Tree of Savior Forum

Pay2Win, what are your thoughts?

In general i think thats its okay to pay some cash for a game.
In a way im ought to support what is making me fun. It still has a hobby-charackter and since i’d rather sit at home playing games then going out im also fine with giving that"saved" money to that game which entertained me.
That is ofc to a certain extend. As long as a game doesnt force me to buy things out of their shop to get the top gear/stuff im fine with it. I will glady buy costumes or other stuff from the shop to support the game. As long as it doesnt put me in a situation in which i have to buy these things in order to stay competetive or in an acceptable shape ingame its ok.
Please, take my money =D

While pay to win seems like a very attractive concept for both people with money to burn (Oh yes, gimme that glowing +5 dagger of absolute butt burning!) and developers alike (people paying to buy good equipment will probably keep doing it once they notice how convenient it is), in the end it is a false concept.

I’ve seen and played a multitude of paid games, free to play titles, freemium games and I even trawled though the unimaginable horrors of mobile games shudder, and one thing was noticable almost immediately:

Pay to win gives a huge - HUGE - backlash towards community growth and retention. Sure, people will buy that magical armor and level faster and think “hey, that’s neat”, but pretty sure even people that aren’t hurting for money will notice that they have to replace that expensive armor time and time again as they progress through the game. Only the very richest or foolish persist after doing it a few times, because it feels like buying a really high quality pair of jeans just to replace it after a few days as you outgrew it.

In the mean time, new players that come in to observe the game and are unsure about it fall into two camps: Those that buy, and those that stop. It takes a really rare kind of person to be willing to compete against someone who can and will buy weapons that will insta gib you and that you can only legitimately grind during months of game time.

That said, I am an avid player of EVE Online, which I consider very close to pay to win (you can pay for leveling two characters instead of one, and sell PLEX bought with real money to obtain ISK that let’s you buy more effective mods or use expensive faction ammo that would otherwise be a straight up money loss), and it just seems to work. People accept that those that have, get, because they can dilligently work towards becoming one of the haves, as anything the paying person can get, you can also unlock by earning ingame currency.

TL.DR.: Generally don’t mind pay to win, but think it is very often a losing strategy for free to play games as it scares away potential customers and leaves a bad aftertaste for people that like a challenge/have no dosh.

imcgames not going to do that, it’s foolish
TOS was developed many years they must have learned many aspect. How can I make the game feels comfortable

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How about basically a premium service that provides :

  1. More slots to sell your goods when selling stuff.
  2. Rarity and Exp boost.
  3. Discount on cosmetic stuff, new eyes/face type/costumes,/weapon skins.
  4. Your own personal Quarters/Store , with NPC who sells your stock for you. that and room be can completely redesigned.
  5. If you’re a guild leader, then a Guild club house? or Guild Hall.
  6. Allow for character make-over.
  7. Global Chat
  8. And finally, the ability to enter full channels/servers.

As for other ways for them to gain revenue how bout, Selling Character slots (there’s 80+ classes we are going to NEED them)

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Have you seen the wings from IMC’s previous game? Of course we prefer to not have any of those items in cash shop, at all, but cash shop items with extra stat/power are very common in Korean game, be it in the form of equipments or pets. I am okay with it as long as it is not game-breaking…

No to, items that only lasts for certain amount of days ,either make it permanent or don’t make it exist at all.

I like Guild Wars 2’s model, buy to play , then items are either cosmetic, or you can buy for extra services for your account like bank slots/tabs and Infinite use gathering tools, that sort of thing.

Nothing that gives someone unfair advantage over others, like stat improvements and stuff.

Pay items / subscription bonus must be limited to convenience or accessible to all player base. Falling behind simply because you can’t pay for it is probably the most un-fun things for any player.

If you can’t pay for it (irl), you should at least be able to work for it (in game). It’s as simple as that.

Every successful MMO I’ve seen adhere strictly to this rule.


I agree. There should not be any exclusive treatment.
All players have rights to access the full feature in the game and that what makes the game fair, balance.
If you don’t have any time, that’s okay you can pay for those premium, VIP, or whatever.
But if you DO have time, you can also access those things by doing quests, maybe hidden quests, etc.

Having premium users be the onlyones with access to personal shops/guild buildings would be a very bad idea. Opposition for free players that want to trade or be part of/manage a guild would be high.

