Tree of Savior Forum

Planning on Going Peltasta C3


Been playing on Steam for a about a week now, and was planning on really devoting time on a Swordsman build. I have reached a certain level for my run getting Peltasta 1 and Hoplite 1 already. The pace has been okay so far but I have been very curious in going in deeper in the Peltasta class tree. I’ve seen pretty good gameplay videos of players like @WatchGintama.

But discussions are too far in between about the build that I can’t find a solid guide to take inspiration from. And most I’ve read about the class say not to go past the first circle, which is somewhat discouraging.

I’m the type of player that goes for something unconventional, and don’t mind taking a hard or slow route to enjoy a game. The way I see it, if I can manage to deal with the nightmare of leveling / grinding such a build (and even end up enjoying it) I probably can manage to play more offensive type of builds.

I don’t want this build to just soak up damage, but I would like it to definitely be on a more defensive end. I’m not in a hurry as I only play casually.

I’ve been toying with the skill simulator for a time now – and I’m hoping somebody can add some vital information for making it better.

Build Here

I’m really struggling with how the I plan out my Rank 1 Skills but here are my considerations:


  1. Getting Concentrate over Gung Ho so there is no penalty to my defenses but I am able to get some additional damage. I will just upgrade their respective attributes as needed. The biggest drawback I see is the 20 sec difference in the duration of the buff. A fully attributed Gung Ho at level 1 and level 5 only has a difference of 12 in Physical Attack. Again, using Gung Ho will be very selective for my case. And stocking up on SP potions may be in order.

  2. Pump the two attack skills as best as possible. I went for Bash over Thrust since the crowd control of Bash might come in handy. 3 Overheat Counter will be beneficial when Umbo Blow will be on CD. With this I have access to the three different attacks. (Strike, Slash, and Pierce)

  3. 1 Point to Pain Barrier, just in case, but otherwise I can place it in either Concentrate or Thrust.


  1. Is Rim Blow worth taking at 6?

  2. Am I wasting all the effort if I leave Swash Buckling at level 5?

  3. Currently have 5 skill free to spread but can go up to 11, if I do not get Rim Blow altogether.

Stat Allocation

I have no idea at the moment. Appreciate the help!

NO matter how you pick with C3 Peltasta and you gonna end up be a support tank build.

If you going get CON/DEX build here is my suggestion.

Thrust got 0 CD so you can spam it on leather mob or some boss if you needed.

Bash got CD so i not recommend.

Gung Ho not working with Guardian so we don’t need it.

You need Pain Barrier MAX because some range or magic mob gonna stop your attack.

About Rim Blow maybe need a mage friend?
It always not working correct by my view…
(Maybe i don’t have mage friend xD.)

If Langort working right it OP.
(this spell got some bug i think…)
Because went i use Dievdirbys “Carve World Tree” it even can stop magic mob attack with “silences”.

Get this weapon and you need hunt a group mob.

Block Penetration is needed at high level if i’m right.

DEX is way better then STR because dodge is useful hunting group of mob.


1)You don’t need Gung Ho because you can one shot any plate mob with Umbo Blow+High Guard combo.

2)I pretty sure you don’t wanna push any mob with melee class.

3)Better max it…


1)erm…no… or you have a idea how to use it.

2)It all about you solo or group…

3)Don’t click too much on low level spell it not gonna help you do more damage…

See my other post may help you.
(i think .__.)


  1. The additional 4 seconds and the increased cost of Pain Barrier is not worth it, IMO. You can pretty much plan ahead when you have to use it so, I think the 15s is more than enough I think. I won’t be just standing around and taking hits. I will be moving around to kite certain attacks.

  2. Bash has overheat which compensates for its CD. At three counters, I think it’s a great filler for Umbo Blow when its on CD. I’m not planning on spamming Thrust. I do see its value as a Pierce Skill which I need for variety in offense. The knock back can be toggled on or off, if I’m not mistaken. It might have its uses.

