Tree of Savior Forum

Ranking up made less punishing, but still permanent: The "Circle Reset" fix that works for everyone

Again no need to be patronizing, i was not. I’m sorry I have been misunderstood, english is not my main language. By “core” gamers i was not referring to “hardcore” gamer, in my mind i was more describing the players who makes the core group of the community ( like in “core feature” ) And it has more to do with the commitment to the game rather than the time available/spent. I think of casual gamers, like myself, as people with moslty curiosity toward the game but not (yet) a real attachment nor the intention of pushing things in depth. ( I can recognise myself in the description you make of them, and i’m still not convinced by a circle reset ) I don’t want to be a top player, i just want to play my character like i chose to make it. I would rather see the developpers working on ways to make every classes viable than a way to change between them. Maybe it’s not the point of this topic afterall but i would feel very much confident/ rewarded if the character i build was efficient in a way (because data available were relevent and accurate regarding each classes).

Anyways. The thing is, i’m sure ways can be found to make the game more enjoyable regarding classes choices and advancement without a circle reset. circle reset seems to me like a easy/poor solution to the problem it feels artificial. Maybe a way to test it in another environement than the game itself ( a training room of some sort )

This is the internet and not some kind of safe place. You make a mistake your internet credibility is gone and 500 daggers in your back.

Dont try to be reasonable or expect reason during your stay. It will get you attacked & touched in dark places.

Although I agree that the game shouldn’t be too casual allowing people to reset multitude of times, there is 1 big problem though. The game is not yet done. How are we supposed to know that our builds will work when the game realeses the rank 10 classes? I for one think that a reset should be awarded when the game is finished not to let people fix their mistakes, but to let people keep the characters they worked hard on instead of rerolling.

This whole discussion is bigger and bigger nonsense with every day. People dont understand where the problem really is and try to force some unresonable solution.

The problem that you want to be resolved is:
“What do I do if I invested in the game 300 hours and suddenly I want to change rank 2 or higher class due to some unknown reasons”

The reasons can be:

  1. Not really what I expected the class to be - not my style.
    Problem : not enough information given by game
    Solution: more precise data given to player about classes and skills

2)I changed my mind just because I can.
Problem: want the game to be more flexible for his own bad decision
Solution : they should create new character

3)Balance tweaks made by developer.
Problem : classes are unbalanced as hell - new meta appear
Solution : balance so all classes are usefull - nobody will need to swap - if you are amonght balanced classes you should get free skill reset potion

  1. Adding of new classes.
    Problem : game constantly release new classes
    Solution1 : finish the product before selling it
    Solution2 : if you are amongst base class that got new rank 2+ class for it, you get possiblity to change every class with rank equal or higher to the new class rank till some date for free (max 3 ranks changed) (ex. new rank 4 class appear for wizard, all wizards can swap 3 ranks equal to and above rank 4 for free till 7 days from now on)

And so on…
People stop and think what is really the core cause of problem, get to the root of it and solve that.

Exactly!!! Not everything is black and white. So many closed minded people here. It should be a case by case basis!

Basically you are asking for the game to be fixed and finished? This is the most unreasonable demand I have seen so far on the forum.

Well maybe they do this in the future (just mabe…) since some MMORPG already did this (but the game that i mention almost empty (from people) and it already old game…and it begin with “W” letter…

Please try to comprehend what he is saying. Basically he agrees resets shouldn’t be casual but it should also be open for discussion. What if they release a hidden class at a lower circle late in the game? Does that mean I have to make a new character? What if I want a rank 8 class but it doesn’t work well with my current set up? Does that also mean I have to reset? Is it our mistake for not having enough information despite doing our best to have a solid foundation of classes?

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Well the people that dont want it will say yes to you.they will its your ■■■■ up even if its the 8 class case.

I know, that’s how arguments are sometimes. It’s not entirely their call anyways. I hope they should understand that a lot of people don’t want to invest too much time on a game or are too attached on their characters to keep making a new one whenever this game gets a major update.