To see how that worked out you can take a look at Archeage, where a free player is almost a third class citizen because of the advantages for guilds that a premium player can provide.

Highly doubtful that we won’t be seeing any “pay2win” items in the cash shop on a free to play game. Its just so hard for non-subscription based games to keep a clean cash shop nowadays, because how else are they going to support themselves anyway? Even old/famous games such as RO, look at the iRO cash shop its ridiculous.

Everyone is always saying “oh i don’t wanna see p2win cash shop items” but what the hell are they doing to support the company anyway? Sure I don’t agree with it either, but at the very least I hope it will be a reasonably fair cash shop system.

To clarify: I don’t really mind such things as boosters or % exp/drop or whatever. Those give paying people an advantage, but only if they invest the time to make use of it. Clever people can still leverage optimal party compositions and research to overcome such an advantage.

Neither do I object to a cute pet that gives some kind of small buff, or an occasional heal.

I won’t be overjoyed if they choose to implement the same cash shop items as Last Chaos or Atlantica Online however. In those games grinding was heavy and a huge component of it was how strongly your items had been enchanted. But each enchantment over a certain limit had a higher and higher chance to fail or even break your weapons… Unless, of course, you buy Premium super duper sparkle sunshine stones that make all your troubles go away!

There is little more infuriating than being beaten by someone in glowing +10 equipment and 5 extra levels he received by waving his credit card about, even though you can tell from how he uses his skills that he really isn’t all that good at what he does. :frowning:

got the same feeling with ya bro… considering the last game Granado Espada wich IMC develope it got some bling bling stuff + stat on it displayed in their cash shop… :sweat:

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Well there are 2 ways it can go successfully (IMHO).

  1. Is to make the shop sell purely cosmetic items, no skill bonuses, just things to make the character your own and maybe get you from A to B faster. Consumables, but nothing that gives direct bonuses in battle or become a meta “requirement”.

  2. Sell gear, however make the affordable and make them 100% craftable/findable within the game itself. The gear being sold needs to be balanced and not the end game gear. Something to help newbies out or give someone a slight edge in the mid game. The problem with this idea, is although at first it may rain in a lot of money. It is also the seed of corruption, which most game dev’s struggle to resist later on. Up scaling the gear to more and more godly items until the game is either completely P2W or actually broken.

Personally I like the idea of having the choice to spend a little money to instantly improve your characters look in-game. I can support a developer I approve of and make my character mine. However if there were no Paying element at all, it would have to go GW2 style and have it P2P and sell at a retail price for them to make the money to sustain the game.

Those are my thoughts~ TL;DR: Can work, must be careful and resilient to corruption.


If the game has no subscription, I don’t think it will be entirely avoidable with a cash shop. Games like CSGO only have skins and such because people pay for the game itself. There has to be a strong incentive to buy from the cash shop for the people that can afford it.

my toughts on pay to win is… well it must be oriented “ONLY” for PvE/mobs… not to PvP.

why i said that? cause PvP nowadays in some MMO is imbalanced due to the fact that u can get/buy cash shop item that boost ur stat xx.xx% … too OP… a true PVP is like playing fighting game over the internet with that “fairness factor”=meaning same stats, but defers on strategy and character handling! over powering ones character for bullying other people is just wrong (Player Killing w/out a reason) many people do this… and i hate them… i cant even touch the other player due to the fact that ive got one shoted in the back for just killing slimes, bunnies, and caterpillars =V

in the case to its only for PvE kind of pay to win i much apreciate… cause some players out there want to solo mobs (like me) and want somthing to boost my chara and single handedly beat dungeon boss! if u know what i mean XD

but thast just me maybe =P

Well I believe there are free roaming bosses in open fields in ToS aswell as instance bosses. That means whoever has the PvE P2W gear has a clear advantage of killing contestable bosses and gaining the loot/exp they drop. If MvPs are only instance based and aren’t OP (requiring the gear to beat them), then I agree, it doesn’t affect anyone else, so why not. However if there is an aspect of competition within PvE, like contesting MvP’s, I don’t think it should be available.

Now, while I’m sure that just as us players want to see a game that isn’t pay 2 win so do the developers and producers, however often times what happens is that in games where it’s only cosmetic many people are less inclined to make purchases.

I’m pretty sure they’ll start with this model, but do consider that if they don’t make enough profit (or don’t even come even) with cosmetics that they’ll most likely need to either cancel the game and be in the negative coming out of it, or go pay 2 win, even if a little to be able to come even or make profit.

