Tree of Savior Forum

Say Yes to job reset

I don’t know, we are not asking for that.

Just for job resets, not base class.

It’s simple, really:

Don’t want a job reset? Don’t get one.

Don’t bother the rest with a “muh hard game” nonsense.


this turned ugly…

Honestly, if they just made a reset cost like 20 dollars, I’d be fine with that. At that price, most people won’t be able to “abuse” the system and everybody wins!

“I’m retarded and dunno how to search my class info on forums, so I will cry for IMC to fix my personal mistake” - OP, 2016.

should be more expensive actually :smiley: but then again people will start complaining about the price… you just can’t please everyone :frowning:

Then don’t use team storage as support for your reasoning to wanting a circle reset. What if IMC nerfs Swordsmen even more but all your premium items are on that character? Going to ask to become an Archer? Well no, you won’t answer because it your deem it unrelated to what is being discussed at hand, yet you’re more than willing to accept Team Storage into the matter. Convenient.

I’ve posted many times as to why a complete circle reset is actually very bad. I can summarize, but it’s honestly a bit tiring having to point out the obvious so many times over.

If you can reset your circles, you have no incentive to play any class in any tree that is not geared towards PvE and has an easy early and mid-game. Why do it? It’s much easier to level as a PvE class and reset later.

Let’s look at Quarrel Shooter. It sucks. It doesn’t get good until Rank 4 and even then, you’re there for a buff which synergizes well with other classes. But why level as a class with next to no AoE? Why not play as a Ranger and reset at Rank 5+ to a Quarrel Shooter. Why level a character you want for PvP if you can level as an a PvE and reset later? There is no reason beyond not wanting to spend TP. It is a waste of time to level as anything that is not optimal for leveling.

Not to mention you can simply reset to what is popular and in demand at the time.

I’ll agree that theres pros and cons on both camps. Different people find different system of gameplay enjoyable. Agree to disagree yeah? Also, just because one person is a min/max type of player doesn’t mean everyone will be. I actually like to play whatever I find enjoyable, not top dps. I just don’t want a gimped character.

You keep rambling about base class change when this post is not about that.

This is a business. A business IMC has to make profitable. They need players, elitist that want to make the game harder for everyone do not help to the growth of the game.

Make a positive experience so the playerbase and potential customer number increase.

As simple as that.

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You’re under the impression that not being 100% optimal is a negative experience. It’s not. Min-maxers do research, casual players don’t.

What builds are you talking about that lead to such a negative experience?

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Not having Pelt on Swordman.

You may not be popular in dungeons, but enjoy being more in demand in PvP. Now if you thought skipping an AoE aggro pulling skill was the best way to be in demand in PvE, then you should have thought about it a bit more.

I don’t think you understand what I meant so I’ll try to clarify. You stated in a previous comment about how people would just “copy endgame builds instead of trying to make what they have work,” if class reset was implemented. Disregarding the fact that people are already doing that. My point was I wouldn’t do that, because that’s a min/maxer mentality. But let’s assume people did do that. How would that affect your enjoyment of the game? Apologies if I’m sounding rude, but you are contradicting yourself. Also I’m a casual player and I did do my research. I just hate the fact that I have to to be viable. I’d rather play around with builds in the game and see what I find enjoyable. But this game discourage that type of gameplay

If you do a research, you’ll realize this is an unforgiving game.

Specially in the last ranks, which specialize in utilities most of the time.

  • Think in a cleric that got pardoner on R5-R6-R7 and found out he can’t sell most of his skills. This also applies to players that did a moderate amount of research, because the game does an awful job explaining it.

  • Think in a cleric that got oracle and found out it has not a single viable attack skill.

  • Think in a R7 class that was greatly nerfed (after he spent lots of TP on perfect stats and a hundred million TP setting skills) and is forced to abandon all that and start from 0.

This game is very unpolished, developers didn’t thought in many aspects, this is why class resets are a big necessity.

Can’t simply tell players that spent good money to GTFO because you want to feel “pro”.

If you don’t want one then don’t get one, don’t bother the rest that do.

It doesn’t affect you, after all.

Other than being a hater there is no reason to campaign to deny something that help other players.


