Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

the game is already dead, reaching 4000 players online, taking the “bots” with or without reset rank, ta dying could be an option for many players return to play, along with optimization of the game and the stability of the servers? could, but with this hardcore leaderless community, the course and decrease more.

the game and only to HARDCORE players, the game die quickly.

See i would have agreed not to have circle reset added into the game if they had given us every bit of info from the start.
Another words ok we started with c7 as the highest you can reach and now here is c8 9 and 10.
if they had an idea of what these were going to be down to the skill sets but wern’t released you could still build around a premis. Great.
But now for example Mumdirilo or how ever you spell it started with these really cool skills and then you found out it could only use Sword and shield no spear no nothing. (this was changed) how do you build around that with out knowing that before hand whelp there goes your ranks in hopolite.
Again they have done this to Squire 3 they gave them a brand new move and the class has been out since day 1 of the game release. But again Sword only, hope you didn’t do a hopolite build.

Now i am not saying that C reset potions should be a perm thing in the shop or even something that goes into the shop. But on a mass update like a New tier of circle Yes, yes they should be given out. Sorry, if you want to keep what is left of this game alive, causing your fans to reroll from scratch is going to kill the game. Especially as the levels get higher. sure hitting 240 is pretty much a cake walk. How about when its 440…

Dont worry, Job reset is probably the last thing they need to think about implementing right now, if they couldnt even get a update as medium sized as this working not even half right, I mean ffs, they broke the trigger of alot of quests even low lv ones making them no longer able to be completed, thus people cant get quest rewards, the stat points they can sometimes give, or hell even continue main story.

If they cant even do that right, and you know damn well its gonna take them at least at minimum, a week to fix this, any longer than that and they will lose even more players. But if they cant even do this right.

Do you really think, you wanna have something as complicated as a Job Reset implemented? Thing is, if they do implement it? I would not touch it for at least an entire month. God knows what could happen to possibly permanently damage your character when that comes out. And if you think they will do anything to fix the damage, heh, wrong! Reroll and buy more TP again Jimmy, you got IMCed!

LMFAO, I’ll take the job reset pill now. Mergen sucks so bad. sigh

I’m sure many archers now want a class reset. Especially the rogue3 since neither hakka or mergen synergizes with it. hU3

You play wow and you call vanilla wow hard? girl Ragnarok is 100x much harder to level than even vanilla wow can dream to be. Let me know when you played games like Ragnarok and Org Runescape where the grind was real.

I wish there was class resets… I currently have a 200+ Sorc that i created when i first started playing the game before i decided to check the forums and do research because i thought it was cool but now regret it as i’ve made many mistakes. Is it my fault ? Sure i was starting out and knew no better but imo for people to decide that because they’ve bought extra slots and or have the time to create 10 200+ toons other should do the same is extremely selfish and out right wrong.

Legit might just delete it and use the slot for a pet considering that now maps have just one channel with bots killing everything making quests even longer.

I welcome class resets.


This debate follows his course and, already be in against or to favor, there is no response on the part of IMC and his bailiffs them White Knights. Since other times I have said, the problem is not the one that exists rank reset or at least, a method that it does not imply paying for a problem that they themselves have generated (for doing the similar one, there is not the same a woman who occurs the bosoms after having happened a disease that was involving his extirpation, that a woman who does it for simple aesthetic).

The real problematics is the desbalance of all the classes in yes with his *skills *, which imbalance increases progressively and ascendentemente (I think that it does it exponencialmente) to every rank class enabled in every class level. The ideal solution would be that they were changing the fixed numbers (for fixed numbers the pieces of equipment are and not vice versa, since it seems to have happened recently) for formulae that involve percentages close to certain parameters of our characters.

This is, the extra of damage magical attack provoked for magical skills is derived by INT’s simple formula +?%, which would add close to magical attack that already we have, his duration in seconds given by INT +? % (if it has duration as Stone Curse or Frost Cloud), his casting reduced in % also for INT +?%, and finally, inclusive in % his cooldown with the same formula (INT +?%).

In case of them physical/melee/projectil arrow skills equal, but taking for the different formulae the STR +?%. What do we do with them support skill of certain duration? Would we use for his fixed effect, in case of having it (for example, the quantity that recovers heal or mass heal, or the quantity of regeneration with recover of *Paladin *, nevertheless to damage they would continue using another formula) SPR +?% or SPR +? % (it would depend on if it is magic or physical), his casting reduced in % also for SPR/CON +?%, and this way, also to reduce in % his cooldown with the same formula (SPR/CON +?%). Did I forget the DEX? Not, in this case would skill serve (apart from what already it does) as for skills of % extends his area of effect in +% according to the formula DEX +?% and to reduce his MP/maná’s consumption.

The value +?% would depend according to the level of character skill, as well as the reductions and extension of effect in area would come given for for the fixed one assigned before to each one. It is true that with this system would not have felt that they had to be unblocked classes with level ranks (as well as them skills with circles), and it would be able only obvious that all skills would be equal of useful (this is, all enabled from the beginning, inclusive them skills of every class that has to of be unblocking with circles).

