Tree of Savior Forum

Say Yes to job reset

I’m not talking about free resets given due to them constantly changing/rebalancing the skill trees… im talking about the reset NPC that was sitting outside queensdale

as for it not being one of the current top 10 mmorpgs out there is just a big LMFAO at you

TOSBASE is a fansite that has popular builds, skill simulator with full skill descriptions, stat calculator, attribute & item/equip database and the site has been around probably long before iCBT even started! everyone had plenty of time to study their builds, and write it down before the OBT/headstart launch

if they didn’t do any of that then its their fault. there shouldn’t be any resets just because a few people screwed up… it would just be abused

Please do consider that all of the “reasons” presented from your camp thus far have been utter fallacious bull ■■■■, though, hence the ongoing threads.

"It reduces class diversity!"

I don’t think I even need to touch this one, it’s been bent over and abused so hard by logic that someone who uses this argument is just not up to speed in the conversation. It literally takes 10 seconds of rationale thinking, maybe even less, to see how punishing experimentation by risking a reroll, is what ACTUALLY reduces experimentation and goads people in to cookie builds for fear of loss of time investment, and that CLASS BALANCE is what promotes class diversity, a completely DIFFERENT and unrelated factor that is up to IMC solely.

It is un fathomable that people have somehow rationalized the class diversity argument in this way against circle resets.

"It’s just not that kind of game"


Skill resets. Stat reset (which will likely be in the TP shop, right now they’re milking the founders packs blatantly). Both available, both fly directly in the face of this argument. Clearly IMC cares the ■■■■ not about permanence to your decisions, it would actually appear they simply just haven’t thought of it or got around to it, but that’s understandable, there’s plenty so far in this game that shows IMC is not really the brightest dev pool we’ve ever seen (higher female prices, anything trade-related).

To cap this one off, since when did all these morons decide that they have the gall to say “what this game is about”. Until IMC addresses it personally this argument is just presumptuous asshattery.

That’s. Literally. Your. Only. Arguments.

The rest of the arguments from your side tend to be personal attacks about being lazy, or rerolling isn’t that big of a deal because your buddy who plays 8 hours a day got to 200 in a few days, that a person should have a god damned Ph.D. in TOS class development going in so they know what they are doing long before they play through third party resources, or whatever the ■■■■ else dumb ■■■■ your camp comes up with.


no it will not, we doing it no for our self only.

yes their fault for wanting a game and not and of the year project. how dare they want to have fun in a game -_-"

Those aren’t my “reasons” for not wanting class resets. They are examples of one of my reasons on how diversity will happen and how resets reduce diversity. its not punishing. I’m not sure why you keep saying that.

Your reasons:
dont have time
dont feel like leveling up
IMCs fault, not mine
cant see future


BTW none of your statements disproves anything i said its just a bunch of talk.

Notice how everyone on your side are usually angry and offensive. Thats the people that dont really care about the game and dont want to put too much time into it. These people will also leave with no notice once they find something else that interests them.

EDIT: sorry i thought this was a different thread. So some of what i said isnt relevant.


So now I see why the argument is going in circles, you aren’t actually reading the arguments!

There have been an army of incredibly well thought out posts as to why offering class resets promotes class diversity, improves player retention, reduces player frustration and respects players’ time more, encourages experimental builds, how it possesses no ability to harm other players’ experience, and last and most importantly…makes IMC some sweet moolah.

And you went and just compiled a short, over-simplified list that was wholly inaccurate to say the least.

The only difference between us was my observation of your arguments is actually accurate. You really have nothing.


and talk is cheap.

so we need to wait and see what imc have to say on this.for now they dont even know how and when they cat start the F2P for this game.

so stop fear the RESET that doing nothing to the way you play.
or you will deny the fact that most of the players now play the cookie cutter builds . because of lots of reason and one of them is that they dont have the time to restart the game from 0 after they got to lvl 5-7. this is the lvls where the problems start.

Sorry your reasons are wrong and most people dont want resets. You are just the vocal minority. Stop trying to turn this game into a casual game. You want that there are plenty of other casual games. Stop trying to take this from us, its very selfish.

Don’t feel like discussing this any more right now , so bye.

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take what from you? no one take any thing from you.

