped 0 cards btw

Because currently my dps with DOV can rival those of warlock + archer i will be on 1 / 2 at bossing.

We have identical stats allocation im shinobi tho not doppel for this one i’d recommend going for glad bands sissel proc wont be effective with this amount of dex unless u gonna use it for pvp then maybe?

Forgot sissels give good amount of crit rate so getting them might be a better choice for you but idk i aim for glad bands for aoe attack ratio not the damage boost

IMO, the only Swordsman class who should go High Str is Hoplite C3. Get decent crit rate from Dex and equipments. Stay in the back and spam Spear Throw like your ancient Hastati.

Easy 20k/s. Not much danger. Meanwhile Doppel C2 with LV10 DOV has to engage in melee to deal any damage with literally 0 defense. That’s why High Str builds Swordsman are dead weight in high level contents. Except Fencers, they are STRONK

You don’t understand the base computations. At all.

You should start by learning the damage formula’s order of operations in regards to enemy armor and crit.

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