Tree of Savior Forum

Say Yes to job reset

well may be for them its the hard part, the lvling.

I guess Vanilla Maplestory was hardcore then. took me ages just to level in that game! Guess I can call myself a hardcore gamer

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i am sorry was there any need to say this? imc her for the money .

i am saying grind dont make a game hard. games like dark souls are hard.
sadly Vanilla Maplestory was harder that TOS.

Iā€™m agreeing with you. Just being sarcastic for those that think grinding is hardcore haha.

This developer has no clue. There are good and big examples out there that people actually do not mind to be punished at all.

Dark Souls is successful and it is a punishing game and doesnā€™t spoonfeed you at all (didnā€™t play 3 yet).

Developers these days have no fking clue about games and are simply puzzled how to make them fun. This leads to most players playing the game and ā€˜barelyā€™ enjoying it. Someone that is barely enjoying something because of various reasons doesnt have emotional room to be punishment by a half-assed mechanic/feature.

When developers talk about difficulty they talk about big meaty HP pools and ludicrous damage when they hit (reference diablo 3) ā€œNightmare is gonna be so difficult it will take months for people to clear itā€. One of the best examples simply because there was nothing difficult at all about it. You got hit you died so play in a way that you cannot be hit and that is it.

You canā€™t even say, well if you are barely enjoying this game, then play another one because all MMOs are literally the same. At their core they are flawed. Those companies donā€™t even think about spending money on counselling from actual veteran gamers that have spend thousands of hours in their hobby - from whom they could massively learn.

No developers in their arrogance think they are gamers and then you have the same mess again as before:

Strange damage amplification behaviours, snapshot shenanigans, 2h being the same stat stick as 1h, meatwalls as mobs, endgame being half-developed at best and so on.

MMO developers fail miserably from a business standpoint. You try to be successful in any other market and you check your opponents out so I expect them to play wow and to learn at least the basics. They didnā€™t and we pay the price - as per usual.


ohh sorry then , use this ( :expressionless: ) for sarcastic next time.

Another option would be to do what was discussed in another thread. Job Reset potion available for TP, only takes you back 1 circle. Has a 30 day cooldown on use. So if they wanted to start 3 circles back it would take them 3 months.
When they reset back a circle using the potion they start at base class level for that circle so they have to level it up again and lose the attributes they trained.

That gives some punishment to resetting circles which should make both sides a little more happy about the possibility and can make IMC some money in the process.


Thereā€™s no negative repercussion to simply letting people fully reset so this is all just arbitrary and very much in line with their trading rhetoric I.E. #arbitraryrestrictions.

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Even Dark Souls became easier to cater more to the casual players as the developers realized that more and more players were becoming casual players rather than Hardcore players. Just a large portion of the gaming populous simply do not have the time we once did to dedicate to these games.

Iā€™ve already rerolled a character and it sucks but Iā€™m doing it. Information is somewhat limited that Iā€™ve been able to find on this game to try to figure out if a build will work or not. Even though I was willing to remake a character, did I enjoy it? No not reallyā€¦ Would I like a Job Circle Reset potionā€¦ Yes but there should be some limitations on itā€™s use. Even wanting the potion I see itā€™s potential for abuse so there needs to be a cooldown/limitations in itā€™s use. I also see it as being a great potential for income for IMC as a premium consumable available for TP

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I have 3 chars, because I spotted what the ā€œendgameā€ will be like and dodged that bullet this time. Canā€™t get my wizard past 180, because grinding downtown/market is so engaging I am scared I will become addicted.

They can be happy that we even put up with this for the sake of playing something fresh.

most of the info is in korean.
most of the people dont want the reset played in the korean servers long befor this so they know what dont work.


Actually there is to some degree Zipzo. It would depend on if we are just talking a circle reset or if they lose some levels in the process. Let me give you an example

(Player 1) realizes that it is easier to level going up through this one DPS build in the earlier circles but it falls off late game. However there is another build that starts off slow and later on becomes a very viable power house that is currently a popular build because of itā€™s damage and utility late game. So (Player 1) decides since this reset potion is there he is going to take the easy route starting off and get a bunch of character levels up to mid game with this early game build. Once he gets there he is going to Circle reset and change over to the mid to late game build.

That is the abuse Iā€™m concerned with that I could see potentially hurting the game by making some of the player base want to leave. So in my other posts I noted a potential middle ground solution.

eh u know cap isnt 280 lol? its around lvl 600. we are still early in the gameā€¦

and also job reset would ruin this game

holy fk this again? LMFAO


Actually if you look at that one straw poll asking about peopleā€™s opinions on resets, about half the user base who voted is against it and about 25% wants a limited reset.

So you are actually in the minority.

Isnt 280 the cap right now? I know that the game is able to get past that but right now you cannot get past that level.

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It is needed.

Players should not be punished if they made a mistake, specially NOT if this game has hundreds of combinations.

If they ā€œmake a mistakeā€ they can still play their character. Most builds are viable enough to hit max level and experience endgame content. Now if you want to get into certain groups which looks for optimal builds, no you likely wonā€™t get in without doing some research. But youā€™re not really punished for having fun, unless you want to be a min-maxer, in which case, you should do research.

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Tell that to the players that spent 800$+ in TP costumes and untradeable items.

You know, the ones that keep this game alive.

The other ā€œno to job resetā€ post ignored that, it was all ā€œmuh hard gameā€ nonsense logic.

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