Tree of Savior Forum

Pay2Win, what are your thoughts?

Yeah, I can’t remember TOO well. I just remember Doddler adding k/jRO stuff moooonths before we would ever get it, but they may have had a backlog and been like OKAY LET’S DUMP IT ALL AT ONCE. I quit around the time they added Thors and everyone stopped actually leveling and just leeched. Also didn’t help the community…

And yeah the company is just embarrassing…

Attempt 2: conclusion is that you need to learn how to write generic essays.. I see a lot of good points mentioned but it’s so unorganized it’s impossible to read it and keep a sane mind / picture.

Made it halfway through before my mind exploded. Sorry I give up. :v:

By skimming that wall of text, I think the idea he was trying to convey is that people won’t buy cash shop items if it doesn’t offer in-game benefit at all. And that’s just wrong. Just look at Path of Exile and see how it can compete with a Blizzard game as an F2P game without having a P2W cash shop. Not even boosts sold in their cash shop. At least back when I still play it, dunno now.

I’m pretty sure barrack-related items will make ALOT of money here. I can see it coming. If the game turned out to be good that is. But I believe it will. I hope they spare some cosmetic headgears to be collected in-game though…



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Agreed, there is F2P that succeed without giving cash related boost item and compete with P2P one…
and in ToS there is many cosmetic stuff that player will surely buy to make their in-game avatar unique…
tho i hope no blinking wings that make my eyes hurt because its brightness setting to the maximum lvl lol :sunglasses:

i assume your talking about australia?

To add on to that, most of my money in f2p mmorpg’s goes towards buying all the costumes, which ends up being pretty expensive (along with standard inventory space). Having a cosmetic cash shop is completely possible, I know lots of people that spend a ridiculous amount of money in even PoE, which is almost purely cosmetic, only thing thats not is additional warehouse space really.

there are quadozen of costume from IMC games 1st MMORPG which they can rehash for ToS to get their $$$.

How they handle getting money from players is crucial and I’m very curious what they have in mind.

I know monthly subscription likely won’t happen (if it did though, it’d be interesting to see still being able to walk around town and chat while not having a subscription active, that would stop people from falling out of the community when they don’t intend to play seriously for a while /dreaming on), so they’ll have to have some combination of cashshop/VIP-features/extra slots etc…

I’d appreciate it if they took a serious look at existing games that are doing well despite having cashshops that are entirely cosmectic rather than offering advantages that the player can’t miss out on if they want to play the game seriously.

As in the real world, a key to a healthy community is keeping inequality low. The more obvious and extreme the gaps are between players who throw cash at the game and those who barely do, the worse the community will be off. If you feel very disadvantaged while playing just because you can’t spend as unreasonable amounts of money on the game as other players might, then you will certainly not hang around long.

I guess there needs to be a kind of balance aimed at, where the player will want to pay a basic amount every now and then, but spending much more than that stops being advantegous over players who don’t…

Also, in cash-shops, nothing else pisses me off more than “issues” that were programmed into the game for the sake of selling the “solution” in the first place c___c

In addition to whatever system they go with (as long as it doesn’t screw over all who don’t spend like crazy), I’d even be fine with a one-time payment per account just to discourage botters and infinite-accounts.

In closing… my wish-payment-system would be a pseudo-subscription one with a cosmetic cash-shop I guess xD

Pretty sure they’ll have the standard cosmetics but I’m guessing they’ll add RNG boxes for that extra cash income, it usually racks in a lot. A lot of MMOs have been adding these boxes for the hardcore P2W players.

ah yess random boxes… if its contain only rare/unique cosmetic items, i don’t mind having it in the cash shop… but the reality is like if someone got it with a cash shop and then sell it in the market with high amount of in-game currency due its rarity/luck based, is it consider a P2W method or not?

Definitely do NOT want a P2W cash shop. I hope that it’s only cosmetics and storage expansion. And like what others said, mounts, just so long as those mounts don’t have higher movement speed. If some mounts were faster than others it would make it unfair for other players when everyone’s racing to a special event, for example, a special boss spawn. Also, I’d like for them to avoid statted items.

Hopefully, you start off with a lot of inventory space in your bag and bank. I’m gonna need a crapload for crafting and storing my rare loot.

F2P is fine as long cash shop have just conventional stuff like stat/skill reset items, char slot adders and alot costume stuff XD

Pay2Win, what are your thoughts?
p2w sux!

Thet won’t. There’s a reason why Tree of Savior has tons of classes, each class has unique skills and abilities to improve player’s gaming/experience. As much, we’ll see cosmetic stuff being released or consumables (which i doubt).

@Tiduspeco nice to see you <3

Even though usually the drop rates are extremely low for gachapon, people generally consider it a P2W method. For some reason there are those who will blow hundreds, or even thousands of dollars on them, until they can make enough money to fund their character fully… Honestly at that point they could just buy gold, but hey, if they want to support a game that much they should be able to. There will always be a person willing to go that far, so it should fall into the hands of the developers at least, instead of botters.

There will ALWAYS be websites that sell gold, so pay to win will never cease to exist, it can just be balanced out by how the developers handle their cash shop. I’m assuming this game will have some type of item mall, otherwise there’s no revenue in it for them. They need to pay the programmers and people who worked so hard on the game in some way. IMO it’s a good thing that some people p2w. You know why? Because throwing piles of money at a game won’t make you good, at the most it just buys you -stuff-. Being decked out in gear makes the game easier, but it’s not like they will ever be a top player without real effort.

Lots of people here have experience with the RO version, though. Which included really broken cards that people would spend their entire RO life trying to obtain. ]: It was uncool to the max.

This is also sort of the saving grace for ToS, though, they can use that fault as a line never to cross when designing their own cash shop.

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Pay to Win ?? eeew . . so gross and pathetic. I dont want breathing the same air as pay to win players nor breathing in the game from paytowin publishers

Without doing a long wall of text I’ll say:

Pay2Win Sucks, it’s a huge blacklister for a lot o people. It doesn’t matter if it’s free to play or not. Does the developers deserve to earn income from their product? Absolutely! And that’s exactly the reason why it’s F2P because it will lose a lot of people if it’s P2W. Being able to create monetizable content is one of many other talents that a games company should have.

Actually I don’t really mind the account upgrade, It just give a slight stat boast anyways?

Like for example 10% more exp or lower death penalty by 3~5% per level or access to premium cash store content, better cosmetic items or whatever.

Doesn’t affect much on the fair play standard.