  3. Gung Ho. The thing is, I don’t think Guardian is all that needed, if you get all the blocking and auto-block, and evasion from DEX. It could be a filler to be honest. So I can get it at Level 1 for the 18% Evasion.


  1. Isn’t the minimum for Rim Blow to get the effect of High Guard Buff is Level 6? How am I mistaking the use of it?

  2. I get your point. I think I won’t go more than 10 on Swash Buckling if ever.

  3. Exactly my point, so that is why I’m thinking of taking out Rim Blow, if the Umbo Blow will be enough for my offense against Plated mobs.

Can you link the post here, please? And thank you for taking the time. I will consider your advise on going Dex and Con.

con scales horribly late game because it add flat damage and also only last number of hits compare to gung ho which last for a set time and scales way better. Your never going to use guardian beside for 1 ■■■■ moment for that 18% eva boost so only ever 1 point in guardian.

High guard also scales horribly so not worth so high better off maxing out swashbuckling for more mobs or get butterfly for more damage. Keep high guard at 3.

Bash is good if you want pvp for the CC and also thrust scales really bad late game so it won’t be much use later.

I understand the mechanics perfectly.

My concern is to whether or not to invest in Rim Blow. If Umbo Blow does its job correctly, I might not need it in my rotation altogether. If I can free up 6 points by not getting it, I am free to invest those 6 points in something else.

I don’t think I will be running with a Cryomancer consistently to maximize the Frozen / Petrify damage buff too often.

Thanks, Rex. So what would be your recommendation for the Swordie Skills?

I also do 3 bash 5 gung ho 5 pain and 2 point in w/e I recommend 3 bash, 5 gung ho and 1 pain barrier at least. The last 6 points do w/e thrust if you want more dmg early or more pain barrier for pvp maybe its all up to you at that point.

Rim Blow will help your rotation while HG is still up, and since your other attacks will be nigh useless during that time it’s almost a necessity to have once Umbo is in CD.

If you want to deal some damages under high guard I recommand you to max both umbo and rim blow, but focus on umbo blow enhancement first.

Guardian should not be at more than lvl 1

High guard lvl 3 is good early for the +50 Def via attribute… But later you will regret the trade with crit, lvl 1 is better if you want to keep some damages, lvl 3 is possible if you want to focus on pure tank only, but anyway don’t invest more point on it.

Take the time to think about what you want to do with your character, because in most cases people regret to pick c2 and c3 with peltasta: c1 give you a good base to mix with other class, c2 mean you will also pick c3 in order to max damages OR max taunt

Got it. Thanks! :cookie:

I know what you mean by that. I have a Peltasta 1 > Hoplite 1 parked just in case I want to stop pursuing this build. Thank you for the advice.

I’m not even hoping for any major changes to the class - and I have read quite a lot of the frustration going for the 2nd and 3rd circle of the class. I just like the theme and concept of it – making use of the shield as a weapon.

Do you have any advice on Stat allocation? Currently doing a 3:1:1 split between CON:STR:DEX. Might go for a 2:2:1 or 2:1:2.

Again, thanks. :cookie:

Going to throw this out there but idk why people have these high con build its completely worthless beside for some use in PvP but even than your not killing anyone.

Fighters already have naturally high hp so you don’t even need much con to get the hp you need. Getting excess hp does nothing but make you dead weight in your party. If you only need 20k hp to say tank earth tower than having 40k only slow your party down as your dmg is horrible while another tank way 20k ish hp could tank and do like 2-3x your damage.

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1)Swash buckling provoke 16+ mob is a pain because you can’t move a inch and without dodge it even more worse…
That’s why i recommend get more Pain Barrier.

But if you get Cataphract that will be different story…

2)It a PVP spell and Swash Buckling got better crowd control.
(Bash damage weak as Thrust with CD…)

3)Provoke 16+ mob more like freeze your Peltasta to dead.
Use Guardian went your High Guard in CD, better than nothing.


