Been playing on Steam for a about a week now, and was planning on really devoting time on a Swordsman build. I have reached a certain level for my run getting Peltasta 1 and Hoplite 1 already. The pace has been okay so far but I have been very curious in going in deeper in the Peltasta class tree. I’ve seen pretty good gameplay videos of players like @WatchGintama.
But discussions are too far in between about the build that I can’t find a solid guide to take inspiration from. And most I’ve read about the class say not to go past the first circle, which is somewhat discouraging.
I’m the type of player that goes for something unconventional, and don’t mind taking a hard or slow route to enjoy a game. The way I see it, if I can manage to deal with the nightmare of leveling / grinding such a build (and even end up enjoying it) I probably can manage to play more offensive type of builds.
I don’t want this build to just soak up damage, but I would like it to definitely be on a more defensive end. I’m not in a hurry as I only play casually.
I’ve been toying with the skill simulator for a time now – and I’m hoping somebody can add some vital information for making it better.
I’m really struggling with how the I plan out my Rank 1 Skills but here are my considerations:
Getting Concentrate over Gung Ho so there is no penalty to my defenses but I am able to get some additional damage. I will just upgrade their respective attributes as needed. The biggest drawback I see is the 20 sec difference in the duration of the buff. A fully attributed Gung Ho at level 1 and level 5 only has a difference of 12 in Physical Attack. Again, using Gung Ho will be very selective for my case. And stocking up on SP potions may be in order.
Pump the two attack skills as best as possible. I went for Bash over Thrust since the crowd control of Bash might come in handy. 3 Overheat Counter will be beneficial when Umbo Blow will be on CD. With this I have access to the three different attacks. (Strike, Slash, and Pierce)
1 Point to Pain Barrier, just in case, but otherwise I can place it in either Concentrate or Thrust.
Is Rim Blow worth taking at 6?
Am I wasting all the effort if I leave Swash Buckling at level 5?
Currently have 5 skill free to spread but can go up to 11, if I do not get Rim Blow altogether.
Stat Allocation
I have no idea at the moment. Appreciate the help!