This has nothing to do with the distinction between casual and, wait, are you indirectly calling TOS a hardcore game?

The only thing TOS is hardcore at is trying to get you to pay for TP.

There’s a difference between not catering to “casuals” and just plain awful design (I.E. Most games 10-15 years ago which is why arguments based on Ragnarok are comedy).

You can’t whatsoever disapprove any of my presented hypothetical benefits of a class reset. All you (and all the others) do is sit there on your stump and say “No, yer wrong, not that kinda game. Go play an ez game you casual. NOPE. Muh diversity. Yer build is bad so REROLL”.

You have jack ■■■■ to actually disprove the rational arguments presented. I know it doesn’t exactly feel nice to realize such a thing, but maybe start seeing the light and just accept reality here and maybe things will start to look up in these threads.


I think it’s pretty clear by now that we really aren’t the “vocal minority” lol

No, there have been plenty of well thought out posts im just getting tired of it at this point. Yea, last post i simplified your reasons, but that was on purpose.

Hardcore games have more risk. You are trying to take out the risk, turning it casual. This game obviously has too high of a learning curve for you and can you cant fix your mistakes with a push of a button, so maybe you just shouldn’t waste your time with it.

As for the rest of your post its just a bunch of talk again, so i wont comment on it.

What if… the “casuals” don’t use the forums so they can’t voice their opinion like most of you do?

It’s also selfish to not consider the other part of the playerbase, but to think the “hardcore” (aka people who have more time to play) own the game and it’s up to them to see what it is and what it will be. The staff will have the final word, not you. The arguments were exposed from both sides.

In the end of the day, MONEY is what matters. SOME people who invested money on their character and have to let it go might be unhappy with them. IMC on the other hand, are losing potential consumers this way. It’s matter of balance and it’s the company who manages the numbers, not you, not me. They’ll decide what is the best for this game.

I personally think the resets are a nice option. As I said in the other thread, having more players with optimal builds around HELPS YOU to find people to play with quickly. Making the grinding process quicker too. Unless you have a super private group of elitist hardcore players by your side (exaggeration intended), then it may not apply to you.

The scenario where people would exploit this is unrealistic, since it will be totally reestricted, either with a single or a couple of circle resets or to vanish all the levels they’ve attained (or attributes if it applies too). That’s the point of thinking on reestrictions, it’s not to discard the idea and that’s it. That’s the point of these threads, to DISCUSS how to make it viable for everyone and avoid a wrong use of this feature. It’s aimed to please the majority.

Btw, a possibly non-important remark: I’ve read through all discussions and I know what people are not worth responding because they completely miss the point or they just change the course of the discussion into irrelevant matters.

Again, sorry for my English.

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No, you really are.


As of now, you guys are the vocal minority of the vocal minority on this topic. LOL

like wise.

Actually, if you check that, there are 196 guys supporting resets (splitted on two options) vs 243. There’s roughly a 20% of difference between both positions. The sample is still very small considering the thousand of players that play this game. I’d bet a lot of “casuals”, as you might call them, won’t use the forums that much either.

Optimal surveys are made in-game, like Blade and Soul did.

From what I see, combining 1 and 3, we’re not that far off from you guys on this poll. And keep in mind this is one post of many posts of many forums.

Which is why one of the common forum policies is keeping things is one thread, instead of 5-6 different ones.

As far as the time investment goes, I spend today grinding silver instead of trying to argue against brick (dense) walls, and I managed to make 600k silver (without even considering item drops) in the same amount of time.

I’m not sure people argue so strongly about wasting their time, when they are doing the very same thing on the forums…

Almost literally everything you write is extremely ironic. It’s almost like you are a PhD in Irony attempting to teach us (and very succesfully at that) how to properly use irony.

Then give more then talk. I’m still waiting to see a build that’s supposedly ruined beyond believe.
My own build has been on the forums for a while now (even down to the skill points since a day or two).

Then you will have to tell that to the number of people who argue that it’s the ‘‘hardcore players’’ who oppose resets.

Hardcore has nothing to do with time. Hardcore games just has more risk. Casual games have no risk and dont require much though.

As for the thing about throwing your characters away, I like this idea.

Adding class resets would lose customers as well. Many people came to this game because it is like older mmos with a nice class system and no resets. Changing this would turn those players off.