Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

To add to this, most builds are viable. If you want to be optimal, you should do some research. However most paths are viable and can get to end-game. Now when you get to end-game, a lot of groups want people who know what they are doing; they want people who did research and have optimal builds.

If you can’t find a group to take your build, make one.


Exactly this. Everything is viable. You might be slightly weaker, but IMC is constantly releasing balance patches. If you were too strong, expect to get nerfed in the future anyways. If you’re worried about being 10% weaker than your peers, then put in the work to find out what is super strong. You can’t just cry and say ‘but i play games for fun, make me strongest now plz’.


Some people in community are sadly getting used to ask for things to the staff and assume they will actually do what you want. As a community we had some request, which are well founded, like the opening of regional server, but this nonsense of class reset is just ridiculous.

Class reset doesn’t add diversity and doesn’t appeal to what you call “casual” players. You are just trying to justify a selfish feature to fit your lazy behavior.


People who argue that resets shouldn’t exist are just trying to justify their elitist behavior. Lack of ability to change parts of your build leads to stagnation and everybody following whatever the most popular cookie-cutter builds are. Creative builds only result when players are free to experiment without the punishment of permanent catastrophic failure.


No where have I said I had a bad build. All of my characters are golden abs jessy waiting to smash you noobs when the pvp arena is open. Taking responsibility onto a game should be a sin. I’m not even going to respond to that

Actually not true.
Creative builds can also result when players really struggle to find a new way, a better way to play a class. That is achieved better when you have to “deal with it” with what you got. Why struggle to find a better solution if you can always reset to the “right way”? In my opinion, those build and gameplay style are truly creative and aim to go beyond the meta.

Tell me of a game with multiple classes without class resets. I played many RPGs, all this nubs here claim that rpgs should not have skill resets? Maybe in 2005 they had not thought of resets to main attraction of a game, but in our age currently resets prolong games life.

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Disagree. Everyone is using “tried and true” builds, i.e. the cookie cutters. People that are trying anything unconventional are quickly abandoning them due to finding out that all the time they’ve put into them has resulted in crappy compositions. People that have discovered “interesting” builds in the past did so on KTos, and will not be repeating those adventures due to them ultimately not being viable. Case in point; AA Sword Chronomancer.

As it is right now, there is too much to lose by experimenting with something not already heavily recommended. You can try to, but ultimately you cannot deny that all it takes is one failed portion of an experiment to essentially pooch a character.

What does it matter if people can reset to the “right way”? Why does that effect you or take away from your experience? Everyone here is quick to say “Don’t ever let resets happen!” but refuses to actually articulate a point in which it affects them in a negative way. “I can’t enjoy the game because other people are playing it differently than I think they should!” - such silliness.

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You are mixing job/class resets and skill resets. The former the one being discussed. And the later already in the game.

I think youre talking about skill resets. We have those.

Not skill resets… although no one talking about that still. What’s with the stat and skill potions? Isn’t that the same problem? Well?

Those surely would be silly reasons to oppose the job reset. Have you read the others through the topic though? Silly not to.

I’ll give you MY small list:

  • Lowers diversity of builds in contrast what is being said. Everyone would level with A, pvp with B and craft with C.
  • Promotes laziness on a grindy (lazy unfriendly) game.
  • Allows for Leveling-Service-PvP class build swaps.
  • Hard to level but great end game builds would not exist. Why is this good? Build Diversity, again.
  • P2W feature if placed in the cash shop.
  • Lowers play through obtained items in the game world. This is specially important in this game in particular, since there are items like for example head gear that can only be obtained once per character. This imo goes so deep into the game core that lowering the amount of characters created that much would affect even the market.

You forgot: Change from one cookie cutter to the next after each balance change. Killing diversity even more.

Many people might be using the same builds right now, but that will change in time when ranks are added and class changes.

There’s nothing preventing you from experimenting right now. You can always delete those you consider too weak builds to continue after the experiment is over. Those who have brain and motivation don’t even have to level up until rank 7 to find out how well some combo works out. They can borrow their friend to cast those later rank skills in many cases and it’s not that hard to calculate how much certain missing buffs would increase the dps on your experiment. And when someone finds a new build after putting some effort on it, I think he has earned it and it would be pretty tasteless if the rest wanting the best build out there could get the same in five minutes after studying the skill combos on youtube video and then just clicking the job reset button.

This game is mmo and not solo game so things like job reset would make the effort of trying to maximize your build way less exciting. Other than teenage girls usually don’t enjoy having the rest of the world mimicking you and dress exactly the same and think the same.

(I apologize to possible teenage girls playing this game, that’s how I remember it being from my school years back then and that’s the image I still get from media. If you aren’t like that, don’t take it like I meant you personally then :wink:)

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BTW, someone did this poll. They posted it on the forums, but idk if anyone saw it. No circle resets are winning by a bit

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What if you can’t test the skill interaction until you are rank 7? Borrow self buffs from friends? Spell combo off your friend? And if it doesn’t work just delete him and start over duh.


And still everyone ignores the most op thing that’s actually already in the game. Stat and skill reset potion. Would have killed for those in vanilla rag

Thanks, voted just now. The answer options are simple and unbiased on that, good poll :slight_smile::thumbsup:

Actually no because it splits resets in to two options, which is unforgivably dumb.

Not even one circle reset-opposer has explained how circle resets affect them negatively.


All you’ve done is hardcore flaming, while ignoring the many arguments and saying ‘‘well im closing my eyes so I’m not seeing them!’’

So yeah, I can understand why you are saying you didnt see the arguments…

And why would someone that is completely against someone offer a compromise? A compromise only favors anyone that is for resets to begin with.

But very well, I’ll take my precious time to expose your hypocrisy.

PS: these are all responses in the first few posts in the very first thread on the topic. One in which you yourself were quite active.

And this is only a fraction…

I’m kind of tired of repeating them again, since as you yourself already make clear, you ignore arguments and say ‘‘they don’t exist’’

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Everyone that has your stance should put their money where their mouth is.

For every person like you there are 5 casuals ready to jump off the ship and if a product can not sell to a big audience it needs to have the niche pay more or it isn’t feasible.

This isn’t about what you or I want, but what a company needs to survive and unfortunately for an already small game there is no way to stay in the green with 5k paying players.

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