This is some kind of discussion… well no words.
In all games, they’re balanced, Swordsman (Warrior or whatever) always do less Dmg then Archers/Thiefs/Magicians.
Swordsman -> Melee -> Def+HP
Others Classes don’t have this nice things.
Besides, less Dmg -> low Cooldowns = More Dmg in a time (using Skills more often) Skill 1 30 sec CD 5.000 dmg -> 5x5.000 = 25.000 dmg
High Dmg -> high Cooldowns = “Same” Dmg in a time (using one Skill having nice Dmg and then?) Skill 1 150 sec CD 30.000 dmg
Nearly the same, but there’re more Skills they can be used and we could keep this exampling with all others Skills.
(Sry if someone mentioned it before just overflew 60% of this thread)
I’m satisfied with my dmg as a Tank, and would I go do a DD/DPS I would be satisfied too, because I have more Def+HP than Archers/Wizards and don’t gonna Cry if I die because I don’t die easily (Already saw that ingame with others players)