Tree of Savior Forum

Say Yes to job reset

Another topic on this? sigh…

Reasons were given, answer stays the same. NO, please no.

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A job reset in a game like this would be a great addition. Re-grinding a character because you chose the wrong class is just stupid. FFXI is an old school hardcore game, and yet no decision made in that game was ireversible. You were able to change class to whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, but had to level up each class individually.

How I would see it working here, is that each character made can be one of the 4 starting classes. As you rank up your classes you retain the ranks that you earned. So if you went to an NPC and asked him to reset your character classes, it would remove all skill points from all abilities for re-allocation, and allow you to pick which classes you wanted to take again. Since you already did the class quests, there would be no need to redo them unless you picked a class you havent done he quest for. Doing this would cost silver.

This way you cant screw up potentially hundreds of hours of work, and it would allow players to try out different builds. Any argument that this would ruin PvP makes no sense. Any argument against this makes no sense actually. The game is grindy enough as it is without having to slog through another 250 levels just because someone took highlander instead of peltasta. Some old school mechanics are cool, but after playing FFXI I cant accept a job system that doesnt allow for player freedom.


if you guys are against job reset, dont do it , just keep your job , so simple

Goddamm casuals.

You CAN switch majors, but you can’t use the credits you earned for that degree (with the exception of a few electives) towards a completely different degree. You also can’t put the funds you used towards your original degree towards a new one and not have to pay for the new degree.

A proper analogy, since you seem to have problems forming one, would go like this:

You are an English major. You have one course left until graduation. You realize, however, that your toilet paper degree will get you only a barista job or a technical writing position, and panic. You now decide to swap majors.

You can change degree(circle reset), and only have to take that one remaining course you needed as well as maybe a very short crash course on band-aids (having to level a single class from rank 1-15). Congratulations! You now have a biomedical engineering degree!

In real life, however, there is no magic I-didn’t-look-into-things reset for college. If you chose the wrong degree, you wasted a lot of time and money. You can change majors, of course, but you’re going to need to take a lot of new classes, and maybe get to keep 10% of what you did before (which is basically what team levels are in this game) if you’re lucky. It’s also going to require several more semester of work as well as a lot of extra money.

Your college analogy only proves how stupid circle resets are, and the complete lack of critical thinking skills that you possess.

It’s definitely dumb enough for you to have thought of it; that’s true.

I screwed up my build a bit. I’m over 200 (which honestly doesn’t take long, but a lot of people consider this a cut off point of sorts). I don’t approve of circle resets in any way. If they do come out, I will use one of course. I genuinely hope they do not though.

Exactly. I’m sick of the homogenization and castration of this genre to appeal to the laziest and most entitled players. Let us have ONE MMO please. You can have the hundreds of other WoW-clone-quest-fests out there.


Lmao so you’re a hypocrite.

Would you like to elaborate or just name call because you have no argument?


I say no, nay, nien, nada, not even, unacceptable.

You’d use it if it existed, so you don’t believe in sticking with your choices, you believe in utilizing an option to fix mistakes, which makes you a hypocrite.

No, it really doesn’t. I could see how you especially would get confused though.

Let me ask you this: Do you think the government should print off 10x as much currency next year and hand it out to every citizen? No. It would devalue the currency and that would just be stupid.

When they were making their rounds to hand out the currency, would you turn down your portion because you didn’t think they should have printed it in the first place? Of course not. It doesn’t make you a hypocrite; you simply have to do what is best in the new (flawed) situation. Not accepting the money (or in my case a circle reset) doesn’t make the money (or resets) go away.

You still believe they shouldn’t have printed it off, but the damage has been done; there’s no reason to put yourself at a disadvantage to protest something when it is already too late. That would be like going on a hunger strike now to protest Japan’s actions in World War II. There’d be no point. You simply have to move on and focus on the future.


You can’t condemn others’ gaming ideologies while in the same breath say you’d do the exact same thing if you had the chance. It’s the principle of the matter.

