Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

I agree with the buffs for Swordmans, they are really under all the other classes, but mostly of the people that complain about the DMG are people with Cata3 in the build.
We simply cant expect a class with very high mobility and very low CD on the skills to have big DPS. Would be a monster, haha.

Bokor, Sadhu, Paladin? Kabalist?
Clerics seem to care a lot less about ‘‘being the best’’ but that doesnt mean their classes are perfectly fine.

Almost all of Cleric magical dps abilities for example, are number of hit based, which means that + AoE radius doesnt increase total damage, as it would for a Swordsman. Half of them can’t hit flying either.

Sounds like the nostalgia is on you then, if that is what you remember.

Yes, which is why the first Swordmen circle is Peltasta. Ah wait, it isnt.

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IMC please add hp drain to pain barrier attribute!!! I’m sure most of swordsman class will jus keep the mouth shut!!!

fakiest stats i have ever seen. you got 500 more crit attack i have and even if you have 2 GBands and I have 300 + str.

Well i mean…least it doesnt SEEM like a full tank build is necessary? All you need is Pet. and you can kinda do what you want.

But at the same time yeah im unsure why Swordsmen dont deal more damage. Feels weird, being a front line attacker but not being rewarded for it. Melee should always deal more, if not much more damage than ranged, and have more hp and def. Because they have to reach their targets in most cases to attack. Since Ranged get to kite and attack from safe place, the trade off should be they deal less damage. This game seems to use logic in the worst way possible, and actually punishes you in cases it should reward you, and greatly reward you in cases it should punish you.

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You can look at my review, i think it will help u decide.

This is true. Look here:

No, no, no and no. You’re probably one of those range class who is afraid to lose your “tanker” scapegoat so that you can continue to pew pew easily from the back. Yes, they’re tanks now owing to flaws in the class design, not because it’s the way it should be.

Jesus christ, with your logic, a dragoon is a tank, a fencer is a tank, a templar is a tank, a doppelsoeldner is a tank, smh.

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Bokor and Sadhu isn’t too bad if they are not lagged/bugged. Especially sadhu DPS

Paladin is not a DPS class, and barrier is bugged in PvP as well? But I can see resist element and barrier being useful (after the newest patch of course)

Kabbalist? What is wrong with it? The only fault of kabbalist is that it is on the same circle with plague doctor, and plague doctor is just too OP right now

lol pvp class only 2 sw on the 50 ppl rank list .Are u even think about what u talking ?

I haven’t misunderstood a thing.

All of the swordsmen classes are made to be tanks and run interference. Just look at their natural stat bonuses and their mobility, swordsmen classes were meant to have the full attention of the boss and mobs. And if you really must assume, I play a full STR Dragoon; I tank and do the DPS depending on the party composition. This isn’t a hard concept. Swordsmen are a very versatile class, there is no excuse not to get one rank in peltasta, the game practically hands you that as the only real option at rank 2. At the end of the day, it’s all about how useful you are to your party. If you forego utility for a few subpar damage skills I don’t know what to tell you.

Many swordsmen are frustrated because being the tank/aggro magnet isn’t our party utility, it’s become our ROLE. And in order to fulfill our role in party play, we have to give up a significant portion of our ability to deal damage. This is because many of our most damaging skills require us to not be a target of the multiple push backs, knockdowns, sleeps, and stuns that monsters often utilize. On top of this, our main form of damage mitigation (our manual block mechanic) prevents us from auto-attacking or using any of our other skills.

This entire design is at odds with the fact that the majority of our class circles consist of nothing but direct damage skills or skills that enhance our ability to deal damage. If our main role in a party is to tank or hold aggro (hindering our ability to deal damage), then why do we have so many purely damage-dealing class circles?

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LAG and swordsman being sht alredy made me quit the game, now i’m waiting for one of those problems to be fixed and ill play a wizz3>ele3>warlock, cus thats the only dmg build that worth doing right now… any other dps just sck if u compare with that build

Well tbh, I don’t know what IMC’s plan for swordsman is in the future. Pretty clear that kTOS accepts the fact that swordsmen should have the option for DPS. Most games have variety of roles for melee and not just tanks. IMO our risks for being in the frontline should be rewarded by either tankiness or dps.

well , i hate the way that foce to play tank when i want to play a melee dps class .

ehh no. stop pigeonholing classes into a single role.

Monks, Paladins, Sadhu, Chaplains says otherwise

IMC labeled some swordsman classes as DPS, yet dont do damage compared to the rest. Im a dual wield spear dragoon, my damage is fine, but sadly a lot of other swordsmen are lacking in damage. That is aside from the fact that to deal damage we have to go melee, need I say more what we sacrifice for that? Stabbing deals a lot of damage yes, but against bosses you almost have to use it with pain barrier, else it is cancelled and there goes a lot of your DPS. Some bosses we dont even get to deal damage at all, as soon as we stand up from being knocked down we have to move back in range, and oftentimes we get knocked down again. I have played tons of melee classes (warrior in PW, Blade in Flyff, Paragon in RIFT etc) and this is the only game where despite building glass cannon swordsman, other classes with balanced builds will still outdamage you, or a magic class with lots of CON investment have almost the same HP as you and almost the same damage as you.

I dunno how far you went into the game, but you clearly dont know what you are talking about. Ive partied with tank Cryos carrying the whole party luring, tanking and CC locking them so we could kill them.

you are a joke and people who upvoted you are even bigger jokes, you have no idea about mmos, especially tos, the guy above me said everythiing.
why is there no downvote button? pretty sure it would be -490484097

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Yes, and some people here are too dumb. They think swordsman=tank. No, they made DPS classes in the swordsman tree. Im gonna cite Ragnarok as an example.

Wizards- Huge magical AOE burst and CC. Very squishy but can wear shield Stat allocation: needs to balance 3 stats
Sniper- ranged DPS, utility. Squishy and cannot wear shield, not as squishy as wizards Stat Allocation:viable as 2 stat focus or 3
Assassins- Melee DPS or Burst, deals more damage per second than Snipers, Bigger Burst than Wizards but single target. Difference is they have to get close to deal damage, squishy without shield as well. Stat Allocation 3-4 stat means harder to build glass cannon
Mastersmith- Melee DPS, utility, same as assasins basically
Monks-Heavy Single target burst. The trade off is its more costly, as well as being melee, can be cancelled, requires 5 stat allocation

As you can see people, melee DPS deals more RAW damage than Mages or Archers, this is particularly true in a lot of other games as Ive mentioned. But it is balanced that way, why? Because they require you to move close to the target which means its harder to deal damage and you need more HP and defense which means your stat allocation will be gimped so you lose some of your damage. In TOS, aside from the fact that some Magic damage cannot be dodged, they cannot miss nor they require Mages to run at you. Add the fact that all they really need is Int and they can spend a couple of points to Con while swordsman need CON, DEX and STR to have a chance. So they deal lesser damage before stat allocations and dodging/missing, will be even more suboptimal once stat allocation factors in. HP pool? Its a non factor as long as you dont get 1 hit. CON adds no defense and you almost get your full health back at the same time as swordsmen anyway you barely even notice swordsmen have more health than you.


Last time I check, this is not the definition of versatile

What about people that want to play highlander just because they like 2h sword? What about swordman c3 because they like restrain?

If peltasta is the only viable option among 3 options at rank 2, then that is the very definition of swordman having issues