But clear, this would lead that the system of atributes was eliminated in order that it was stopping being completely balanced, since of for yes every skill would climb together with the own character and the level of the same ones.

Since it is normal that the above mentioned change would be proper of an expansion or a new launch (but it would not be not bad at all) and impractically as the proper one is now ToS, the most rapid thing to try to balance would be to include in each of them skills one atribute of the unique level that would be unblocked only in circle3 and minimum that said skill has lvl5 that was adding damage (there would be unbalanced and proper of P2W that was climbing with more levels, this with tokens would have advantage on the others), it was improving duration, area of effect, was reducing cooldown and MP consumption with formulae similar to the raised ones above.

Would atribute of the only level concern the final damage provoked in +?% (being that +? % would come given by INT or STR + 10 x skill lvl. INT for magic and STR for melee, others or physical missiles). Depending on duration, would this attribute concern with +?% of his original duration in seconds with SPR or CON + 10 x skill lvl (SPR for magic, CON for physical).

The cooldown it would diminish in seconds according to the original one also in percentage and with the same formula SPR or CON + 10 x skill lvl (in this case, it will never be possible reduce beyond 25% of the original one, where it would enter game false type pass turn as them of Chronomancer). Skill with range of area (that does not reach) % of the original one will see benefited with the formula DEX + (10 x skill lvl), as well as a reduction in -% of his original consumed in MP with DEX + (10 x skill lvl) (the same case that cooldown, will not be able to diminish beyond his 25% original).

It would not be bad that this arrangement to balance them classes and that the old, serve even in high levels, to allow team storage without token between the characters of the same account, it yes, on having done it without this (and that IMC does not lose money, huehue), said items were finishing labellings as not tradeables/for selling.

Them EXP card (and certain papyruses or potions that increase parameters permanently), as well as the own objects for quest (that not his prizes, inclusive here the books of reading) could not be guarded in storage, for what it might not abuse them (it would facilitate them reroll and sense would stop making so much reset potion).

Another good measure on that a friend commented to me, is that they were reducing the quantities of xp necessary to raise the level of them class (that not the general level, what this should be progressive without jumps in xp) to the half. That any xp card could be consumed independently of his level (to remove the restriction; there are some of them cards high-level that are obtained doing certain challenges in low level… it does not have felt that we could not use in the moment.

It would encourage all that to which the game was less tedious and the sensation of not advancing was mitigated.

I might speak on about other possible arrangements, but this one is the topic on job lvl and resets. Ah, forgot me… it can only clear that the TP should be for account (team), not for character. Them reset potion (in all his forms and colors) they would stop making sense because nobody would need them, in any case, probably, the punctual universal one for reset rank7 for the appearance of the new ones rank8 (punctual and alone this time on characters of *rank7 *).

class reset is confirmed through tos fb page.

how? no1 know.

when? no1 know.

but tos fb staff confirmed vaguely saying “stay tuned for surprises” … something along the line…

aka, a year from now, post mortem of the game that is.



but who are we to stop tos from going suicidal~

tos going to die, confirmed, but i’ll stay in forum to see how they do it.

p2w rank8 confirmed.


u make game for fun, if u make game for suffer then people leave…only hardcore player dont mind those and casual player do mind those…and hardcore player is not much as casual player.

why u think TOS got 50k ingame player at peak earlier and then 5k only now?..

iam a hardcore player myself, but to reroll 1000hr char i made just because i mess up and dont follow meta is kind of absurb…this actually what make casual player leave the game…casual player tend to do only 1 char and then just play that char till the end. if the mess up meta they will just feel boring and cant do much just because they dont follow meta and resulting in leaving.

casual player play important role as well as hardcore player. the game need casual player to survive, only a little hardcore player wont make this game shine.

u make casual player leave then u can just as well wait for the game to death. hardcore player wont make this game survive long.

yes making Job Reset have its cons, but have pros as well…so how long u take to reroll 1 char to lvl 300 now? 2 week 3 week?..and i guess u will play a lot to…then just imagine u gonna reroll lvl 600 later…that day then u come again and say job reset is BAD.

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RIP @Ultramann

Stop bumping threads from two months ago unless you plan to bump the threads that went with it. This argument was lost.

Unless you want to see all the dumb poll threads that went with it. Knock it off.

What useful information are you trying to say is in other threads that isn’t here? Not like it seriously matters the game is dead Jim.


Post must be 20 characters or more.


I wonder, how many useless topics will you resurrect saying: “See? I was right!”.

You may also try 3-6 months old topics.

Just these two because they are quite possibly the oldest and most posted in with various points. It’s good to keep history well documented so mistakes aren’t made in the future! Now my question for you is do you think I necro’d them just for an individual person like yourself to feel bad about something you’ve said? Because I’d have quoted you instead of myself and said something if that was my goal.

This is actually in hopes IMC will read something they’ve neglected for almost a year now. Since a lot of people have come and gone these are like echos of the past to learn from if you take the time to read. If they want feedback it’s all here on the forums for them to read preserved in nice neat little time capsules.