1)Yep, you will have a suprise that Umbo Blow drain your sp so fast.

2)Problem solve.

3)Problem solve.

My build is base on PVE only and i don’t think you wanna try PVP with Peltasta.

My last advice.
Good tank without healer is rare to find.

I don’t know why you guy want a Rank 4 class doing end game content zzz…

Plz remember this is Peltasta C3 discussion.

Speaking about Peltasta only and regarding the low damages skills and various ‘buff’ cutting your damages, I see no interest to improve STR.

Also, because nobody have currently reach the max lvl and final content I will just give you some advise based on my own experience during lvling.

The most efficient build I did was 2:1 CON:SPR … yes SPR, but also using 4 pcs cloth armor.

In fact if you speak only about tanking physical damages, DEX and leather Armor is better, but at some point you will be forced to consider tanking magic, and that it’s only possible with high cc capability and High HP + magic def.
People also under estimate SPR on tank, but if you think about it, what SPR really give ?

SPR is good for tank, I agree if it was for the magic defense only, it will not be so good, but people forgot the impact of the sp bar : to use cc skills and insure a 100% uptime on your buff is very important.

If you just taunt and block during fight, and try to deal the most damages as possible in order to speed up your dungeon run, I think you go wrong.

Your team will enjoy more to see you always in front of them, already taunting the next pack of monsters and grouping them when they are finishing the last mobs behind, then they will also really appreciate to see you stunning/incapacitating monsters, and bumping distant monsters to take them back to the pack.

But anyway, keep in mind many things can change during this year, many reworks can happen, also as content will force us to review our way to tank.


I’ve been researching all sorts of builds through forums and theory crafting through simulations. From what I’ve learned, going rank 3 peltasta is not worth the time and grind for sub par skills. Rank five swashbuckling is good as it is. The seemingly popular build at the moment is Rank 1 Swordsman / Rank 1 Peltasta / Rank 1-2-3 Hoplite.

Finestra level 15 gives you a very considerable buff critical for both offense and defense specifically for a tank with shield. Though of course whatever you decide to do is up to you.


I only skimmed through the thread, but this is the Peltasta C3 build I recommend:

Swordsman->Peltasta C3->Corsair->Fencer->Doppelsoeldner

It has a great balance between PvE, PvP and GvG as you have multiple ways of being useful (from AoE taunting, to AoE with Cyclone, Iron Hook for PvP and sustained DPS through Fencer).

For stats if you want to be more on the “tanky” side then I recommend a DEX/CON build to increase your evasion and focus on landing critical hits rather than trying to compensate for damage you don’t have through STR. You will still add some points into STR but it won’t be the main focus of the build (only at early levels).

You could opt into leaving Gung Ho at level 1~2 and get Pain Barrier to level 5, since I think it is a fair trade for this build.

I recommend saving most points from C2 to spend them right after you hit C3, that way you improve your damage output by a lot right when the game starts requiring you to do so. You can easily get with auto-attacks alone by adding mainly STR during your early levels (around 40~ STR).

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Remember you need lvl 3+ on Gung Ho in order to be allowed to enhance it.

Thanks for the reply Cathexis. :cookie:

Was planning on saving up from C2, yes.

I’m done rolling out with the Swordsman skills…

1 Pain Barrier - I think I will manage. The 4 second additional for 4 points isn’t really appealing to me.
5 Concentrate - I know it has poor scaling and I don’t plan it on saving my life mid or end game. Early game, I think it’s vital.
5 Gung Ho - Not keen on blasting the attribute sky high, so as of the moment a 5:1 benefit will work.
4 Bash - From what I’ve read, its a good filler.

Thank you for the suggestion for the stat distribution. I’ve read your Swordie guide quite extensively. Hope you continue to improve on it.

I am actually so tempted to completely ruining this run by rolling out Rodelero > Shinobi if I’m pumping all that DEX into it. Instead of Throw Kunai I will get Shield Lob as my Ninja Projectile for more impact. :smile_cat: