Tree of Savior Forum

Policy Update Regarding RMT

And the ones people had in the past were RMTed away. So you already tainted the economy with illegal transactions even if in a very small fraction.

Removes competition -> affects economy.

How ? Their asking price was 1b or 300 in cash for example.
If they were around they will still be asking for that

Bear in mind gilly wings are 2$ a pop in cash shop to try get one.
Sellers wont be pushing their prices down except for that one or two really desperate ones.

Remember the cost investment ? For giltine wings or +21 miki 7 pot ?
We’re not talking about masi recipes or even golden legend cards in the long term

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You’d have 5-10 or more people asking for the same thing and 1-2 players being able to afford. Great scenario for buyers haggling and people undercutting each other, which is natural to happen.

Now if you start taking 3-4 copies from others via RMT, you kill competition, thus affect economy.

Yeah, I do. But we’re talking about RNG here, someone would possibly get it spending ~$50 and sell it cheaper than you who spent $300, that’s how gacha works.

Same goes for +16 and +21 weapons, not all sellers are lucky but some will have reached it with a very low cost and then sell at lower price in a competition without RMT involved.

Those selling cheaper probably already sold them off.
The remaining ones in the market will be based on average cost/risk investment. And in the high end market, the buyers call the shot.

When a high end item is underpriced, buyers will be outbidding each other instead of undercutting until the average price.
Even if someone sells 5 copies velco+21 7 pot weapon today at 300m for example. I am still not selling mine lower than 2b no matter what.

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Which is a great example of how economy can be in a natural state if you don’t have someone pulling the items out of it with real money.

Even if there’s no cost change, there are more people selling and silver circulating.

Now start putting 3-5 buyers taking out the items with 1:1 RMT and you break the balance, reduce competition with illicit ways and start making the price follow real life currency rather than silver/items economy only.

You still dont get it.
If others are selling gilly wings or velco+21 7 pots at 300m. Good for them. I assure u there wont be many of them.
However my pricing on these items will never be affected by others.

I will quote @Veldt , and this unchecked currency faucet is bots generating surplus of silver.
They should be the direct focal of the policy instead of deterring RMT buyers. There are ways to get around this.

  1. Limit the excessive amount of bots ( Be it AFK timers on maps, active actions by IMC via player reports )
    Myself i am very neutral towards RMT, I dont feel player to player RMT affects the game economy. And will even argue that limited silver RMT is needed to keep the game alive at its current state until further changes are made.

  2. Adjust the silver sinks. The average silver generated by active players per day X cost of silver sinks needs to be looked at. One ichor attempt will cost you about 8.54m and thats excluding the cost of crafting the base item. Even velco rerolls will cost me around 11m±
    Im not sure how much the average player generates per day. Myself I pick up about 30m silvers on average if i farm 12hours a day and still i struggle to keep up with the silver sinks.

  3. Reduce the number of RNG gates in the game. It is really sad to see someone put in hours and hours of hardwork to farm 500m silvers to craft an item. And end up being a victim of RNG. Many of which will considering quitting the game.What Nekorin mentioned above might be a solution.

  4. Implement additional features in TP shop to provide more avenues to spend instead of RMT. Whales will always whale. Give them a “legal” way to whale. For now , silvers RMT is the better alternative until bots are killed and silver rates go up. A pay2win debate will be sparked and balance is probably difficult in this.
    Personally For me p2win is part of life. Both in game and reality. People spend 6 digits cash in a night just because they can while I cant do the same just because i dont have the ability to do so. I salute them and accept that reality is as such

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The thing is that it will. Otherwise you won’t be able to sell them because someone stole your buyers.

If you put RMT into play that changes and this already affects the economy, you don’t need anything more than killing competition and changing the natural flow of these transactions by adding the cash factor - this affects how market and trades works.

No one said that they shouldn’t be the the main focus of the policy.

But having one wrong doesn’t justify the other. The policy should cover everything.

All types for RMT should be punished according, removing illicit gains and banning for a period compatible to the severity of their actions. Bots and bot-RMT buyers of course should have harsher penalties since they also adds inflation into the list of issues.

It will not . Having multiple copies of gilly wings in the market will not affect veldt’s pricing on his gilly wings.
The same will apply to the seller of velco+21 7 pots. If no one meets the asking price there will be no deal.

The way the current policy is, BOTs are not the main focus. In fact the silver seller i chatted with laughed at this policy.

I already gave a situation whereby gilly wings RMT made 3 parties happy.
Seller HAPPY wings sold
Buyer HAPPY wings bought

White knighting against RMT , especially player to player trading will not improve the overall state of the game in any way. If you are truly concerned about the game, you will agree with me that the main issue on hand is dealing with the excessive bots.

RMT Bots will always exist… it cant be stopped… only slowed down.
That one day when all bots leave the server = Game is dead.
Even silver sellers see no profit here.

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Because people already got it RMTing in the past. If no one ever RMTed it the price would have changed. If veldt would have never changed their price, someone else would, and this is what 1:1 RMT kills - competition.

And if no RMT enters in action, the price will change or nothing will be sold for a long time.