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Mmkay, so I see all this fear from everyone here regarding the game being “pay to win”. And honestly, I have a few things to say about that. You guys would prefer “play to win” from what I hear. And much of you guys are suggesting something you claim you will buy, but how will this work now? Will the cosmetics be permanent or temporary? Would you keep paying for cosmetics every 15-30 days to keep your looks? Also, how many people are actually willing to buy a blush, a new hair style, face, etc. and how much is a reasonable price for these such things? Think about the price of reasonability. Obviously the rare occasional exceptional cosmetic can sell for a lot. but what of all the other common ones? I don’t think they can sell for too much, otherwise 99% of players will NOT buy it. Regarding the costume thing, even if costumes have bonus stats, I don’t see the harm in that. It doesn’t have to be game breaking, but be it something simple such as +5 attack, slots for enchant etc. I think that can be reasonable. You can always try to buy the costumes from other players who cash with in game money as well. It’s just something more you will have to work for (play longer to accumulate more wealth). I don’t think you can call it a game’s balance killer if you play longer and have more money to buy from people who can conveniently cash to get the costume asap. If buying it from other players is readily available just as much, I don’t think you can exactly avoid the pay 2 win concept. Notice now, someone in the comments also said that exp scrolls should have cool downs behind it. There are bias thrown all around overall. If the game cannot have safe stable money moving around, how will the game ensure that it will make enough money to pay off for the employees who committed the time to bringing the game to you? Not to mention the constant updates and events, these things cost money. You guys seem to think only of yourself rather than about things from the point of view from the developers. As some of you guys say, some are “willing to pay” as long as the updates are “good”, so to speak. But then again, there will always be times where the game will need money coming in to pay for the people who work for them. Think about this now, to even be a developer, you need an education. To receive the education, you have to go to college, which typically (at least in America) costs money. This money leads to debt. Time itself also leads to costs. You have living expenses. If you have kids/family, that adds to your living expenses. People who invested time in bringing this time to you, I already assume didn’t spend very little time on it. I think it is so desperate to try to brainwash the hosts to giving up so much more and taking so much risk for the sake of entertaining people who might be “come and goes”. Not every game can live up to its hype. As I’ve stated a few times above, people will get bored of games. Maybe some people do not, but you cannot speak for the majority. Most people get tired of doing the same things over and over. But remember this though, this game has its own share of uniqueness but once you’ve experienced this uniqueness, it is no longer “unique” and only ordinary. Because it’s something you grow accustomed to. Maybe some day, whether due to disappointments or you just change as a person altogether, you will not see this game the same way and will want something different yet again. And it wouldn’t be too long for this to happen. And note now, some people here have the idea that it should be play to win, but not everyone has the time to spend tens of hours daily, not even 3 hours daily to keep playing to keep up with all that’s going on. Unless you want the game having internal ads, malwares, spywares, or whatever within the game to constantly keep track of your personal information and sell you off constantly to gaining money from you even though you didn’t spend a penny on the game and only time, the price will have to come from somewhere. If you think about it, the hype right now may amount to even millions (best case scenario, I highly doubt this though), but within a year, the hype will decrease the audience by at least 90% if it was that high. Also look at this, for what reason does most people think of trying this game out? Is it for the gameplay? Or is it for the environment to hang out in? I believe most people that bothers to hop from game to game, often times, it’s for gameplay. The irony is that gameplay can get boring with time, no matter how much you love the game, I think that can be factual. PVP games tend to last a bit longer, but I don’t think this game is the type that will specialize/focus too much onto pvp (at least not in my eyes, I’d honestly play this for the pve but mainly to just hang out with my guildies). Moving back, because most people will quit without spending a penny within a year, these people end up making the game look like it’ll overload from all these players. Typically this might encourage the server to expand and open up more servers. This costs them money as well since for expanding the server, they also recruit more staff. The irony is that these players will go poof and then the extra staff hired and the extra servers were all wasted. Of course, I think of all the comments, there