Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

Lol the game at first was you pick one of 2 class then the one you didnt pixk is no more somthing you can take later. They chaneged it because people asked for it.

By the way how your game will he affected by somthing no one forcing you 2 use?

Take a look at the history of WoW for me, if you will. I believe you will find your answer there.

They also designed the game with massive restrictions on trading when it released internationally, and they went back on that when they realized it was a huge mistake.

Sometimes developers make mistakes. Sometimes developers learn from their players’ needs.

Many players need class resets. Get over it.


I’m done. If you think this is a good design, okay. That’s you, not me.

This level of white-knighting is just ridiculous.


Wow changed the way classes work and progress. We dont asking this.all the class will work snd progress the same . you will not be punished for a wrong class you take.or you really think any thing work in this game?

So please say how what we want efecting you? You just dont use the reset.

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I’m not the one complaining about wanting something here.

Speaking of developer opinions:
How do you think it sounds to developers when you tell them ‘‘I dont want to play your game more then I absolutely have to. I refuse to ‘replay’ part of the game’’?

You sound a bit spoiled.

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Truer words haven’t been spoken.

@forgotten_dreams is pants-on-head levels of delusional.

Its funny. I remember you posting some good things days (or weeks?) before. Whatever happend to that attitude, was it all in my mind or?

How is my argumentation in this thread white-knighting? White-knighting applies mindlessly defending ‘the game’.

This discussion is about a feature (which is/isnt present), not the entire game.

Please stop your Black Knight ‘destroy all’ attitude, before I lose that last bit of respect…


That’s exactly what you are asking for. If it was possible to reset circles there would be no point in pick order of your circles, it wouldnt matter what you use for most of the game, you can just reset it if you want.

You arent punished to begin with. Tell me, does entering a 3* area have a requirement of being a Peltasta? Does it prevent you from entering if you dont have that class?

It’s players punishing themselves (and to some extend, punishing others) for the decisions they made with their characters.

How does rerolling a character affect your gameplay enjoyment? Dont you enjoy playing this game and leveling up? Don’t you enjoy making a character build? Do you feel completely horrible if a build isnt 100% perfect as you had envisioned it?

If you play RPGS to do things perfectly I would rather suggest single player ones. Most games can be done in a single playthrough, with 100% completion.

You know, so you dont have to waste too much time playing games.

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Dont abuse tags just so you can insult people. I dont think thats what the function is for.

Haha I’m retarded because I want people who make stupid choices to be punished? You’re hilarious

People who pick one of each circle on their way to rank 7 should not be rewarded with the ability to fix their idiotic mistake. People who choose to not pick up peltasta and then wonder why no one cares to party with them should not be rewarded.

The ONLY time a circle reset should be offered is if they legitimately change a class or remove a class for example centurion.

I can tell you picked a GOOD build with all the crying you’re doing in this thread. Obviously this game doesn’t hold you hand enough and you should find a new one.


You really need proof for that? Perhaps play the game and you will see plenty of it…

Maybe you should, at this rate it’s unlikely anybody would mind you being gone.

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Maybe you should learn to read

Before I play a game I make sure first read and research so that I wont commit too much mistake. If things cant be done Im just going to reroll and try again. Dont waste time in forums requesting for something too far to be done.

I’m not very sure why people are arguing -against- having some kind of circle reset. Everything is practically bounded to your character, including TP items. You cannot just remake your character unless you feel like throwing away your money.

This game isn’t even finished and there are a lot of unimplemented classes, features and skill rebalances that will be done in the future. Your class may be amazing today, but a few patches later… they nerf your class (lol Highlander) and tough luck. See how that goes?

Any game that locks players behind classes without any sort of reset is kind of stupid. You cannot argue that “you screwed up therefore gg”. That kind of mentality just encourages players to quit.

People will screw up or the developers will screw you up. Players shouldn’t be so harshly penalized for it. Especially if certain skills need rebalancing or fixing. Some of the skills in the game actually don’t work properly or are just horribly bad. That is not the fault of the player and no matter how much research you do, research doesn’t fix broken skills.

That said…

I believe what people fear is how -easy- it will be to reset a class and that seems to be the concern when the game capitalizes on creating multiple characters. If you are able to class reset, there isn’t much of a point in really having more than 1 type of class (ex. swordsman) as you can just reset their class anytime and switch back and forth.

Here’s what I think that would be a better solution:

  • Only allow rank 6 or higher classes to reset. If players reach rank 6, they have an option to doing a side quest that allows them to reset their class level to 1. They would keep their base levels.

  • Resetting their class will abandon all attributes learned.

  • Resetting a class will bring them back to their original c1 swordsman, archer, wizard or cleric.

This system in place would make it a lot harder for players to switch back and forth to whatever classes they wanted to play, but still possible. If they wanted to reset their class again, they would need to reach rank 6.

If the developers release a new rank or class in the future, we should have an option to rerolling classes without having to scrap everything on the current character.

This idea is literally inspired by RO’s rebirthing system.


You answered it yourself.

Most popular MMOs have skill-simulator made by fans to prevent most chances of having a fail build. Luckily, even the tosbase skill simulator included the in-game description of each skills. Sadly, it wasn’t enough, there are countless of skill with vague descriptions or is actually working differently. Players are getting misled which shouldn’t happen in the first place yet you, OMG, look at you defending IMC for something they obviously are at fault.

Wow, black-knight attitude? I was just contributing to the thread and the main point of the thread was a suggestion to have job resets.

If you’re thinking I do post alot of useful stuff, yes, I roam the forums posting on every thread that I can contribute into. I don’t mind losing respect from someone who likes defending those who are at fault and clearly did something wrong.

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I need to know what is your build that you are so desperate to have changed. Matter of fact I would like to all the people here asking for a reset to post their builds I need to see this.

And… what is your point in knowing someone elses build? It doesn’t affect your gameplay in anyway.

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I answered how it cant be considered white knighting.

Black knighting is the opposite of White Knighting.
Black Knights bash any opposition regardless of what they say. (much like a white knight, except those are about ‘defending’ instead of ‘attacking’)
They tend to read posts rather differently defending on who says it as well.

You were, but I havent seen one post that wasnt filled with negativity in some time now. I would suggest you relax and remind yourself of what ‘contributing’ to a discussion really means. But that’s just my advice, and since it comes from me I’m sure you will ignore it.

I only defend whats worth defending. Or what I believe to be, at any rate.
Much like most people, yes?
I dont mindlessly defend like a White Knight, and I dont mindlessly bash others like Black Knights.


lans did ask for a build thats not ‘‘top pve/pvp build’’ so its fair to ask for the opposite, a build that ‘‘needs to be reset’’

Personally I dont care to know. Whether someone feels they ‘‘need’’ to reset is their own point of view. Nothing else.

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I wish I could find those words that the developers want people to have variety and HAVE to do research before making builds and stuff like that.

I’m sure its not as clear cut as I said it as, but I do remember seeing the dev’s referencing something about how they want builds to be researched or looked into.

Lol I say this without proof for now, maybe I’ll edit it later if I find their post.:worried: Instead here’s a cute pic I found from trying to find it.