Tree of Savior Forum

Say Yes to job reset

That implies anyone opposed to a reset would require a ‘‘confident boost’’ that resets wont happen. I assure you, that’s not the case.
We have no need for a statement on the matter.[quote=“pssrdavis, post:312, topic:232830”]
that’s a time saver.

So you don’t want to spend time on this game? Okay.

Wait, but what did you just say before?

Which one, the point that said[ less time = good]. Or the point that [it’s not about less time = good. it’s about diversity]?

I will just leave this here then:

Which is not those asking for resets. Which means:

That is all.

Just because someone doesnt 100% agree with your suggestion doesnt make them an ‘elitist’.
Considering you dismiss anything that doesnt line up with your ideas as ‘‘not adding any arguments’’, someone could argue you the elitist.

Any punishment done in this situation is a player doing it to themselves. Its not fault or blame, its cause and affect. Action and consequences. It just seems like everyone who’s for this idea is worried what they might do with their character. Where is your confidence in yourself?
This is a game. It’s supposed to be fun. Quite being jerks to yourself, and stop blaming yourselves for ‘‘mistakes’’.

Ok? I was simply saying; we might get info on this either way from an official standpoint. I don’t see how you can translate that into that anti resets need a confidence boost, seems you’re reading into it too much.

I didn’t say that either, I was simply stating that I think more elitists are in the forums than casuals. And my idea of an elitist is someone who want to keep it as it is and as hard as possible in this context. I really don’t care if they agree with me or not, that’s not what make them elitist.

That is all, feel free to read into this too but I feel it’s getting too OT for me.

Look you maybe dont want it but this what will happen if they dont add things in timely manner.

Changing the game affects everyone. I don’t think you understand what this game is about.

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Don’t even know why I bother to reply. Just my 2 cents. Stop comparing ToS with other games. FFXIV has resets, D3 has resets, Dragonnest has resets, WoW has instant level up. But…

ToS is not WoW
ToS is not FFXIV
ToS is not D3
ToS is not Dragonnest

What exists in other games doesn’t mean it NEEDS to exist in ToS. They are completely different games with different game concepts. You don’t go into a tennis game, question and request the referee to change the game’s rules to your liking. The game is meant to be played as how the developer designed it to be.

So, like the “hardcore vs causal” debate, stop bringing other games into the picture. They shouldn’t be used as a comparison to ToS at all.


While some of this could be true, it’s also worth mentioning that you can’t say we all like the game for the same reason. The group of people you described is not the only group of people here. I’ll tell you right now, I dont play because the game is less casual and requires grinding. I play this game because of the extensive class system, art, music, and classic feel. This game isn’t “hardcore”, I’m sorry but it’s not. Nothing about this game is hard. It may have that old school mmo feel; but believing that design of this game is that the only challenge lies in which class combination you set up is a fallacy at it’s finest. Seriously? That sounds like utter bull. I say this because class experimentation and creativity is a staple feature of the game itself.

The “risk” you’re saying exists is the time waste when something doesn’t work out. Yes, that is a “risk”, but I don’t believe that that was intended to be part of the design when trying to implement some sort of difficulty. That’s just monotonous repeated grinding in the same areas; something that actively pushes players away. If you take a giant handful of games and really inspect their game mechanics; how many of those have time wasted as a legit mechanic? Can you really imagine developers sitting in a room and saying “We want to waste their time if they…” I refuse to believe that the developers are so unintuitive that they can’t even come up with a legit form of difficulty when designing a game, because wasting someones time isn’t considered difficulty in my opinion. It’s just an annoyance.

This game is that old-school nostalgia at it’s finest. This game is about experimenting with tons of classes, delivering that great old-school feel we grew up on, and socializing with friends. It’s not about “hardcore” mindless grinding. If such an item is implemented, all it’ll do is save time. It’ll make it so that you don’t have to grind another 200+ levels to see if your idea works. I don’t see people complaining about the XP buff on tokens, or the XP tomes. Those are time savers too; they make it so that you don’t have to grind as long.

Here’s another thing to consider: People like to have multiple class builds of the same base job. I have a Rogue, that I love using, but I think I want to make SchwazerReiter later on. I’m not gonna reset my rogue, im gonna make another archer. Like others have said in this thread before, people get attached to their characters, so it’s not like everyone is only going to have 4 characters. Your grind that you don’t mind will still be there.

My only real concern is that it could possibly lessen the amount of time someone plays, but that’s not the fault of the item. It’s the fault within the design of the game. Unfortunately, this game is all fluff with very few activities for a player to partake in.

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You sir, as well are missing the point. So let me educate your behind since you clearly are trying to twist what I wrote.

XP buffs = Time saver. We currently have two. Circle reset = Time saver. No more having to grind for another 15-20+ hours to test an idea. That didn’t work out? I wont have to start over at level 1 to check and see. Time is still put into the game.

Instant success: I don’t mean press button -> Level up to max instantly. There is currently no form of this in any way. A circle reset doesn’t even introduce that. Quit being stupid. You’ll still have to grind, but you wont have to do it multiple times just to test an idea.

Missing the point: I never said less time = good. You’ll always have to implement time at any given point. It’s about not having to do something over and over and over again. I.E. grinds to 200+, “darn that didn’t work”. Grinds to 200 again. For some reason you mentioned diversity but chose not to unpack it like you did the rest of my statements…

Developers making change: First of all, you took this out of context. I had a nice list of pros and cons to go along with this statement. Thanks for ignoring those.

Personal gripe: So far, i’ve only seen one legit response as to why someone doesn’t want a reset. Everyone else’s reasoning is just to wants to keep another player held down or so they don’t get a leg up on them? This game is like 80% PvE so… the competition that some of these people care about is just pride. All I see is “You made a bad choice? Deal with it insert meme”, but my question is: Why do you care what another player does?

