Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

Wizards that want DPS are bound to be Wiz 3 > Ele 3, that is a 6 rank setup for DPS with close to no way around.

All swordsman have to sacrifice is it’s second rank to be NEEDED at PvE. It’s the only class that does close range damage, this makes it being the only one who should keep aggro or the boss will keep moving.

lol just being able use swashbuckling does not mean you can tank. it means having the ability to LURE. a tank means more than luring. swashbuckling buff? then remove it. that’s the reason why swordsman with pelt class are being chosen anyway, the ability to lure mobs through swashbuckling.

lets just face it. swordsman are discriminated so badly. no pelt, no party. forcing a swordsman player to take pelt just so that they can get in on level 230+ parties is just unfair. while the other 3 classes can diversify their builds, swordsman are required to at least be a pelt just so that they can get in a party.

The game is set up for swordsman to be tanks. They can deal damage enough to solo when built right, but you must realize that you are, in the end, a tank. And if you don’t have Peltasta C1 then why are you even a swordsman class.

So yes, Peltasta C1 is absolutely needed isn’t it? Highlander is in the same circle, should we just get rid of the class and make the swordsman class special in that the rank 2 is ALWAYS Peltasta just because some jerkoffs want to shoehorn all swordsman into the tank/lure class? The game is set up for swordsman to be tanks? Really, ALL swordsman are tanks? If that’s the case, why are there classes like Dragoon, Doppel, Barb etc?

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Why should I even play this game them? For the nostalgia? Oh please…

In the end, even those are tanks. They have more damage dealing skills to be able to solo and keep hate, but that doesn’t change their endgame role as tanks.

If you’re referencing Pre-Renewal RO nostalgia, all the swordsman classes in RO became main tanks or utility tanks in group PvE.

This is some kind of discussion… well no words.

In all games, they’re balanced, Swordsman (Warrior or whatever) always do less Dmg then Archers/Thiefs/Magicians.

Swordsman -> Melee -> Def+HP

Others Classes don’t have this nice things.
Besides, less Dmg -> low Cooldowns = More Dmg in a time (using Skills more often) Skill 1 30 sec CD 5.000 dmg -> 5x5.000 = 25.000 dmg
High Dmg -> high Cooldowns = “Same” Dmg in a time (using one Skill having nice Dmg and then?) Skill 1 150 sec CD 30.000 dmg

Nearly the same, but there’re more Skills they can be used and we could keep this exampling with all others Skills.

(Sry if someone mentioned it before just overflew 60% of this thread)
I’m satisfied with my dmg as a Tank, and would I go do a DD/DPS I would be satisfied too, because I have more Def+HP than Archers/Wizards and don’t gonna Cry if I die because I don’t die easily (Already saw that ingame with others players)

Rodelero blocks magic damage

i don´t see an atribute

or does on of his skills block magic?

range can be blocked or dodged, but as far as i know paladin is the only class wich can nullify magic

I’m pretty sure in other games there are swordmen classes that deal more damage than mage/archer, like juggernaut, berserker, duelist, gladiator etc

What? and what? First of all, I only agree with thief and magician to a certain extent. You shouldn’t even use the word “all”. I can simply say a game - Guild Wars 2 - Berserker or Warrior. Or check out melee carry heroes in Dota 2, although it is different game genre. Nevertheless, the idea is same.

Are you playing Maple Story or Hello Kitty online or some cutie MMOs?

I do not know where or how you got such notion. Have you played any glass canon swordsman or heavy armor dps in MMOs?

Being a new player in MMOs is fine, everyone has been a newbie once. However, giving incorrect facts and trying to act knowledgeable is different story. It will just show your ignorance to others.


wooops hahaha you’re right.


Maybe you misunderstood me bro.
I didn’t said Swordsman doesnt need to get improvements. Like you said, if they want the game to be a success they need peoples to enjoy it right now. AND I agree with you.
What I was talking about is balance between the classes.

I can read all thoses guys saying «omg, this wirard/archer/whatever have a BIGGER D*CK than me! Swordsman sucks! I don’t enjoy playing the game. UP THEM!»

What’s the point of QQing like this at this state of the game? Most of them are not even lv280. Rank 8+ classes are not out. Maybe there will be a swordsman class who will change the balance… and Wizard will creat similar topic to QQ about unbalance and want UP.

You think it is easy to get up to 200+?

Do you have any idea how time consuming it is?

We won’t even know what rank 8+ are going to be. I highly doubt it will buff swordy like players expect. I find it very funny that you expect rank 8+ while ignoring the fact that the foundation is broken.

Basically, you expect players who choose DPS melee or Glass Canon swordsman path since the beginning to grind up to rank 8 in order to be DPS role in the game and forced to be a tank role that they didn’t want in lower ranks. Are you joking us?

If it is so, I doubt anyone who like such game or continue playing it.


Tell me why most F2P games get dumped over the years?
Tell me, why Path of Exile is better than most ARPG’s, even some payed MMO’s in my think, ToS could have followed the same recipe, but if they have this “linear” thought about Warrior = Tank, Mage/Archer = DPS, Cleric = Support, this game will not survive for much longer.


So, to get the full class experience you need to reach level cap them? Most of people doesn’t have the time for that, and some games have mid levels pvp/events and things, with very balanced classes, so yeah, this thought about the need to reach level cap is invalid.

The DMG in Swordmans is bad, but its not always IMC fault. I mean, people keep creating Cata3 and want it to have a high DPS, haha. Cata3 is mostly a PVP class with high mobility and low CD, it simply cant have a high DPS, would be unfair.
Hop3 have a GREAT DPS compared to other swordman classes, sadly its only with Stabbing.

Swordmans are needing some urgent buff, its true, but its not on Cata3, haha.

Them stats definately look fake to me… no rank 7, barely any STR, 1/3 in DEX surely aint giving you that much critical rate unless your wearing two sissels, which your probably not because somehow you have 1.3k critical attack, and unless theres a highlander attribute I don’t know about

[quote=“cheehou8, post:298, topic:220944”]
Are you playing Maple Story or Hello Kitty online or some cutie MMOs?
[/quote]Actually in Maple Story, even warrior branch classes deal more DPS than mages (kaiser, dragon knight etc)

Most of them CANNOT reach 280 because PvE content ■■■■ you up if you are not a peltasta.

Not really, cata is just some circles. Look at other branches, most of them are good in both PvP and PvE

  • Cleric: duh, maybe except monk
  • Archer: cannon, musketeer, ranger, scout, basically anything that is not bugged (hunter, SR)
  • Wizards: cryo, chrono, ele, hell only pyro is bad at PvP

I agree with the buffs for Swordmans, they are really under all the other classes, but mostly of the people that complain about the DMG are people with Cata3 in the build.
We simply cant expect a class with very high mobility and very low CD on the skills to have big DPS. Would be a monster, haha.