were a few good ones. Someone suggested that cosmetics can only get them so far. That’s true. Think about it, the server isn’t the only cost. You have to pay the people who work here as the boss. Whether they do something major or not, the fact that they’re employed and the fact that their time is spent even if it was just skimming through messages and supporting players, they need to get paid. And you seem to forget that it also costs money to pay rent for the company as well. I don’t think this company (I think it’s IMC right?) will be hosting the server for NA and everywhere else all the way from Korea. I think MMO companies typically have branch in the residing countries etc. Another thing is this, almost all MMORPGs will have an upgrading system/enchant system for equipment and the such. Even if equipment are free, there will be insurance of some sort for higher grade upgrades/enchant. There will even be things that will increase the chances of success. Otherwise, how will someone get a higher grade enchant/upgrade? The upgrade is more worthwhile when the higher grades have risks and higher return for taking the risk. As you guys know though, this will be “game breaking”, and because they should have this, you’ll call it “p2w”. But as some of you also say, with new levels comes new equipment. They pay for it right now, but they’ll have to pay again to have that same feeling of being OP or ahead of everyone else. it all comes at a price, but I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing. I think it’s okay to want to be competitive? But I think it’s inevitable that someone who cashes should have an advantage (should be temporary in this case but if they keep repeating it, think of it as: because of these people, the server remains f2p. Because in the end? Even if the people who you think are unfair and spent money to have an advantage and spent less time than you and still got stronger than you, and they may even insult you and call you noob or whatever… but in the end of the day? You win because they paid to play the game which made it free for you to play). Overall that’s the best way to make money as well, I don’t think people should hate on a company for that, as long as the company is friendly, cares for their players, do their best to keep the server friendly and fair. Also, when people speak about balance, even if it isn’t cash related things that are “game breaking”, something else will always be game breaking such as another class or skill or something, which can be solved by revamps/nerfing etc. But sometimes when you tweak around this too much, the balance shifts yet again infinitely. If anyone wants to talk about “balance”, as long as there are differences between class, someone will always complain about “balance”, even if it’s not the majority. Well I can go into deeper numbers regarding possible profit from cosmetics alone, but I think I got my point across regarding p2w.
Regarding b2p, I think that’s a great idea to some degree. It limits the number of players that are able to play this since not everyone is willing to try a game they know very little about, even if they did research, they may not be able to play if they’re very young and their parents doesn’t give them money to spend on games over the internet. It will limit the diversity of the community and that will probably make it less interesting. The best thing about b2p is that if the price is reasonable (personally I think $50-100 will be a fair price since you charge the player a huge chunk at once, so whether they play or not, you still made money to sustain the server longer), you can avoid game hoppers as well. By game hoppers, I don’t just mean people who play a lot of different games at the same time and invest very little time in an individual game alone (although I partially mean these people as well since they kind of negatively affect a game’s community. Imagine if you spent the time to help them get far only for them to hop out on you and play another game and never come back again), but I meant the people who doesn’t even bother to give the game more than 5-10 mins… maybe even more than a week to appreciate how great the game truly is. I mean, it may even apply for people who doesn’t last more than a few months and never spent a penny. I think if the game was b2p, at least you made a penny off these people and thus you increased your budget from that alone and the fact that they spent money to play the game, they might feel some sort of responsibility or sorts to try the game again at some point even if they quit at an earlier point. But the limitations on the diversity of the community can make it less fun overall and it does reduce the number of players willing to spend money in the in-game shop afterwards. Regarding play to win, I love that idea personally, especially at a glance. However, I feel that often times, that a lot of times, people move onto a new game and they want to be able to catch up to the pros as well. What discourages me, for instance, when moving on to an older game that might have been out for over a year or two, is the concern that I may never be able to catch up to the longer playing players. When it comes to balance, in a game, usually it’s the longer playing player or the player who spends more money who has the advantage (especially over the economy).

