Don’t get too hyped on this, it may only be a 30% on AA so really not that good…
Except that Physical Attack also counts for most skills’ damage calculation. So yeah, it’s an all around 30% dps buff.
Edit : I saw the video saying that it’s indeed only on AA. I pretty much think it’s a bug and there was a problem in the implementation of the buff in KR. Otherwise I agree that it’s stupid and not even slightly useful.
So yeah, sorry for the answer that was made a bit too fast
it is bugged or the translation is not right.
Currently it says, add 30% more str gain to phys atk.
so say you have 300 str then you will have +90 more to phys atk which should also help skills.
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I wish you were right and Swash was not a necessity. The sad fact is, the way this game is designed has MADE it a necessity. You don’t get invites if you don’t have swashbuckling and there are no viable melee dps in the game that can even touch archer or wizards.
I mean seriously, what kind of MMO has ZERO viable melee dps classes? The whole damn class needs an overhaul.
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Bro the meta will always exist, and there are those who will follow the meta above everything else, because why not? It is the most optimal way to play after all.
If ToS was a solo game you could say “run with whatever you want, nobody is forcing you to tank!” but it’s not and if you want to play with people which is the point of online games you’ll have to follow the meta in some way.
Now IMO both archers and Wiz needs nerf.
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Somebody did a test and it does apply to skills as well. Guess that a plus point.
However, this is far far less than 30% DPS. You have to realize that more than 60% of your physical attack power comes from your upgraded weapon. And then you have to consider the attack power from skills added on top of it.
I have a level 203 cataphract with +8 lydeka, my physical attack is around 1100, and my STR is 340.
So if I have 30% increase from STR, I would have 102 more attack (340x0.3)
That is roughly 9% increased in physical attack power (if I only use auto attack that is)
If I use my skills like doom spike or earth wave that add 1400 attack power, the 102 attack increase will becomes only 4% increase.
This change helps classes with multi hit skills like hoplite or fencer, but even then it’s hardly more than 5-7% increase
the awkward part is that ele3’s stats is pure con LOOOOOOOL
You’ve obviously never played a priest. As an all +15-20 equipped priest my damage output with lv 75 ATT all skills and over 30-50million investment could not in a million years trump the worst swordsmen in single strike spike dmg, in aoe dmg, in dps or in tanking. I could not top an archer on my life but nor can any class of equal level. I cannot even come squat hope near a casters dmg even most sadly in auto attacking…
A swordmen is a tank not a dps. They aren’t broken. Only the players who dont understand how to build are.
That coming from an old 220tanker swordsmen that used to use only +5 trash gear
but why is that?
TOS is claiming to have an almost openended class tree and almost all of the Swordman tree scream DPS yet even if you go that route you are more have an tank. Why is that if there tree is that openended. This is what people like you dont get.
The class tree being openended is an farce much like the dps class. If Imo is too stupid to fix it they may as well can make all class one way only.
So your opinion is swordsmen should be both the best tank at over 3x the health to con ratio of any other class AND also out dps the classes meant to dps.
Brilliant for sure. Can we get a trumptrain ticket for this guy?!
dont you get it?
as of now the tree gives you the illusion you could be a pure dps dealer but in reality you are still a tank.
The simple solution is to decrease the tank properties of the non tank classes while still being able to withstand more then archer/mage/priest since you need to be up and close to the mob. You dont neccesarly need to do as much dmg as let us say an archer but it should be much closer. Almost no Swordman wants to outright out damage a mage or an archer but they want they atleast can be get close to those number instead of always having to be the meatshield of an party even through the tree and most of the class tree in general screams DPSer
We could say the same about the paladin class. Would you prefer they removed all damage dealing capabilities altogether for clerics & swordsmen? Because your point is still invalid. Regardless of your delusions a swordsmen is always a better tank and a cleric is always the better healer. We cannot however out due other classes at their own jobs given the same grade of gear. I wonder why that is…Could it be because of equal balance!? Is this why different base classes exist!? Did you think there was a difference in base classes just for flavor text?!
which balance do you speak? if you play an dps sword man you die faster then a fly since you can to damager and neither can you kill fast enough before you are killed. yeah nice balance.
You aren’t making any sense. Also if you deal damage but cannot survive explain how one dead also deals damage if they cannot survive to do so.