Lastly, I agree, this is a game. It’s supposed to be fun like you said. Trying a ton of different builds is fun. Doing the same activity over and over again isn’t. It’s not that people lack the confidence, it’s just that we may not have the time available or even want to start over leveling up again if we choose to experiment. They built a great game around this expansive class concept, but the current way it is doesn’t encourage unorthodox and unique builds. Just look at how many people are salty that something didn’t pan out. If those people chose to make another class, they’re far less likely to continue experimenting and instead will just stick to some cookie-cutter build instead. The cause and **E**ffect shouldn’t be whether or not a class sucks or not. That’s just poor game design. A good example of what you’re trying to describe is when enchanting with less of 100% chance of success. I don’t think the class system falls in that category. Finally, I’m not sure how people are being jerks to themselves but uh… ok?

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And more no.
At the very MOST, I would say allow ONE circle reset per character AND it has to be paid for with TP. That is the only acceptable way to allow circle resets, and under NO circumstances should there be a way to reset ALL of your circles.

You are also the one who says you dont understand why people dont like resets. Most people do not want them.

Ok, you are also the one who says you dont want to level a character up because of a mistake. I said the game wasnt hard, but it has risk. You dont like the risk.

There shouldnt even be mistakes. You make a build. It’s not as strong as you wanted. Thats what it is. There are no mistakes. Those were your choices. Dont have a build in mind? Well, thats on you. Still no mistakes because you never had a plan to begin with. Now you know what to do for your next build.

Make a warrior in another game? not as strong as mage? Cant change classes there either. Yes, it is comparable because that is what you are asking for. Class change.

I did use risk in a big part of my post, but thats not what its all about either. I can go dig through all my old posts on how it kills class diversity but i dont feel like it. Old school feel and nostalgia to me also inclused class diversity and uniqueness to the game. Resets will ruin this. Anyone who thinks class diversity will still be there with resets are lying to themselves.

No, I’m saying you’re being weird because your first reply didn’t make sense to me saying we might get a statement. You’re not following the red thread.

Yeah prolly, there’s a lot of topics there and frankly, the Reset topic is so scattered. Because, again, just because the poll exist doesn’t mean everyone will see it. Not even for people on the forums.

Did it for you! Where do I imply that “players who aren’t too lazy to look up builds” are elitist? You’re the one saying it, not me.

The one and only I saw said No reset at all, Being able to reset everything, Only being able to reset one circle.
Then again people seem to make new polls about it here and there, which is pointless since 1) it needs to be done by IMC 2) it needs a bigger pool and not only being visible for forum active people.

geezus christ ppl bickering and complaining about resets seriously does it effect you at all if someone can reset all there circles? i bet you it doesnt and if it does just make it a one or two time a year thing capped on the account so it isnt abused its such a freaking simple fix. Seriously there is 600 lvls being planned and you want people to remake there characters? sorry that isnt going to make people unique at all its just going to make them quit the game and the game already has a low population as it is.



Correct, and I still don’t understand most people’s reasoning behind not wanting a skill reset. As it stands 99% of the people who are against it only care about someone being better than them or having some kind of competitive advantage which i’m failing to see. You have provided what seems like a legitimate concern. You want risk to stay relevant in the game. I myself don’t really consider this much of a risk if I can just start over. Again, I don’t feel that Time Wasted is a legit risk. Losing an item due to failed enhancement is a risk. Gambling with those p2w enchant scrolls is a risk. Fighting a strong monster and dying is a risk. Experimenting with a build that turns out to not be that compatible? I suppose so if you really look at it that way, but I feel that’s a pretty mediocre risk. The only thing i’m losing is time. In all those other examples I provided you actually lose something in game.

The mistakes I refer to that should be changeable are the ones within the design of the game itself. I.E when something is broken like pet AI etc. If you go read my first post in this thread (it’s not too far up) you’ll see that i’m not one who cares too much about damage output. I spoke about that earlier.

The circle reset wouldn’t give the ability to swap a Warrior -> Mage uh… I think you’re mistaken lol. That doesn’t make sense. I think people mean that they want to pick different circles within their first allotted job choice. Warriors would still be warriors.

I would like further explanation so I can understand your reasoning on how resets ruin class diversity and unique builds. I feel as if it would encourage it, why do you think otherwise? I’m sorry, but I’m not gonna take the time to hunt down your old posts, but if you do post them here I’ll gladly read them.

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Yes, right!
Feedback and suggestions are there for a reason.

Tired of this baseless assumption. Most people want them, most people do not want them.
Sorry brah, it doesn’t matter if it is majority or minority, as long as it is profitable.

Yes, some of us are asking for a middle ground. Not a full reset.

Different circles = different classes. Its actually when you get to a new rank you can pick a new class, but this is just wording. Not sure why people keep calling them circles… i do the same though.

Your starting class is just that. Your starting class. From there you pick different classes. There are 52 classes total right now.


Yeah, my bad. I didn’t know what else to call them. I suppose it can be confusing.

lol class reset would be the last nail in the coffin for ToS. Want to go Wiz3Ele3? suddenly the grind to C6 isn’t as painful because CLASS RESET XDDD

How about not.

you know why wow is a game that have 5m-10m players? they did take lots of good things from different games. they didnt say “What exists in other games doesn’t mean it NEEDS to exist in wow”. worked for them didnt it?

people start reading for the love of god . reset will reset you to lvl 1 ONE!!
so you will level this super easy 2 lvl any way Wiz3Ele3 from 0. now how is this a problem?