I don’t really care about PvP. I’m more into PvE. I did think a lot about it, however I learned it during my playtime. No build I’ve read/researched told me so. I have even read the forums looking for some advice but all the data is scrambled and you don’t know what to believe. Specially because it was mixed with data from previous betas, and chances were that that info was outdated. (I didn’t play any of the OBs).

Some people are concerned about it and the overall performance of a swordman as a whole. It promotes the cookie cutter builds because how poor these skills are balanced. Besides the reset thing to temporary address certain issues, the job as whole needs a full revamp, imo.

I thought “Meh, I’ll do it fine”. But as I was progressing, I was more of a burden than a help, because our DPS sucks bad and I was not helping the groups at all.

I found myself re-rolling my character, losing everything because of this huge bag of BS. Needing a mandatory circle so I can play with other people is bad. Bad design is bad.

I wouldn’t call class resets a necessity for the game in the long run. I do agree in it’s current state a full class reset upon glaring issues getting fixed would be welcome. However, I don’t think glaring issues that need to be fixed anyways is reason enough to implement something as impactful as on demand resets.

Edit: I wish threads would get merged, feels like I am parroting my opinions to each thread as I lost track of which ones I commented in.

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My personal enjoyment should not be a point support your argument. If IMC sold EXP Cards how would that affect your enjoyment of the game? Do you see why this just doesn’t work?

Alternatively, the developers can re-balance and alter skills if it’s a big issue. Why is simply aborting the class the only option? Also please don’t use the Oracle argument. None of their skills are even listed as an attack. This is the equivalent of me taking Monk and being upset that they can’t heal. And you know what IMC does after a big balance patch? They often hand out skill and stat resets. I don’t understand the mentality that your build wasn’t 100% as you thought so it’s time to scrap it. That’s how a min-maxer plays. That’s how hardcore players play.

Now I’ve said before that I actually think you should circle resets. Yeah, that’s right. I do. But I don’t believe in just… changing circles. No, you have to put in some kind of effort, some sort of work. I’ve proposed dropping your class to rank 1 level 1 and giving you an exp bonus so you can level up faster but still have to level. I think circle resets are fine as long as it’s not a simple transfer.

And you can dumb down my side to being hater if you wish, but there is a lot of things that help players that aren’t a good idea. EXP Cards in the cash shop will help players who burned cards early and didn’t know when to use and save them. Should I support that because it would help another player? What about the player who wants to experience endgame but has so little time to play? Should I support a max level TP item? This is obviously a slippery slope but I don’t think that an item designed to help players is enough of a reason to support its existence.

@cyruswallace Sorry but you, as a PvE player, didn’t think that AoE aggro generation was a good idea? There were no posts predating the early release that revealed this information? I am beyond skeptical.

But. It’s. Different. One would be P2W and the other isn’t.

Looks like you are, however you’re making assumptions instead of questions. Asumming I could enjoy PvP, assuming I would play a tank because I like PvE. AoE aggro generation is a function related to tanks, not DPS. I wanted to play a DPS class but our damage doesn’t scale well compared to other classes. So, in order to find a spot in parties and be somewhat useful, I had to put that one single alone stupid peltasta circle.

If we had a good base DPS, we would be appreciated that way.

BUT I GUESS I can just buy lots of silver, buy tokens with TP and sell them, then with the new token system just spam attributes because that’s not broken at all. The reset of one single circle seems to be super crazy compared to it.

People this is 2016, we cannot have hardcore games like Baldur’s Gate anymore, even games like Pillars of Eternity and Divinity Original Sins have to be tweaked to fit the more casual players - why do you think there’s so many mobile games nowadays? Why do you think Konami (#f**kkonami) decided to quit developing games?

I say “yes to job resets” but only limit it when you reach a certain rank or when IMC decides to nerf a class to oblivion.

Thank you.

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Why do you care what other people do to have fun? It doesn’t affect you, right? Why is that a problem for you? Why should you care if someone pays to win? Doesn’t impact your experience, right?

@cyruswallace Well your issue is with the swordsman class as a whole. Do you know why people usually don’t want DPS swordsmen? Because of the reasons you said. That’s why they prefer tanky types. Does that mean you have to be one? Nope. You can make your own party if that is the case. That’s a balance issue, not a circle reset issue. Unless you’re hopping onto the build which is most popular this month.

Also why bring up tokens? Your argument is literally, “We have this broken thing I am not okay with, so why can we have this?” and that’s bad.