Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

Well I meant reset the Templar char in particular. Which reset will result Templar circle out of picture

I guess it’s not your fault if you think that way.

you never played ragnarok or WoW bruh? go back to your paper doll game lol this isn’t for you.

as I’ve said multiple times now, RO and WoW don’t have NEARLY as much variety from just 1 base job as ToS does, for example in RO, you got 2 choices to choose from, TWO CHOICES, that’s it, ■■■■■■■ up is not really plausible, here? we got THIRTEEN different specializations on each base job that can be mixed and matched in an amazingly high amount of ways, and that number is only going to get bigger with each new rank they release, with this much variety it’s only safe to asume that people are only going to either quit after finding out the job they chose is not waht they expected to be, or just we won’t ever know because nobody will be willing to spend 200+ hours to level a character just to test out of something works or not, people are going to stick to the little we know works, and all those plausible killer combos are never going to be discovered because of fear of having wasted your time.


Can you prove me wron then. Show me 5 lvl 200+ players that dont use the top pvp/pve build in end game maps/in pvp.
Asfor my self i look at build people post and the pick what i think work. I first think what 7 class i want and then takewhat ever looks like will work on it.

Yeah FFXIV, where you have to level every class in the game or just be way behind.


I think the majority feels the other way around: stats reset fine (if its something really rare), circle reset: not fine.

Stats resets not being fine was a RO thing, because there to make a pure merchant character (and support/tank to some degree as well) you had to gimp your stats in a way that made leveling extremely fast.
If there were stats resets back then everyone would have a high level alchemist/blacksmith with amazing stats for crafting.

In ToS, stats are not nearly as impactful to your leveling experience as circles are.


And why do you feel you have to? Would you have ‘failed at life’ if your character ended up being worse/different then expected?
If you dont have the time to remake a character, then why do it?

I honestly dont understand much of the modern (western?) ‘gamers’ at all. IE, whenever I play a RPG I see all these people asking for a perfect walkthrough…in a single playthrough.
Do you even enjoy a game if you dont want to play it more then once period? And why does playing a game have to be ‘perfect’, isnt it a better goal to ‘have fun playing the game’?


By who? Your mother? God (of whatever religion)? A GM? Your girlfriend? And why would this person get to decide that you must start over?


This is a good point, but on the flipside I could ask how you knew about the abilities description before becoming that class.
Which would lead to the point of interest that it was a third party resource that was lacking information (in your case).

This game is still brand new, and I think a lot of people; having played for many hours in any of the betas, or followed the game for years are forgetting this.

In time people will be able to find full skill descriptions for anything, and whatnot information on the net.
Should something like Burrow have a proper description? Yes, it does make sense normally.

But then again, its not like you would be able to see that description when you pick your skills in the previous circles, so you would of still made the same mistake.


Right, here’s a first one: me. On top of that I solo only, so I guess that counts double. I’m sure more people will add onto this as I’ve seen quite a few different builds.

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Show it. Sayung you do is not good this time.

This made my day LOL.

Which is still a fault on IMC’s side.


I finally just gave in to a reroll after 200 hours logged on my character, because of one circle. It’s doubly frustrating because I cannot transfer my premium items or equipment w/o potential loss. Not happy, seriously if I didn’t absolutely love this game, I would quit. Average user I’d say just likes it, and I’ve seen quite a few quit or at least be extremely unhappy at this point.
As I’ve stated in other threads, plenty of other MMOs (not pay to win before someone goes there again) have this feature implemented successfully. It does nothing but make the players happy and fatten the wallets of the company, which keeps it going. It should have some restrictions and perhaps a quest implemented, limited to your arch type of choice (swordsman, archer, etc.) If nothing else, allow premium items to be traded.

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skill and stat reset only till circle 5 and it will cost somethings like: fixed price based on stats/skill*(Max Rank of characterchatacter lvl)number of resets done ~~~ So will be, for example: 1,000 (skills) * (5 rank120lvl) * 1 reset done = 1,000 * 600 * 1 = 600,000 or 2,000 (stat) * (rank 360lvl) * 2 = 2,000 * 180 * 2 = 720,000. 50% of the price goes in tax. Affordable from low to medium lvl, hard for abusing.

Uhmm. No. I dont want a job reset. I know someone who failed there class build and made another character. This is spoon feeding at its finest. Please dont be a fvcking bummer. If a player quits because of their failed class, then they are not suited for this game. Simple as that. You dont just quit because your combination did not shine. I remember playing ragnarok without skill reset. :confused:

Go make another character, this will help you to get familiarize with the game and maps again.


Lol you need to replay few time to familiarise the map and Char? U r full of hope!

Class reset will reset back class lvl to lvl 1. Now, i like it. If not, this game will be p2w. Just get easy lvling class. Get max lvl, then switch to pvp class. Most pvp class hard to lvling.

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The answer that seems to be confusing you here is that this is purely your opinion. You don’t think it’s a big deal to ■■■■ up your character and be useless and get invited to parties 50% less often because your class path is pants-on-head.

That’s good for you, but how about the many folks who this bothers?

They quit. Players that otherwise would stay, just quit, because a bunch of armchair old timers from Rag think that “this isn’t that type of game” without any proof from IMC that such is the case.


Ok you got a circle reset. But how about the time and silver you invested for learning attributes?

Not being able to see all the abilities and their descriptions ingame when you are many classes away is IMCs fault?

How is this even a bad thing. I’m pretty that sure in most RPGs you dont actually know what a new class is going to bring untill you get to it.


How is this confusing? Its my opinion just as surely as the opposite is your opinion. I think you are confusing yourself.

How about the many folks that arent bothered by this?

And I’m going to go and say I’m completely fine with this.
Most games these days like to hold your hand, I say there’s plenty of choices if you want to play a game where your actions (and build choices) don’t matter or have no consequences.

Perhaps play one of those instead?

Proof? What does this have to do with anything? What if a game developer tells you otherwise it’s somehow okay and not a problem for you anymore?
Can’t you think/decide for yourself?

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The point is that if they haven’t said they are against it, there’s no reason why we can’t ask for such a feature.

Many people want the ability to re-do some if not all of their circles for a huge variety of reasons.

Who are you to say that what they desire isn’t valid or necessary?


They designed the game without including a feature like this, which should make it obvious they dont see it as a positive feature at this point in time.

Oh dear.