One issue doesn’t exclude the other though. 1:1 RMT is still illegal no matter what, unless IMC changes their own terms of service.

And just as you said to STAFF earlier in the thread, the sites are changing their practices into selling other type of items in 1:1 trades. This will soon get too similar to player<->player RMT, requiring actions that focus on this.

I’d like to point out that (putting aside the sites changing their practices - I track a number of them, and none of them are doing this as of yet, unless the person was talking about non-english region sites COUGHfacebookgroupsCOUGH) folks who do 1:1 RMT trade are also most likely not going to buy my stuff for silver/ingame items (because they don’t have either) anyway.

Soooo… i’m not exactly losing any buyers, on that count.

On top of which, the current system where all trans’d items have to go through the market limits the sort of 1:1 RMT trade to non-gear items. (Which isn’t exactly pay2win, is it?)

Something that I can somewhat agree with. The sky seems to be falling over here, and I do think I just saw a pig outside my window.


Maybe ask themselves since it’s the guy you’re defending?

Yet facebook 1:1 RMT groups exists and affects economy.

Except that the buyer might buy from someone else, and that’s a natural competition. Now, facebook groups, like you said, kill in-game competition in favor of real life currency competition, affects game economy again.

And that doesn’t change anything as to why 1:1 RMT naturally affects economy in any form it exists. Even if it didn’t affect, it should be punished in any way.

Also, and again, if you just go check the poll I made earlier, just like in the old thread/poll, shows that the older players that are still around are against RMT, even in 1:1 form:

It’s actually a good source to point it out that if a game company owner wants to keep their loyal playerbase that keeps playing for years, one of the steps is to enforce their policies - and that includes punishing 1:1 RMT, as well all other forms of RMT.

Especially, if you consider what your friend on the topic said, that silver sellers are starting to use 1:1 RMT to try bypass the policy.

Everyone draws the line differently. I don’t buy TP to be ‘competitive’, I buy TP for tokens, skill resets, and lettuce cubes once and a while for fun.

There is no such thing as ‘abusing TP’. This is a fabrication from an RMT thief who is trying to take a righteous stance.

Surprised that a /pol/tard like you has such trouble with concepts of law and order, figured you would all over that stuff since you slob Trump’s nob.


“RMT via TP/gacha” is a misnomer and fabrication used by people who RMT to justify their poor/illegal actions and try to turn the spotlight on the people playing the game legit.

Normally, criminals don’t project because they want to stay hidden and under the radar. Here we have morons defending a practice that is against the Terms of Service while trying to take a righteous tone, it is comical.

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TP shop items don’t inject silver into the economy. C’mon bro this is basic. At this point you are flailing around trying to justify acts that violate the terms of the game, by attempting to turn law-abiding players into the villians. Classic red-handed thief mentality. Give it up.

Wtf are you talking about? You sound like a conspiracy theorist. Don’t put words in my mouth. Learn economics 101. Come back to me. Be friends.

Quote of 2018 “TP shop items don’t inject silver into the economy. C’mon bro this is basic.” This is the justification someone who spends absurd amounts of TP uses to validate their holier than thou attitude. Ditch it bro.

You are failing to look at the server economy in a holistic manner. Silver exchange from player X to player Y does not affect the economy at all, which is precisely what happens when you sell a TP item in the MP.

In fact, it REDUCES the silver floating in the economy because of the MP tax.

Whereas botting and then selling RMT INJECTS silver into the economy, it is literally printing money which causes inflation. THIS is econ 101, friend.

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Lol you just said it yourself. If you produce items out of thin air, you are producing VALUE out of thin air. It’s the same as producing MONEY out of thin air. The idea is to have a true organic economy without any fake production of items. You seriously don’t understand this fundamentally. I see this now. It all makes sense now why you live on the forums, your poor brain just can’t wrap around it. Listening to Narc’s “its not pay to win” attitude, you both need help.

The TP items have an intrinsic value, which is determined by the value of the CURRENCY. The value of the CURRENCY isn’t affected by selling a TP item.

The value of the CURRENCY is screwed sideways by tons of gold farmers injecting their passive income into the server econ thanks to players buying their in game CURRENCY for real-life $.

When you buy a TP item, you are not buying CURRENCY. This is the fundamental difference that you are purposefully failing to grasp, in a veiled effort to justify your illegal and shameful acts.

No no you don’t get it. The TP SHOP does the SAME DAMN THING the botters do. When you remove the boTTERS, the TP shop will become the prime destructive force on the economy. Don’t play with the facts. You see now why I’ve beeen saying IMC likes the bots? BECAUSE it justifies them having the TP trader to ‘counter balance the inflation’. This is textbook what politicians do to raise taxes on you. You’re talking out your ass buddy.

Im honestly getting sick of saying the same damn thing over and over again. Thick headed folks, spending the same amount or more on TP thinking they are clean. It’s honestly a travesty. You guys create a massive rift in this game, if everyone got on board IMC would be alot better off.

The currency determines the value of item, not the other way around. If everyone spammed the ■■■■ out of the TP items instead of RMT, the value of the TP items would decrease, while the currency remained strong.