In the end though, time is also money. Since the time you spent playing can also be used to make money which could’ve been used to be spent on the game. So the idea or concept of play to win or pay to win is pretty much the very same in my eyes. Only that play to win gives the company less money. It actually doesn’t give the server more benefit in the long run either. If people get bored of a game, they will quit anyway. A play to win game is supposed to have long lasting content. But if the content is too long, the newer players will never catch up to the longer playing players. The primary thing that kills pay to win games, aren’t the buying overpowered equipment, costumes, etc. I think it’s when people buy gold which will kill the game’s economy. Because it kills the game’s economy, people are discouraged from putting as much effort into playing the game as much since people can just buy the gold from bots for instance. That’s why I feel that rather than us being concerned over p2w which IMC already declared that the game wouldn’t be p2w, we should be worried about the game’s security on bots and how strict they’ll be regarding this issue and how often they’ll scan the server for such daily, weekly etc. I think the game should have a good reporting system and responsive staff to check up on and monitor the activities of the reported players. If this bit of the game is secure, I think this will will thrive regardless to the best of its ability. Well that and if the game has constant good events and in my eyes, if the staff is responsive as I’ve stated previously and bonds with its community deeply (family style), then that’ll make the community that much better for years to come!

In conclusion, sorry for my disorganized text. I wanted to write on this for a while but I never had the time to write here and I finally gathered to courage to speak up my thoughts! Not everything I say will be fully correct or make any sense at all. I’ll try to recap it in the paragraph after this in bullet points. I just felt that the idea of a lot of the comments in this thread seemed like they are desperately wanting the game to make no money at all and literally work for pennies just to keep everyone entertained and it seemed very selfish and inconsiderate in my eyes. I feel that the fact that IMC is willing to go to the extent of bringing this game to us is already something to be extremely thankful for! They even did put in so much effort for us regarding this! I just don’t want the community’s desperate plead for anti p2w to somehow hurt the companies’ view on us players in the long run and make them become bad hosts for the game etc. I also think that it’s normal that a business has to make money in some form, even if that’s not their original motive. Because in life, we all need money to live… Just as you guys work or will find a job to make money some day for a living, these people are hosting the game (even if it’s for the love of the game and the players who will play it) needs money to sustain that. And the money that we spend in the game will only end up giving us higher quality GMs and staff in the long run. When I say higher quality, I meant GMs who are friendly, responsive, helpful, involved in the community etc.