If you oppose a reset, oppose the reset. That’s not what you’re doing, you are insinuating everyone around you is less of a gamer, lazy, etc etc for wanting a reset, yet you’d happily do it if it were available.

That’s the definition of a hypocrite, and I honestly can’t believe you just essentially Godwin’d the thread, no mention of Hitler specifically but close enough.


I don’t know how to explain it any more fully. Maybe when you’re older you will understand, but probably not sadly.


They should really have down votes on this forum so ■■■■ posts like yours would rot in oblivion.

Where your well thought out responses such as this would flourish, correct? You might possess the least amount of introspection I have ever seen in a human being. It’s borderline astounding.

I envy you guys… having to have much time in the forum asking for a reset rather than leveling a character… don’t you think having stat and skill reset is already too much… this job system is the entirety of the game it all revolves in this job system… so anyone can be as unique as possible even for a slightest…

if they happen to ever implement this kind of reset… i hope it should be at least cost around :imp: 1999 TP… Or in a lower price but imposed it with a laborious quest as well, like the mission quest but divided into 20 parts :imp:, with low drop rate quest items which you can only get from rare monsters, and you cannot get outside without having the quest active… and must be done without a party… :imp::imp::imp:

I’d say yes to job reset. My reason being, I enjoy playing around with builds and testing it myself, rather then spending my time on forums and reddit looking up optimal builds, because I don’t want to pour hundreds of hours on a character, just to realize it’s not viable and having to reset. That would really detract me from wanting to continue playing the game. And it’s actually kind of already detracting me. Want me and all the other “casuals” to leave? Fine. Don’t expect the game to last without the “filthy casuals”. Keep in mind, hardcore players are the minority in any successful, modern mmo- just look at Wildstar. And look at two recent successful mmos- FF14 and GW2. Those games are far from hardcore and also why I enjoyed both games. I’ve invested over thousands of hours on both games and still played the same character which was awesome!

Also, if you’re against job resets. Just don’t job reset. Go play your new character, with your hundreds of hours of free time.


This is what i say to job reset and all those facilitators

With job reset do you want a lv 280 char with full sets to the game be enjoyable?

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Don’t play a hard core Korean grind MMO if you’re a casual gamer. :stuck_out_tongue:



I’ve already deleted lvl 150+ characters because of learning mistakes. I moved on and learned from it. I don’t object to it being a cash shop things for like 30 bucks however. Lose all Class Levels from your new rank as well, and only able to do your last Rank.


I would say yes because having more options is not a bad thing. Sometimes you just want to say “hey, perhaps i would enjoy this version of the swordsman tree better than this” and want to change instead of making a billion characters. It may not be that you messed up, but might have a more enjoyable time.

But for those who want a more “hardcore” atmosphere ( i find this funny because i see some of the same people saying this are the ones who complain about things that contradict that statement) or feels that it cheapens the game, a job reset should be VERY costly or have some kind of heavy penalty. Maybe EXP penalty, perhaps costs as much as a token?

Who knows, thats not for me to really say im not balancing the game or making changes.

Options never hurt anything. Its there for people who want it. People would buy it, it would help fund the game and it wouldnt nessicarally ruin anything because there are no real advantages to be gained from not having it. if someone changes from 3 circle barbarian to 3 cat, in reality it didnt hurt anything. Hell it would mean that weapons on the AH would be in more demand. No one wants to sit there with 7 characters trying to level them all up. No on really wants to continuously delete things. Hell I have done it a few times but that was for other things. Hell perhaps a class gets a complete remake and some people say “this is not the character I enjoyed anymore”. Would you force them to completely remake their 280 because of a patch they didnt ask for ? Or perhaps a job gets a revamp and they would want to change into that because its more their playstyle than their current.

Again like i have been saying. Options never hurt anything. It just adds to the experience. A company would have to be completely retarded not to want to give people what they want if there are no detriments to it. This wont kill or destroy anything. Not balance, not the market, not anything besides perhaps hurt the class ranking but I feel the ranking is in need of a complete overhaul.