Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

TOS is inherently a casual MMO.

This might be the roadblock preventing us from agreeing on everything, so you’ll have to come to terms with it.

I think there isn’t even a possibility for ToS to be difficult in any way.

The whole game is way too unresponsive for that.

It’s not though.

Games can be difficult because they require skill or they can be difficult because they require planning and thought. Risk is another big factor in being a hard game.

Oh, you dont want to relevel your character? maybe if this was an easy game with no risk they would let you repick your classes. Nope. Thats just what your trying to change it to.

We’ll learn to read, I obv said they are similar, and game still in developing stages. Then there world boss for now, where you need to be best generic dps build to get a drop.

More like Level/Class wipe :slight_smile:

+1 ! Don’t class reset please !

-1 yes to class reset💪

i think if job reset is added which in a way i do hope it does just in case of nerfs or changes or circles not working together i do feel people should get the option to reset parts of their class like if you went swordsman 2 but you wanted the extra skills from highlander or maybe 2 hand mastery. or maybe pelta’s shield abilitys and passives. i feel you should be able to change but it should not just be given to you on a plate. i feel the way it should be done is

  • can only be done when character is level 15 of current class and gets the advance screen appear
    -character can choose to re choose a current circle *if you had more than 1 rank in it you would unlearn skills / skills above 5/10 get lowered to respective level and passive not learnable at that rank get disabled and if its your last rank taken off like no ranks in pelta you should not be able to wear the costume of pelta
  • circle chosen to relearn you must do the job quest to advance to that class and start from job level 1 . you should have to earn all your job levels in the class you have changed to. obviously you would not just go to someone and be like oh heres everything you need to know about my job. you would have to experience it to really get good at it and thus i feel it would be good that way. it also prevents people from quitting as they can always just reset circles if ones are not working and it prevents this (its should not be easier to level with a PvE then for them to reset to PvP) argument as in the case of this argument they would have to do just as much work as if they just levelled as a PvP class . it should mostly be there if someone makes a error not so DPS can just turn to tank without working for it. sure you could start again but its less hours than starting again, you keep all your hard work on achievements and such and it just saves a lot of hassle.
  • the other option is to also add a silver fee or something to it. like a formular like to reset R2 (silver amount) to reset R3 (silver amount X2) ext so it cant just be spammed.

idk i just feel the option should be there for people but it should also not just be given to people on a plate. there gotta be a balanced way of adding it to the game while having to earn it

I’m a bit scattered in the thought process, so I’m throwing some numbers on so I can keep track of it myself. Except for #1, these aren’t specifically directed at you, but the topic of job / circle reset in general.

  1. I like your name.

  2. I would normally agree if premium items were transferrable / hair dye options / transfer gems that are still being leveled / trade stacks of consumables etc. to the next character.

  3. Agreed on annoyance with WoW skill tree alteration toward streamlining / simplification.

  4. Not looking forward to Circle 8 / Circle 9 / etc in the current system.

  5. Unlike pen and paper, we can’t ignore the changes that the devs make that may alter builds. Whether this is adding a new passive, changing the way the damage formulae work, finding out a feature was actually a bug, scaling down damage, etc.

  6. I t think some players wouldn’t mind trying more if they could resolve #2, and the English speaking community were a bit more open to these non-optimal meta builds.

  7. I think that any additional Circles such as 8 or 9, will be met with disdain if some job reset feature or interactive skill preview feature is not implemented by then. You can theorycraft until credible individuals take the plunge.

  8. You can read a skill description and watch a short video, but you won’t always know you had an issue or even a question to ask until you find out the hard way.
    e.g. Kneeling Shot not allowing the use of other abilities. Skills that don’t have cast times really do have cast times to charge up (and that higher ranks means longer charge times to reach it.) Or cleric abilities talk about magic circles where some say they give you more circles on rank up, others don’t say that, but do, and others don’t say it, but don’t do it. Hidden buff durations (pleasant surprise). Being able to turn or not turn. Animation locks longer than the animation of the skill itself. These are generally not first time-player questions that they would think to be concerned about / to even ask.

  9. Doing research is less about looking at the skill descriptions and videos ahead and more about reading people’s guides, doing searches on each skillto see what others’ experiences on a given patch and asking questions waiting for answers that sometimes never come. What could have been a couple hours with a skill tree simulator turns into a multi-week research to sculpt a build that has conceptual synergy and isn’t bugged or questionably bugged. I think the general vibe of the opening message is, don’t just read someone else’s adventure, go make your own.
    ------ I agree with this, but that seems to be a minority in endgame where the vocal endgame expectation has been to “not waste everyone else’s time” by having the latest meta, best in slot gear - even if you need the content to get the gear, having already read content guides, watched videos and expect a near flawless performance without having tried the content.

  10. If ToS swears upon Saule’s bosom that there will never be a circle/job reset for reasons, I would at least like them to consider one of the two following options:
    A. Premium items, cosmetic achievements and certain untradeables are account wide or can be team stored
    B. Ideally a demo server / training room where we can try max circled characters, equipment combinations and skills across training dummy scenarios (e.g. cloth, leather, plate, ghost, small, medium, large, boss, beast, plant, devil, solo, double, clumped up, passive, hostile, etc.)


A training room would be perfect.

Then the whole circle resets thing wouldn’t even be needed.

that is so simple, that… that makes sense. A place where you are at lvl 280 any job and can test any stat combination, but you get out of there and you are the same.

You should make your own thread with that post >.> its perfect for everyone.

