Tree of Savior Forum

*** Swordsman Classes Need to be Fixed *** [IMC, are you looking at this?]

If you really want to play Highlander, why don’t you pick it on third circle. This game is about choice; moreover, if Pel do not have taunt, we all going to choose highlander, and Pel will be junk.

Oh wow, this is beyond my words.

Do homework? Do you read Korean? Because I started on the very first day of early access, there was no, 0, zero, nil, nada reviews on that day.

Don’t real world me on this, if I know what is trending in real world before it happen, I wouldn’t sit here typing this to you, I will be the next billionaire already.

80% of swordmen you saw do not pick pelt because they don’t need pelt to tank alright? No one need pelt to tank, they need pelt to lure mob aggro.

Maybe this doesn’t occur in your mind yet, but most of the pelt you see at higher level will just cast swashbuckling and run around in circles. That’s not tanking.

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This is my last reply to you, like I said this my opinion, I have no problem playing swordman at the moment, so I don’t see why IMC need to fix swordman problem.

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You are entitled to your own opinion, as long as you don’t throw stuff such as “do home work”, “read review”, “should pick pelt”, “have no choice” at other’s opinion.


I don’t see how making them even do 1:1 sword:archer/mage dmg would make them op. the one thing that seperates them is the fact that sword is melee, that extra hp is to serve that purpose. but nothing serves the purpose of dps in comparable terms with archer or mage. when someone builds full dps build as a sword they should be capable of doing comparable dps otherwise there is NO POINT (in pve). you might as well call the class Tank and remove all 2h weapons for it if that is the case because it will NEVER be as good and then will always serve no purpose. And that’s a good point whoever stated that there should not be this dichotomy where you either are good at pvp but useless for pve and vice versa, perhaps in the future with team battle league it could balance it out with the purchasable exp cards for pvp points but for now they are kind of incapacitated…

Also about them just being blown up. I can tell you that as a Swordsman c3 / Cataphract c3 lvl 206, even if I had taunt that would just kill me as I cannot block attacks, or I guess I could just run in circles waiting for cooldowns cause I’d be incapable of auto attacking (not that it does anything anyway except get you killed at melee range that late in the game practically) so defense mechanics are weak for anything not wielding a shield. But it’s probably even worse for 2h sword since they don’t have the mobility I do to kite. Maybe add some armor/magic defense buff to swords? although that wouldn’t solve everything they’d still require taunt mechanic so i dnno but cheers! hope it gets tweaked to better suit the needs of us dps sword enthusiasts. and hopefully sooner rather than later. I’d very much like to continue where I left off… for now it’s just 3 runs of catacombs, missions and dailies and i’m done for the day.


I just wanted to say that I have a Swordie with no Pelt around lvl 180… it was easy this far, but now it’s getting tough as HELL.

I have over 200 dex and there’s some creeps that I will never dodge and they just hit me for 1-3k a punch. Normal creeps on normal maps. Mages are a damn nightmare unless you put like 80 points on damn SPR.

Good thing I went the money build (corsair and doppel), otherwise I would feel I just wasted a lot of time. Especially since everyone tells me ■■■■ gets A LOT harder after 200, it’s gonna be a nightmare.

I have a cousin that plays with me and his Wugushi was pretty much doubling my damage 30 levels below me.

You are almost to the end of the tutorial. Post 200 everyone will be starting to do party-only since it is necessary to progress, and without taunt you will be left in the dust. Literally no one will party with you, your class = taunt.

I would recommend re-rolling now to avoid the headache and anguish. Get at least pelt 1 if you want to have a functional swordie post 200.

Posted this in general discussion: Any plans on fixing the current bugs/problems for swordman class?

Maybe I should just posted here but I think this issue needs more visibility.

■■■■■■■ hell yes.

Swordsman should have the highest DPS to balance with the fact they have to be in melee to hit the enemy in the first place.

The HP is to balance (which it does badly) our inability to sit in relative safety at range and apply out damage for longer. The fact our Damage is also bad makes it that we have the highest RISK, for the lowest REWARD.

This is wrong. Damn wrong.


Not to mention boss mechanic that always instant kill melee…

I join the petition to Swordsman class to be fixed, its ridiculous to be FORCED to get Peltasta, it reduces the build possibilities out there

My suggestion: move Swash Buckling to Swordsman C1 so all the builds u plan and chars out there become useful again, also u will gain A LOT OF DEMAND ON SKILL RESETS, more cash for u ToS team

2nd suggestion, make Rodelero to become a real good tanking class, for god’s sake the poor Rodelero is almost in the oblivion

3rd suggestion, to make Peltasta worth it (once u move swash buckling to Swordsman), make an 7th/8th rank class mainly focused on Shield OP attacks and buffs, something that makes worthy to carry a shield and staying with the shield

Well ktos recently got a swordsman buff where they gain 30% more damage per str point now. It’s a start I guess. We might get this by 2021


WUT?!! Where can i find the info on this

Don’t get too hyped on this, it may only be a 30% on AA so really not that good…

Except that Physical Attack also counts for most skills’ damage calculation. So yeah, it’s an all around 30% dps buff.

Edit : I saw the video saying that it’s indeed only on AA. I pretty much think it’s a bug and there was a problem in the implementation of the buff in KR. Otherwise I agree that it’s stupid and not even slightly useful.

So yeah, sorry for the answer that was made a bit too fast :frowning:

it is bugged or the translation is not right.

Currently it says, add 30% more str gain to phys atk.

so say you have 300 str then you will have +90 more to phys atk which should also help skills.

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I wish you were right and Swash was not a necessity. The sad fact is, the way this game is designed has MADE it a necessity. You don’t get invites if you don’t have swashbuckling and there are no viable melee dps in the game that can even touch archer or wizards.

I mean seriously, what kind of MMO has ZERO viable melee dps classes? The whole damn class needs an overhaul.

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