Because IMC doesn’t play the class. Proof is in the pudding.

Gotta say though without frost cloud going wiz3ele3 is laughable.
Other than frost cloud and hail the other ele3 skills are painfully bad.
Yes im looking at you electrocute, meteor.
Sadly you’re just completely right. IMC Don’t give a single ■■■■ about the Swordies.
Pudding is good. Pudding never did anything wrong.
HAHAHAHAHA. the fact you put random info in a picture doesn’t make it a proof.
swordsman dps is not a joke at high level. if you want me to believe.
show me your 220+ swordsman. and 220+ archer. and do video comparing the dmg.
i’m right now on the 200~ and there is not problem with DPS…
with a ranger friend, and we both clear waves at same speed.
IMC this IMC that. the game is only up to lv280 and will go up to 600…
so unless you’re an oracle or really gonna provide me with video’s and detailed information. i will laugh at you while enjoying my swordsman.
if you want to keep crying you don’t get a high DPS skill like archer class, why don’t you go play archer ? there different PRO and CON to playing it aside from DPS.
IMO archer should and WILL always stay the best DPS.
Yes please! Swordies lives matter!
“The Worst Blindman is the one who refuses to see”
That’s f*cking insane…
I don’t like whining at IMC but they REALLY should do something about this, it’s nuts!! :[
Salty, but hilarious and accurate
Don’t forget about PVP, Swords in general are a joke in PVP.
get one of these lovely choices
Swordsman 3
Hello, in this video I can see swordsman doing 0 dmg.
OH ? nope.
You compare one of the worst skill of swordsman to 2 best skills of archer and wiz.
Why not compare with Cyclone to be more fair ?
Not really, he cherry picked skill that focuses on damage vs skill that’s meant to be used in combo/debuff applying.
The skill he chose for Swordsman was Doppel’s c2 skill:
Which applies Shock.
And guess what, there’s this skill
It does ‘at least’ 4 hits in that video, and does extra damage to enemies with Shock debuff.
Or heck if he wanted to pick high damage skill, why didn’t he pick Cyclone from Doppel also?
He also got some other numbers wrong, like saying 50% to plate/ghost, but it’s actually 75%, and doesn’t mention the +50% against Cloth, or that Missile skills do less damage to larger enemies by default.
Or since he listed ‘downside’ of reduced damage against certain type of enemies, why doesn’t Frost Cloud say it does 50% less on Ice enemies (and +50% on Fire)
Oh and Frost Cloud apparently always get +50% because everyone must be Wiz 3 to go Elem 3. Btw did you know recently Barbarian’s Cleave get a debuff that make the target take 50% more from Slash attack?
It’s about as legit as complaining Musketeer need buffs because Butt Stroke and Bayonet Thrust are ‘melee’ range. (and since they’re Strike and Pierce type, oh look, they do 25% less against ghost/leather and ghost/cloth respectively)
The comparison with Musketeer made me laugh out loud
You guys should stop showing some videos how strong SW is in kToS, they got buff while we got nerf. Look at SW situation in iToS, only spear man can do something call “dps” and 9/10 of them are glass canon.
there is a reason why almost every class goes utility early because utility never falls off but damage does, people need to realize that.
the difference between the classes you mentioned are:
Swordsman pros
Naturally Tanky
Rodelero blocks magic damage
Can aggro mobs including the passive ones
can dash
low Cd abilities ( rarely an ability reaches 60 cd, most are around 20 )
auto attacks are AOE
Dopp has Cyclone???
CC if you actually go rodelero or swordsman 3
if you go damage dealing early, you will eventually fall off
lacking AOE abilities
forced to be a tank( one rank in pelt to aggro and block)
Late game isn’t a breeze like the early game
Archer pros:
Long range
lots of damage( both AOE and single target)
Rogue crit chance buff 70% ish
low cd abilities
Can kite with some abilities
Forced to be a damage dealer( can’t tank or support)
form of survivability is evasion
get one shot if mispositioned
low amount of crowd control
single target Auto attacks
Wizard pros
Can support or be a damage dealer
Has a ■■■■ ton of CC ( some incurable )
AOE abilities
multihit abilities
Some abilities consume % SP
no point in the game where a wizard could just farm with auto attacks unless its lvl 1-20
LONG cast time forcing you to take wiz 3 for quick cast for some classes
Really long cd in the later classes
some abilities need you to be close to the enemy to get its full potential
you suck at farming one monster at a time.
You showed us the most biased picture ever.
comparing a one hit ability ment to CC with an AOE multihit and an ability that hits 1 target.
Please look at the classes from many point of views instead of your biased opinion.
and of course, if you go SW2 for pve, you will be useless.
Did you not check the character creation screen?
it says archer has no support or tankiness for the amount of damage he dishes out
wizard has some support but mostly damage
Swordsman were the tankiest class, they were labeled tankiest for a reason…
in Ktos version…Imc just nerfed swordy=(((
you forgot that frost cloud doesnt work against flying enemies at all.
So you want to tell me that every SW must sacrifice 1 or 2 ranks for rodelero just to make sure that they wont be glass canon?
And how the hell in high lv we still talk about auto attack?
Dash? dash will be broken when you get hit