Keep spinning that hamster wheel. No matter how many posts you make, it doesn’t change what people do and don’t want. The polls tell the tale - you’re in the minority.

What I think you fail to realize is that most of the people you’re arguing with understood in advance of your debates all of the points you make. They disagree with you, but lack your skill with language - they can’t clearly state their frustration with how you tend to pen these arguments into “everything is all right” or “everything is all wrong”.

They weigh the pros and cons - this discussion isn’t black and white by any means - and decide they’d prefer to suffer the possibility of horrible mistakes over easy rerolls at max level.

I’m as shocked by this as you, I’m sure. It’s a faint ray of hope to me, that the majority might not necessarily want the path of least resistance for a change.


HAHAHAH, man you are too much…First off I did do extensive research for my class, I watched videos after videos forums after forums read guides read every skill. Guess what?, still had issues with the class like kneel shot making 100% of ALL our skills unusable or burrow doing the same as an archer / scout. The game is very vague on its skills and how bad / good it synergizes with other classes in the tree.

Second off, casuals aren’t the first to jump from game to game…that is the most hilarious thing I have ever heard, I know for a fact casuals play the same MMO for years on end, while casuals jump ship at the sight of a brand new shinny mmo / moba / shooter. Again to your last response I am a player who does extensive research before investing time into a class, and even with all my cautionary methods and reading I have still found terrible flaws in my classes. Just to reiterate, Hardcore players are not loyal to a game, they move continuously thru games constantly, casuals are ones that sit and if its comfortable they will sit and enjoy that entertainment for years upon years, and telling people to make extensive research on a game that has skills that are vague to all hell all you are doing is leading them astray. Basically pick the most unbroken unbugged unvague class and you will do fine, that is a no no in any game, I am aware the game is still fresh and that is why people come here to post opinions about the game not about other people posting opinions, yes I’m being a hypocrite at the moment.

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I think different definitions and terms of casual/hardcore gets people mixed up.

There are casual games and hardcore games.

There are casual gamers and hardcore gamers.

Casual gamers can play hardcore games and vice versa.

Here are my simple definitions.

Casual game - Game has easy gameplay and no risk. Dont need much thought or planning to play.

Hardcore game - Game is more difficult and has risk. Needs more thought and planning.

Casual gamer - plays casually. Usually prefers the casual games, but can still like hardcore games.

Hardcore gamer - plays all day every day. These people prefer hardcore games, but can also enjoy casual games.

You also have to consider that this is a grinder game. Killing thousands of monsters just to get one item isnt considered casual to me, no matter how difficult the gameplay is.

I just wanted to say my definitions because they have been being thrown around alot. This debate isnt really about casual gamers and hardcore gamers. Since a hardcore gamer can like casual games and vice versa.

In this game, while the gameplay isnt that difficult, requires thought and planning. It also has risk. This is why i define this game as a hardcore game. Taking out the risk would completely change the game. It would become a completely casual game, minus the grinding.

People say things like “i just dont understand why people dont want resets”. Well, thats because from the beginning this game attracted people who like the less casual games and the grinding. So, thats why most players do not want them. Changing it now would turn off all these players who like the game for what it is.


I’m pretty sure it actually is about that to most people. The debate on one side says you should earn those class levels because it’s fulfilling to level a crappy job up as an achievement. That is absolutely the only reason to even consider not wanting a reset being pride. Now as someone whose played FFXI 2004-2011 for the longest time and seen what happened when they changed the game adding “casual” content then FFXIV.

But hear me out this absolutely what worries to the max. This game is still in development. Nothing here as we know it is set in stone for the future which could be potentially 7+ jobs added to every class base. If you think for a second that you can predict the future of what is going to be good by then you’re crazy. Almost everyone is going to be rerolling characters if you’re that hardcore to do what ever crazy new content is out like Earth Tower.

Cool huh? Okay, now lets factor in private servers. If you don’t think these are coming then you’re just flat out dumb. You can easily google and find the open source project for the server if you don’t believe me. This is the major looming problem here where if IMC doesn’t get it together you better believe people are rerolling there where the leveling process is easier and will more than likely have resets. So now you as a “hardcore” gamer are stuck on this bot and RMT infested server because IMC just doesn’t do anything exactly like what happened to Ragnarok Online.

I’m like just waiting for all this to happen mainly because IMC is too bone headed to cave on simple little things like this and the trading. Either they are afraid to take action or seriously just don’t know what to do. None of these threads are helping either because we as a community should come to a common ground to prevent this all.

Well, i consider myself a casual gamer since i cant play more than a few hours a day usually, but i like the no rank resets. If new ranks come out and my build is completely useless and i have to reroll, i wouldnt mind. However, Id like to be able to completely reset my character back to character lvl 1, class lvl 1 so i can keep my achievements/cosmetics/, etc. Also keep the team xp i gained with that character.

As for the private servers, what would prevent bots and RMT from going there? I heard there were a ton of bots in RO private server. I’ve never played it so idk.

Searching kneeling shot on the forums, 6th thread down:

-November 2015

30 seconds of research on my end proved that to be a lie. Yes, foxy was a jerk about the question, and I don’t approve of that. The point is, however, that you clearly didn’t do that much research if in the top 10 results for the skill there’s a definite answer to your question.

Come on; you’re making this way too easy.


You don’t get it man. There’s no time to research. Some people play this game once a month. They can’t spend their precious time researching. They gotta just play the game and be the best.

If your game requires research in order to be the best, then your game is flawed.


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I have often wondered how long the users asking for a reset spend on these forums doing so. It is way more than they spent researching their builds, clearly.