Woww. The opposition to class reseting is crazy…
I had no idea there was this level of elitism around. Why not have some more flexibility to this pretty robust class system. Wanting others to ‘reroll’ an entire character because of imperfect foresight is pretty bad.

I think the idea suggested by the op is perfect, in taking the concerns of those that don’t want it. Most players don’t have hundreds of hours to remake tons of characters just to ‘get it right’ in one fell swoop. Plus it’s really boring… because as a game players should be able to both have fun as well as fine-tune what they want (and having to recreate and redo everything is pretty extreme as a ‘repercussion’)

Really, it comes down to how many people this would help and make their time on ToS more enjoyable, and I’m pretty sure there’s a lot that it would, because most players aren’t so elitist. I am surprised by how many I’ve seen being against it, but I don’t think it’s representative, especially that the free to play hasn’t even started.

One last thing, for the concerns of ‘old’ class levels being easy for a high level character, if that’s really a concern then it’s simple, simply make the experience needed proportionate to how many ranks the player is at (in example, if at rank 6, make a reset of a class need as much as rank 6 does.) Or simply only allow it once rank 7, and make it need as much as a rank 7 class would need.

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Partialy yes I do. Do you buy ufinished food or clothes from shop? The answer is “no”.
The same goes for every product that people buy, only finished one is worth mentioning. Its new trend that games go into green light on steam and early access and they often never finish the product at all where people already paid for it.
I am gamer for over 15 years and long time ago Open Beta meant:

  1. Finished product
  2. Open beta was used to stres test the servers
  3. Open beta had only minor bugs and minor technical problems

ToS is on open beta now:

  1. Half of the game content is unfinished
  2. Class system is major sale point if it (core fundament) with is unfinished
  3. Balance of classes is made in such way like they didnt even try to do it (I dont expect the game to be perfectly balanced because thats impossible)
  4. Insert all other stuff here…

You see the difference ?

Also my post is about trying to aim directly into the source of the problem. People trying to solve the result of a problem, not the problem itself here.

It doesnt mean I dont support green-light games and early access since it allows more games to be created with wouldnt be made at all.
But I know one-man made games that are in early access. Those guys respond on their forums more often than ToS devs here (and they got whole team). I know game where one-man-army literaly redesigned whole skill system and loot system in a month, addiing really tons of new stuff to the game.

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You know what is the bige joke here,its not open beta. Imc just didnt do open beta.they skipped it.

This need to be .

Hey zipzo i have found the perfect thing that both sides will like thanks to another thread so i couldnt help but mention him here.

What do you think?

I think a training room would be absolutely perfect and it would even help newbies understand the game more just like the hardcore players want and there wouldn’t be a need for resets.

There is literally no downside that i can find for a training room like this and it would solve both sides problems.

I’d like the training room idea only if there’s no dice with the class resets. For me at least, part of the fun is aiming to reach and see how it’s going to turn out. without that it feels like it’s more just about reaching the right result, than enjoying the journey.
I haven’t needed to reset yet, but I’d sure like the option if somehow something turns out lackluster or not like I thought (or even not like people online thought, because yes, it’s very easy to be led astray by others’ thoughts and so called expertise.)

If they ever consider bringing class reset, It would be cool if it required Oracle c3 to do it or a cronomancer, even both :grin: It would fit games current style.

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Been advocating this idea for a little bit of time.

  • Better skill descriptions. They desperately need this, for a game this expansive, you cannot get away with some of the basic things the descriptions say. Some are decent, some are vague, some don’t even say enough. Heck, some pointers on skill usage would be better than what we have now.

  • Goddess’ Dream: An area where you the Relevator can summon a dummy and a monster to test out ideal combinations about what class to advance to. It’d be available upon request with the Advancement button & whatever class you pick. The only issue would be that if the area isn’t air-tight enough, one could in theory hack out of it via mass teleport and walk away with a ‘free’ advancement. Otherwise it’s help the newbies and sate those who want consequences to builds.

Even more of a reason to have a training room like the one i quoted instead of that at the advancement in my opinion.

It would have to be insanely fleshed out so you could try absolutely everything though.

A link to where to find it at that advancement screen would be perfect though ^.^

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