Tree of Savior Forum

Say Yes to job reset

Down votes on any type of forum is probably the worst thing possible. Look at reddit. it allows cultural marxism to exist in its fullest capacity.

“I dont like thing, so instead of my rebuttal proving that their statement is wrong, ill just downvote it without a second thought”.

That would lead people to just spam downvotes and thus either by forced moderation cause the thing to be hidden or already set the narrative that his opinion wasnt worth looking into. “Well this person has a lot of downvotes, and i dont want to be in the downvote class so ill just ignore it because i trust the opinions of all these other people and not myself”

If you are afraid of opinions and can not formulate a good response to rebuke it, dont try to silence it.

I don’t quite understand it either. Simply being an active part of this discussion has prevented me from playing the game much in the past few days.

If people have that much time to spend, how can they argue that leveling a new character is a ‘‘waste of time’’.

It’s not the aspect of leveling a new character that feels like a waste of time, but rather deleting a character that you invested time in as a waste of your time. I see my time as an investment. And like any investment, when you lose the value of that asset, you wasted your investment. A lot of people here on the forum seems to have the mentality that their time is free. Which is fine. I have nothing against that. I simply have a different outlook. Also, I don’t spend hours on this forum. I’ve probably spent like 15 minutes top, excluding reading build guides of course.
Also, if it seemed like I was making an insult to those that had free time, it was more of a sarcastic remark. I envy those that have the luxury to spend their time leisurely

I truly believe any form of class respecs hurts this games longevity. Players don’t come to this game because it is another korean grind mmo (there are plenty of those), they come to it because it has an intriguing class system, that is the games selling point. Doing anything to dim the risk of player choice when it comes to this system is harmful to the game in my opinion. If a lack of class reset is enough to detour players from playing the game it probably wasn’t for them in the first place.

Things I support:
-There needs to be better tool-tips for skills.
-The game needs to make sure you are positive before selecting an advancement.
-The game should probably have some kind of testing area for pre-advancement selection.
-The game shouldn’t have an overwhelmingly huge number of exceptions to skill combinations.
-The game should properly indicate which buffs go to which buff bar.

None of these are the class systems fault, I would be all for threads that advocated fixing those problems. Most of the arguments for a class reset should be alleviated if those particular issues were fixed. I would be all for a one time full class respec and restat for everyone when these issues get addressed. However I don’t think an on demand respec of any kind has a place in the game.

There is however a suggestion that I really believe would cater to both sides. Character resets would allow you an alternative to just remaking your character by providing a faster way to get back to the point you left off at while allowing you the ability to retain your character.

On a relevant note, I really wish there would stop being 6+ threads for this topic, it is getting really old. I had what felt like a dissertation written on why comparing games shouldn’t be happening and when I scrolled up to find examples of such comparisons I only found one or two examples of it happening in this thread. I recall it happening in one of the multitude of threads about this topic though.

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Why should class advancement be a “risk”? Just the very fact you used that word to describe ranking up is stupifying.

Ranking up is supposed to feel awesome, you’re supposed to feel a wave of accomplishment over your newfound skill set. There should absolutely be no risk whatsoever in ranking where the only way to fix the mistake you risk is to ■■■■■■■ ditch the character altogether. It’s nonsensical. The game should be doing its damndest to ensure you have the highest level of knowledge possible of what you’re locking in to before you permanently make a decision you cannot reverse.


I respectfully disagree. I don’t see how class reset dims the risk of player choice? From my perspective, it would only strengthen the players ability to choose.

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I guess I should have worded it a bit better, I view risk as a good thing. The risk when choosing a class should be that you can’t go back on your choice so you should be sure that you are willing to commit to your decisions, and I feel that a class reset harms that. You are correct an advancement should feel good, the game currently doesn’t give information enough to make this happen. The risk is healthy in an environment in which players have all the information needed to make an appropriate choice. If you need a respec in such an environment then it becomes a player issue.

I agree completely that lack of information, as evident in my post, shouldn’t be the root cause of you needed to remake your character. I do however believe that if you messed up in such an environment where the game provided an adequate amount of information that the punishment should be to deal with it or remake, I believe a better option is the character reset which I linked in my post.

Edit: The game shouldn’t have necessarily BAD choices for advancement. The fact that it does isn’t the class systems fault, which means a class respec is a bandaid fix that harms build commitment in the long run, the potential for bad choices is going to need to be addressed anyways.

Edit2: The game will always have more efficient choices, it shouldn’t have choices that just don’t work, I do think that it is stupid that it does, and the huge number of exceptions is the cause of this. I advocate fixing those issues as they should be addressed anyways which in turn causes all build paths to at least work and thus you shouldn’t NEED a respec unless you are trying to run the most efficient build (Meta) which isn’t an appropriate reason for the game to have a respec.

You made a bad character, you deserve a bad character.

Question: did IMC say somethings about circle reset?

I’ve been told they said it would never happen. I haven’t seen a direct quote of this, though.


I’m sure they will soon and all the ignorant anti-circle reset people will have their panties twisted like mad when they see IMC is gonna do it.

It is intriguing that you guys thread this discussion as a some sort of an urban tribe clash ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Why makes you think that your build is screwed up and whatnot, was it because of the Earth Tower top tier list?

The amount of sources you are able to research are countless, back at the time where mmos were even more popular, there was no such thing as Wikis or Youtube, you’d need to find out things for yourself ingame, and now that the internet can spoonfeed you with all the information available, you refuse to accept it because you want to do things yourself blindly but yet you don’t want to feel regret for being reckless.

May I ask where did you all get the idea of reclassing your characters again? From Aeria games?


I think the term is spoonfeed.

woops, fixed :slight_smile:

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nope. Job reset is bad. this game isnt ment to be easy… in the way of using your brain …

if u fail to get a class u like well dont play any games…

u can’t reset your job in wow,tera,rift or any other games u make new characters. simple

Official source please? Else I smell bs.

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That’s the problem, the game already is easy enough.

People managed to reach the cap in a single month :o

In any case, somewhere one of the staff members mentioned that the idea would be sent to the Dev Team, there is no reply to the subject yet.

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If I recall that wasn’t what the topic was about. There was a ton of things taken out of context with that comment from the staff member. The original thread was about being able to transfer premium items to other characters on your account, to which the response was that he would he forward the suggestion to the dev team. I will edit with the link.


Original Request

Staff Response

People were using the staff response out of context in favor of class resets when the original request was to start over from level one or transfer premium items.

Thanks for pointing it out.

But it is still related to the whole reclassing/rerolling fiasco, or I would say that that topic was the sprout to what it has become.

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No class reset, thanks.