Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

@Cathexis, im doing the build SW1>Pet1>Hop3>Dop1>Drag1
I’m level 142 now and my status is like this: 200Str, 50Con, 47Dex.
What do you think about this stats?
Should i focus on more str now ?

I think he mans when savagery was a thing…
that ■■■■ was indeed OP

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I wonder, why do you keep telling people to take pounce only at level 1? Its a brilliant skill with no aoe ratio limit that hits 30 times in 10 seconds. Definitely strongest barb skill right now and might stay this way even after ktos changes come in ( if they do ), due to it being multihit and thus scaling really well. Yes, long cd but we will have more skills to fill up the gap and its pretty awesome in pvp aswell.

I think it must of been weaker in the past for you to be stating that, I dont see any other reason why.

@Cathexis Hello, thanks for making this topic!
Want to know if this is a viable build, i usually do pve and i normally play solo.
Didnt pick hop or dragoon because well i just enjoy more playing with swords, I thought on going highlander for the crit atribute but i’m not sure if barbarian would do more damage.

Thank you c:

Hi Cathexis,

I want to be a full CON tank and support at the same time, I play party with my friends with their DPS type build. Currently, I am in Peltasta C2. Maxing SB and What classes should I acquire in the next ranks?
Some say RodereroC2-FencerC2, how about corsair and squire. And if you may please, post the skill simulator for this build. Thank you so much!

I think they are good for your level and yeah, from now on you should focus on STR until you get 300~350. At that point you can decide if you would like to have more CON/DEX (depending on whether or not you will do PvP or GvG).

I think level 1 is great as a filler since the huge cooldown doesn’t allow it to be anything more than that and it can’t be used as a main source of damage.

But I do think there is room to max it out on certain builds, depending on playing style. The question is where would you take the points to max it out from?

There is enough room for customization in Barbarian for players to adapt their build to their playing style. They can always choose to max one skill or another or skip them entirely.

That is why I recommend level 1 as a filler and if the player feels the need to add more points to it then they can adapt their build to their needs. But I don’t feel this skill is strong enough to justify maxing it out in a “mandatory” way.

Sure, it is viable. Although I would make a few changes:

  • You want to max Seism as it will be one of the skills you will use most of the time
  • You might consider placing 1 point into Pouncing as a filler.
  • Since you are going into Barbarian C3, I think it is better to take advantage of the attributes for Frenzy / War Cry that you acquire by going into it. In this case I would recommend maxing out Frenzy.
    War Cry I think it is fine at level 7, but you can always choose to max it out too (you can take points from Helm Chopper to do this).

Other than that, it looks good. When you get to Doppelsoeldner C2 you should get level 1 of each skill (Redel, Zucken and Zornhau) then level up the one(s) you like most.

I usually recommend this one for a Peltasta C3 (if that is of your interest):

I also think that you could take the Peltasta C2->Rodelero C2->Fencer build if you are interested on having Slithering for whatever reason.

Thanks. Do you think that for a Pelt>Hoplite2>Squire build I need to focus on STR and CON or is DEX needed for the spear accuracy?

Hmm, you are most likely going to be better using an All-Around build focused on STR.

You don’t really need DEX for Accuracy in PvE, but you need it for Critical Rate. For PvP / GvG then you would require to add more of it, but it is difficult to justify taking a Squire character into those combat scenarios.

I would probably still recommend a Hoplite>Cataphract>Squire C3 build though. Sure, you get Spear Lunge and Finestra Level 10 with Hoplite C2, but that only goes so far in terms of damage output.

On the other hand, if you pick Cataphract then you will get a nice AoE skill with Earth Wave which has a 12 seconds cooldown and gives you a reliable Strike damage source to your build. And you will also be able to use a 2H spear to compensate a little bit for the lack of damage you will have.

But if you are not interested on Cataphract, then the Hoplite C2 build is fine too.

At this moment, at level 170 and 220 what is the best 2 handed sword for Doppel? So far I only noticed that Magi Two Handed Sword is good since it adds critical rate…as for the rest it doesn’t give much useful stats…I am so jealous on those equipment like Audra and Suncus Maul that gives +2 skills level = /

Yeah, I’ve got my suncus for 75k. That’s so dumb.

Magi two handed sword is really hard to find, I haven’t seen any on AH. Nulis is the best you can get I think. Wooping 5 AoE attack ratio are something. Hell and Heaven is another one extremely good on Doppel, as it will decrease your defense and give you patk in exchange, which will benefit your DOV a lot.

Spell Breaker is another one extremely good, especially for DEX builds. It will help you a lot vs magic mobs. Finally, Vienie Twin Blade is best for raw damage.

If you are using ToSbase, it’s best to sort item in order of item level, not required level, some level 120 items are much better than most level 220 items.

Thank you, what stats do you think would be better for this build and would be better highlander c1 > barb c2 or barb c3?
And would the damage fall off as barbarian in laterlvls comparing to de hop - dragoon build?

sorry for asking so much questions, this are the last thank you again :>

Wow thanks for the reply. You really enlightened me!

Btw guys, how does those attribute + 1% work? Let’s say I up Lvl 30 attribute on Cyclone meaning +30%…does it add 30% damage per hit or 30% for overall damage?

Meaning at lvl 5 Cyclone it does 800 * 1.3 * 3hits per sec * 4 second?

thats the same regardless. .03 is 3% btw =p

Aiks typo there haha. Let me correct the calculation~

30% per hit is the same as 30% overall damage, that’s it.

-Sorry found it so deleted-

Aiks sorry for my bad math guys!

Do any of u know where to find Spell Breaker 2 handed sword? Useful?

Sadly I haven’t played kToS myself, so I have very limited knowledge about drops, I’m not even sure if all of those weapons are still in game.

You should try to monitor AH and ask someone who played kToS about recipes drop locations.

Hello cathexis!

I followed your advice,
Using 1str:1dex
On a Sword1>peltasta3>corsair

I’m tanking quite well. Doing good in pve from dust devil/jolly roger

Ive been planning to reskill,
1.)What skills are going to be obsolete in higher
levels? I raised my:
Guardian lvl 10
High guard to 5
Is it too low or too high?
Of course Swash is at maximum.
The rest are on atk skills since peltasta3 rely so much on atk skills.

2.) Should i max out attributes from attack skills i use in my rotation
Such as butterfly, and langort?

Guardian higher than level 1 is a waste of skill points.

High Guard requires level 3 only, if you ever plan to deal damage, you don’t want to lose too much crit rate and level 3 is enough to get defense attribute.

You should rather max umbro and rim, while putting 1 point in every other skill.

Maxing attributes for skills you rarely use is good later on, but you don’t need to do it immediately. Getting them to level 10-15 is a good idea though.