Tree of Savior Forum

Pure dps shinobi video showcase + class review

Hey guys, Ryuu from telsiai here. So there’s a lot of discussions about the underpowered swordman class, and i want to share some info here.

First off, here the video to my shinobi:

In this video you can see that i used the bunshin + kunai combo, the burst is good but takes a bit of set up, otherwise if you use it carelessly you’re in for some trouble. I do not usually do this during grind but just to show what it is since its my highest burst dmg. Its more useful during bosses than grind.

This combo in the second video is still the fastest and most efficient way to grind and deal fast burst dmg.

Some of my personal views:
SOME supposedly dps Swordmen class are seriously underpowered, especially barbarian who chooses pierce type classes like dragoon or shinobi. Just one simple reason:

Barbarian do not have spear lunge which almost doubles all piercing attacks

This makes barbarian + corsair’s hexen dropper half as weak compared to hoplites hexen dropper. It also makes barbarian + shinobi’s kunai half as weak.

Now to the review of shinobi:

After seeing the pros and cons of shinobi, i truly regret going shinobi instead of dragoon.

Clone + kunai skill
As u can see from my clone+kunai video, i have already tasted the best burst dmg shinobi can give, and i can KO 130 dungeon harpiea. Having that said, the cons of this combo is too huge, you risk of getting 1 hit KO easily as well, i have never died so much before i became shinobi. Just for that one time huge burst the risk is simply not worth it.

Mokuton + katon
Mokuton is a good survival skill, katon is for invis utility, both are quite useless for PVE but can be useful for pvp.

Mijin no jutsu
This skill although stated to have high dmg value, but it will not have a higher dmg than bunshin+kunai combo, due to it not being a pierce type dmg, unable to be amplified by spear lunge. Not to mention it uses your hp.

Now lets compare to dragoon class:
With my shinobi, the only one true bread and butter skill would be kunai which without clones the dmg is pretty crap compared to my hexen dropper. You saw in my video that i used hexen first and finish off the mob with little hp with kunai, that is pretty much the use of it.

Using bunshin frequently will not be a good move since it requires the proper set up, and thus unsuitable for grind. Now, if i were to go dragoon, i could do spear lunge + 1 hexen dropper + 1 dragontooth/serpentine and kill those spiders with 130k+ hp easily.

The dmg for dragoon overtime would not lose to shinobi, furthermore, all dragoon skills has high dmg pierce skill amplifiable by spear lunge.

The highest dmg skill for dragoon gaebulg, does not have terrible debuff like bunshin, you just got to pick your spear back and not risk being 1 hit ko by literally anything.

PVP wise
Initially i thought that shinobi would be better than dragoon thanks to those invis utility skills, however, i imagined that i could do the same combos with dragoon even better in pvp. Hook + Leap + spear lunge + gaebulg/dragon tooth/hexen would still be better than one kunai skill. Perhaps shinobi has better survivability.

Overall, i’ve gotten much feedback from many players that my character has insane dmg dps, even compared to other classes like mage archers, so i believe swordsman can be dps as well but it really depends on stats and gears, builds as well. But explored my build so far, i would say the best pure dps build currenly in my opinion is:

Sword2, Hop2,Cor2,Dragoon

thanks and have a nice day. Anything you guys need just ask me.


But without pelt 1 and that taunt skill… Nobody wants you in party. Its the reason i went for Monk instead… But thanks for the in-depth review on the class.

What’s leap?
Is it a skill?

Its long stride, forgotten the skill name for a moment there. :grinning:

I like what i see but ive been warned a lot to get pet unless i have friends and i cant say i know anyone personally playing. there is one person i know who claims they have interest but is taking forever to even download the game and i really wanna try. id be much happier if i could do something like this.

i abandoned my shinobi worst class on the game

What your stats?

I would like to know

str: dex 3:1

Roughly there

Have to disagree with that tho, unless your a barbarian build.

sensei, im currently swordman c2…im setsuna from telsiai xD and i wanted to know what is the stat allocation for str and dex, and how many con and spr do we need to put first , and the skill build for each class ! senseiiiii

I have no argument with this thread since it’s all true. Although, I’m not sure how it looks like to me to the Shinobi Player I used to know from Klaipeda before.

I was a level 260 Wizard before in Klaipeda, a Cryokino build. I met this guy asking me to have friendly duel request out of nowhere. Surprisingly, he defeated me in an snoop. I thought Cryokinos are one of the most formidable hybrid class in PvP and GvG, but I was lost to freakin’ ninja which was underestimated in a long time even today.

My gears are for Metas and rare items, most of my damage attributes are almost at max, everything seems to be almost perfect for me, until this guy came. I challenged him once again, but then again he defeated me in seconds.

I wasn’t really interested in swordsman and I never knew there’s a Shinobi class before. We became friends and he always invited me to a team PvP. It’s one of the reasons why I never get to a max level because I already enjoyed playing PvP.

I asked him about his items, skill build, class path, attribute skill levels, etc. There a re two things he told me was all his attribute skills were all maxed out…His Class path was SwordC2 > HopC2 > CorC2 > Shinobi.
the rest, he told me to see it for myself.

I checked his items, and they’re really awesome!! He got Max Pentamion, Glass bracelet (I’m not sure the name of the item but it has additional +20 magic defense somthing), Sissle bracelet, Brandish, Karacha, Roxona Plate set and 3 hair costumes with attributes. Most of them have plus in his items but what i remember exactly was he got +10 Brandish, and It has item awakaning thing like it has elemental damage.

During out Team PvP style,he would just used his bunshin + kunai just to troll in the game and when he is about to die, he will use Mijin. I’m not sure if Mjin can really commit suicide but I saw it by myself. I’m not sure if its intentional or bugged. but whenever he was serious, he never use it. But most of the times he always troll in PvP.

However, there was this one time a team PvP that he annihilated all 5 of our opponents all by himself, he was the only one left in our team alive.
I was so amazed…everybody was amazed on what he did.
I think he was the person who made Shinobi really famous because of what he did.

he always change his team name fequently, and transfered to EU server.
because of him, he gave me interest on swordsman class, and pursuing on becoming a Shinobi.

I wish I knew how to record a video in TOS …I was so ignorant about it before lol.


Bullshit story of a guy trying to hype up Shinobi. The class is subpar at best compared to other dps classes.

Dude don’t cry like a baby.

I wasn’t hyping up the Shinobi…I was sharing the story that happened before.

Like I said before I started my story…

do you even know how to comprehend dumb-dumb???

‘‘subpar’’ not really. I have seen few good player shinobi around the game and even able to face those ‘‘common meta crazy build archer/wiz classes’’ in pvp.

Sounds like a fan-fiction.

I don’t get how did you lose as a cryokino. You have overwhelming cc kit / utilities + ranged.

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Dude cryokino is not a God of all classes that is invincible.
He was invisible and I was stunned by this Iron hook and continuously attack me.

he was just clever than he looks.

Dude it happens…you may lose sometimes even if you have the best equipment, the best class build, best skill build, best stat allocation…etc
Trust me, I’ve been there…done that.

Don’t tell me you don’t know about Shinobi’s stealth effects?? or even Iron Hook’s effect when you’re caught?

If you don’t know, no wonder why you can say “Fan-Fiction”

You may say What about Sub Zero Shield???
I still am familiar with Cryomancer skills and effects even Psychokino…
that 60%/55% chance is still a chance…and that 40% chance left is already an opening window. For some reason before, sometimes it doesn’t deflect the damage you will receive. Who knows if it is a bug or is it intentional.

But the fun fact is, it happened.

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This looks like sick damage to me.

Thats the problem with these videos, they only show the best of shinobi, which is actually good if people realize it. Now if he were to show the total death counts for pulling this combo then it would be fair review. People just dont see the bad of it until they experience it themselves.

Imagine if u were that person to carry the team boss and supposedly can one hit ko the boss but ended up dying instantly, that feeling… really sucks especially knowing that:

With the bunshin kunai combo: Sure i can one hit the boss takes 5 seconds but
without the bunshin kunai combo: Hexen dropper + hoplite skills takes only about 10 seconds more to kill the boss without having to risk dying. This is the real sucky part. It looks like being able to “one hit” is damn cool, but it actually isnt. There is a swordman guide by cathexis and says that ninja is a one trick pony, which i didnt agree with initially and is ready to bare the cons of the class, but truth is it doesnt make sense i have to take x5 dmg for making clones.

FYI, in each of my videos the mobs are blue candle spiders with 130k hp each and high defense, a mob of 4 are total 520k hp, unlike magic, kunai do not pierce through targets so my kunai cleared 520k hp worth of mobs. I could do the same perhaps better to a single target boss, for the 190 dungeon last boss takes me 2 kunais to completely finish it without leftover hp.

But what should be noted is being able to do this doesnt even cover the cons of this class, as compared to dragoon. Only people really want to be ninja “for fun” should do it but just an advice to those people who emphasise “damage” dont be fooled by videos.

Because to me the true meaning of “DPS” is constantly dealing huge dmg, in this meaning theres no dying in it, a dps who dies easily is a glass cannon…

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To be fair to @Stormwolf, in pvp anything that gets hit by my hexen dropper + spear lunge is a one hit ko, i’ve won against archers, mages, swords, all classes by countering them with mokuton, hook, longstride, but if they get hit by hexen its a sure GG, my hexen deals 50k+ dmg unless someone has 50k hp or huge defense.

One good thing about shinobi, the kunai can be used with restrain so the throws actually stun targets. When classes all have skills that can dodge, counter, its all about who has a faster reaction rather than who is of what class. If you have too fixed of a mind, then one day you will lose to people u least expect of.

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Some mage classes are simply cheaters in pvp. They can perm stun, perm sleep, stone curse, like more than 20 seconsds til u die from far. That is why sword vs mage pvp 1v1 are always unfair. Thats what team play is for, other team member can kill the mage while he stuns u.

Ytd i just pvp 250 psychokino, perm stun me. 10 fights i lose, but in one fight he missed his perm stun, once i touch him with hexen, one hit ko.

Setsuna, i advice you can go corsair dragoon instead of shinobi. Hexen dropper is still one of the best skill, high dmg + fast, see in video 8k * 7 hits =56k dmg, dragoon got 4 good atk skills u can spam in a cycle always.

For shinobi, kunai always can spam use. Bunshin always have to see situation, cannot anyhow use. For mokuton, katon, no need to always use, no dmg. See in video without using those i didnt take dmg also. For mijin, deduct hp skill also see situation, mostly u use it if you have healer. All the skills is not so “free”, you cant use freely, and also it is literally not free due to need to pay material. But dragoon - Everything spam, gaebulg spear throw pick it back.