Tree of Savior Forum

[Poll] If the ToS cash-shop were to become costumes/vanity only (MK2)

This is intended to be a sibling thread with one of the suggestions that I put forth HERE

As I and perhaps many others have noticed… ToS will have the token system which provides ‘subscribing’ users various benefits over free users and is estimated to cost ~$20 a month. Free players will of course be able to also obtain tokens by using the ingame currency to purchase them from players who paid for tokens (in the kToS servers I’ve heard prices around 0.8 to 1.2 million silver per token)

So what I would like for this thread to be is a poll to gauge financially how much players would be willing to support ToS and imc given the following:

Given no changes to the token system, If the ToS cash-shop were to become costumes and vanity only, how much would willing to spend on ToS per month?

NOTE: Please answer this question truthfully

  • I would not want to play ToS anymore
  • I would spend $0 a month to play ToS
  • I would only buy tokens and not buy any vanity items
  • I would spend ~$5 a month on vanity items
  • I would spend ~$10 a month on vanity items
  • I would spend ~$15 a month on vanity items
  • I would spend ~$20 a month on vanity items
  • I would spend ~$25 a month on vanity items
  • I would spend >$25 a month on vanity items
  • I would spend ~$5 a month on vanity items [and buy a token every month]
  • I would spend ~$10 a month on vanity items [and buy a token every month]
  • I would spend ~$15 a month on vanity items [and buy a token every month]
  • I would spend ~$20 a month on vanity items [and buy a token every month]
  • I would spend ~$25 a month on vanity items [and buy a token every month]
  • I would spend >$25 a month on vanity items [and buy a token every month]
  • Other - Please describe in this forum!
  • No opinion

0 voters

DISCLAIMER: Since we don’t really know the price of vanity items in iToS, if they are poorly priced, the above results may not hold true.

DISCLAIMER 2: This poll will likely underestimate revenue from vanity items as many users may end up making only sporadic vanity/costume purchases. The degree of underestimation is unknown.

EDIT: Hungry for more polls? Try this older Mega Poll!

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EDIT: Although I said I would not make anymore polls, I just did not envision imc staff making this kind of poll. But if the results from this poll can be used to persuade devs on a more ethical monetization route then I’m willing to break my own self promise.

[Personal Opinion Zone]
The fact that imc also want to have a cash-shop where people can gamble for stats far more easily than non cash-shop players, is just being greedy in my opinion. Especially when they are already asking ~$20 a month for tokens. I think it really makes it harder for people to want to support imc with further purchases with this situation.
[/Personal Opinion Zone]

I would also be interested in feedback from the community on what types of vanity items they would like to see! For an example of some possibilities see: Here

For example: I think having alternative skill effect vanity items would be a really cool possibility.

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who care about some little stats, I want speed boost, exp boost, and also that would limit their cash shop potential


Um yes… for an estimated $20 a month per token you are getting a speed boost and exp boost…

EDIT: and if you’re a free player you can buy these tokens from cash players using ingame money.

Maybe i would buy a costume once awhile if it looks cool, so it’s hard to say for every individual month.
I agree with @duytueha ,and like to buy stuff like exp boosts.
20$ a month is a little much for just 30% exp and basic things like trading should be free anyway.
So i’m not sure if i would buy a token every month.

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here we go again with the “IMC is being greedy” threads. you know what dude, if you don’t plan on paying on anything then just keep it to yourself, please do understand that it’s a company, not a charity. so if you’re thinking that all the money will go into the pockets of the owners, then please allow us the honor of you not playing this game. They need money and that is a fact and a lot of it will go to the employees that will work on the game’s development for future content and also to the servers. you do know that there is a cost to operate this large operation considering that this is an international version. so please people, enough whining, if you’re not gonna buy something then just play, it’s not like you’ll be a ranked player anyways. so keep the bullsh*t to yourselves about the game not being fair and just enjoy the game.


When action-RPG Path of Exile was launched last year, developer Grinding Gear Games was clear. It would be an “ethical” free-to-play without any compromises to the evils of pay-to-win.