So here’s my recap. Once again, sorry for my attitude toward you guys. I just felt really offended by people’s attitude of: no p2w no p2w no p2w. cosmetics only, cosmetics only, cosmetics only! resets only! resets only! resets only! And it wasn’t just once or twice, I saw it more than 5x at this point.
-Cosmetics= minimal profit to none. If you think about the fact that staff time spent on support alone, a few players’ cosmetics will not pay for their monthly income as well as rent for the server. Cosmetic price is limited and cannot be too high, otherwise it’ll restrict the amount of people being able to afford or willing to pay for it to begin with. Even if one or two or even 50 players are willing to spend $200 on cosmetics, that’s only a mere $10,000 and assuming cosmetics are permanent, that’s so little. Why? Because $10,000 isn’t going to pay for 10 or more staff and the developers as well their annual time spent on the game, for instance. Will YOU want to work for $1000 a year? I’m just saying, that alone isn’t going to work. Resets also won’t bring much. I’m pretty sure most of the players for “play to win” will NOT be stupid enough to buy it. I’m pretty sure majority will be over calculating and safe with their penny to even suggest the whole “play to win” idea. Majority would rather even start all over and remake their char than to do so. If the game balance changes and the skills get nerfed, revamped etc. and the server doesn’t provide free resets to make up for it, people will still rage saying: stupid server only wants to milk us off our wallets by having us spend money on the resets! Where’s my free reset?!?!
-What normally hurts a server is the communities’ bad behavior as well as hackers and bots and bad staff for the game. It’s funny but a lot of times, I’ve noticed that once in a while in games, there will always be that influential player who isn’t as amazing or awesome as they seem to the brainwashed community. People would unconditionally think the player gets banned “for no reason” and quits because of that player’s influence and blame the game for such. I hope the same doesn’t apply in this game to be honest and that people’s views on the game will be pure. Hackers left unbanned can cause must frustration for the community. Especially if the hacker, for instance, might level up very fast, ks everyone in the map, kill monsters in one hit and keep farming for free and gather wealth at very fast rates and manages to keep all their gains while they are hackers. It’s pretty unbearable to see such crimes get away. And lastly, bots are the major thing that kills any consistent game’s community via the economy kill. I think more than anything (in my eyes), the term of p2w MAINLY came from the fact that bots will sell gold for cash. This will give players who buy gold from bots an super unfair advantage. I don’t think it’s reasonable for the person who says “Oh I paid 5 bucks for 2x stats!”, to think that’s unreasonable. I mean in that statement, yes, it’s unreasonably stupid. But at the same time, there’s this fact, I am sure this game will have a gifting system etc. and trading system as well. And if such exists, I am sure playing long enough will earn you enough gold WORTHY of that “5 bucks” and you can buy it with in game money for that “5 bucks”. Whether it’s playing more or cashing for it, time is still money. Because the person who suggested that very idea makes it sound like he/she will never spend even “5 bucks” for the game. I mean, I overall support the fact that there will always be players who will never spend a single penny in the game and just actively play a lot because that’s one part of the community that will keep the game most active. In regards to the OP stat situation, I think it’ll be fair if it costs a lot more money to get something like very good upgrades etc. such as $200-1000 to even get anything relatively up to 50% advantage over players who didn’t cash for their equip enchant (lower odds of upgrades at high levels for that) and I wouldn’t think it’s unfair in the slightest since new level caps will slowly change it up eventually. It’s really the players’ call to spend money that will disappear almost immediately with any new level cap release and not anybody else’s. The fact that they even spent money for such motives from the start meant they were that type of person to begin with. If they eventually find the game “too expensive” for their tastes, they can just quit. I don’t think anyone should be affected by people like that and I am pretty sure they, alone, will not be the majority of the community of players for the game. And as stated, these such people are the ones who fund the server with their stupidity so let them be.
-Buy to play… I think it SLIGHTLY increases the % of the community (in the long run) being committed players but it also lowers the diversity in the community as well as potential players.
-Pay to Play… In my eyes, subscription pay of, for instance, $15 a month is indifferent to play to win/pay to win when it comes to the players who could’ve thrived. Why? at $15 a month for instance, that’s $180 a year. If anything, Pay to play is a combination of the three of buy to play, pay to win and play to win. Like pay to play, you spend money. If you don’t play, how can you win to begin with? In this case, you have to pay to play to win. That $180 on the f2p mode in the year could’ve gotten you the claimed “overpowered costume you NEED to spend money on”. You’re already paying to even get the chance to use that to begin with in this case. And you HAVE to play to win in this situation since you’re already paying, you might as well play your money’s worth back. Like buy to play, you will have restricted the number of players that can possibly play. In this situation, you’re restricting it to the more compact audience. People who can spend money on the game (typically pay to win) AND has the time to play enough (play to win). So you get a restricted bit of both in this situation. People might argue saying: the feeling I get when I pay to play but I won’t have the winning edge against fellow players is totally different. But my counter for that is: how so? you’re spending money in the end and people who cannot spend money cannot even compete with you to begin with. in the end, it’s a question of how much time you can commit to the game that makes a difference but the same could’ve been applied to p2w since if you put in the same time you could’ve for p2p and the money for that, you would’ve still been in the p2w category. If anything, the p2w only saves you time more so than anything. The amount of money coming out of your pocket for the servers might have been the same in the long run too. You might spend $500 one time, but if you play for the next 3 years, you ended up spending more than that. That speaks for 5-10 years from now too. But the p2p will restrict audiences further, making it such that versus p2w, p2p gives in less money in the long run. P2W money comes at spikes at times where money feels most worth being spent but it keeps the gradual diverse and active community. B2P simply restricts the community as a whole. It slightly decreases the come and goes but also decreases people spending money in game as well as number of possible players. Pl2W has long time players but they’re the small numbers. Majority of the long time players would’ve stayed regardless of most basic to less than crucial circumstances. Most of these will play until the game closes down/dies or until they no longer have the time to play or gets tired of the game. But in Pl2W, it also discourages any new player who could’ve been wonderful additions to the community and wanted to be competitive but couldn’t because players who played 2 years prior would have unfair time monopoly in comparison. Since they cannot cash to catch up, they’d have no chance to have any form of wealth to compete. Any new updates the server might throw in that might give new players a good ability to catch up will also kill the game because like grandchase when leveling became easy, the people who played for years just to get to that level would feel cheated and rage quit the game (although in this case, some people might blame it on the AP era but truthfully it’s the exp curve shift because people can still play the game for dungeons and forbid AP in pvp).

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exactly but no matter the result, people will still complain in one form or another, that’s why I write that giant reply below >_>

how is it “corruption” when you need money to make a living in life? Is it alright for you to work for free and not have money to pay for food and other expenses in life then? Personally, if they are only going to get a few bucks (at a one time payment) off every 1 person out of 100 that plays the game, they might as well, as you say, make the game go b2p and have the whole monthly charge afterwards to sustain. Where will the money come from that pays for all the staff as well as rent for office and other expenses for the business? Unless you want to do that, be my guest. Please pay for me and all your players to play your game.