That meant no XP boosts or weapon upgrades, just for flashing a credit card. No expensive steeds or portals for fast-traveling. No intrusive ads and invitations to spend money on fancy new characters.

So how has the Diablo 2-style game been faring in the rough and tumble of the actual, open market?

Pretty good, it turns out. The New Zealand developer boasts over 5 million registered players with “hundreds of thousands” playing at any given time. Its first major expansion, Sacrifice of Vaal, is out next week.

“We probably would be making more income if we were pay-to-win,” said lead programmer Jonathan Rogers. "But the game is doing very well. We paid off our development costs, the company is making enough money to expand."

I would argue that excessive greed is not good. And I think a lot of people underestimate the goodwill of a dedicated and loyal fanbase who believe in what you are doing.

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So i will say it one more time.
For a game to pull off what you want here it need to have over 1m players. Sadly tos will not have it.
Vanity items is a one time bay ands its based on personal tastes. 8f i like onlly one item in a year the imc will get only 5-10$ from me a year.not so good.
Game like lol did it.

again you do this…

If ToS had pure vanity, it’d better have a HUGE amount of customization, and not one piece sets.

I would spend a lot less on ToS if it had permanent vanity as opposed to what it is in it’s current state. I feel like somewhere in between it’s current state and vanity would do well. The cash shop is fairly empty in comparison to most F2P’s. You can’t even purchase more inventory/etc.


I can’t usually afford subscription based services on most newer online games. The last online game I played I had end up leaving even though I really loved the game. I couldn’t get anywhere because they put paywalls on some of their services and subscriptions for other services making it impossible to play and it was all priced higher than I could afford. Even the vanity items were priced higher than equivalent real life items.

Just as long the items and subscriptions don’t interfere with free play I don’t mind as much but because I haven’t played the game yet I don’t really know how it will effect the game play.

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Do you think Path of Exile started off with 1 million players?

I take the field of dreams philosophy, if you build it, they will come (and if you look at Path of Exile came to be, that’s pretty much how it happened).

Of course you have to build something that people are attracted to. In my view, the cash-shop items offer too big of a negative value preposition for players looking for a level playing field. At least with tokens everyone can only buy 1, but with cash shop items, there’s no limit.

Meh. For just costumes, I definitely wouldn’t be making monthly payments to buy them since the customization options we have right now are limited. If we got things like Gfx changes to skills (Have your Arrows turned to suction-cups), weapon costumes, skin costumes for minions/traps, shoes (People pay $150 for Nike’s irl so I’m certain they’d pay $15 for it in-game) and they kept the implementation of these items at a constant rate, I could see them surviving off a vanity and convenience model.


it won’t really affect your in game experience that much if you’re not so nitpicky like these whiny as*holes. the most difficulty that you would probably experience is the grinding because the exp rate will be brought back to normal and no more 2x exp gains. that’s all, and also money is not that hard to acquire, unless you’re a gold seller then you won’t have a problem with it. so basically if you’re just in for the fun then there’s no problem at all :smiley:

Stop trying to cause more shitstorms and just wait for the game to release before causing more flame wars in these kinds of threads.

edit: Just wait and see.

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I don’t see any ■■■■storms here… only calm rational discussions? Where are the ■■■■storms? Besides, I’m trying to collect data which might be useful for convincing a higher up that maybe there’s a better path for ToS. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

I trust that people here are mature enough not to get into shouting and name calling matches.

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I agree, I’ve never once spent a dime on a costume because there’s no benefit to it, but I would most certainly spend money if it’ll give me 30% more exp gain on killing a mob.

Don’t tokens already provide a +30% exp gain?

True. But in my opinion there should always be an option to get an exp boost without having to buy a 20 dollar token so more people can efford it, or stack it with the token :slight_smile:

correct me if I’m wrong, but can’t you get tokens from the market? I know that the one who put it there had to pay for it, but that was his/her choice.

If so, then you already have an option to get an XP boost without paying 20dollar.