Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

For every person like me? Hah, and I just complimented you on staying civil (again). My bad.

So you presume. You base your statistics off nothing.

That’s correct, it’s about what the community drawn to a game like this wants.

What happend to using your own arguments, I appreciated someone thinking for themselved. These none-sensical doomsday arguments have no foot to stand on.

Which only serves to expose the hypocricy of those claiming that ‘‘noone is asking for a full reset, noone!’’.

Well, apparently half the people who ask for a reset, want a full one.


Actually you presume that they are based on nothing. They are based on the experience as a RMT and researching the net about what the industry has to say.

LinkedIN, Reading about stuff like the Game Monetization Summit, watching the market. I mean this is the internet, every swimming tour in it will net you knowledge about whatever topic you desire.

I simply know a thing or two about the industry, but that doesn’t mean that everytime I use my acquired knowledge and write in conclusion of that - that it has to be done with pages of statistics and references.

What if I told you… it is experience AND actually making mistakes that make you better and not braindead and effortless “I can reset anyways”

That’s what the game is about. It is not a race about “who is the highest lvl”. If you think leveling is a waste of time - although it IS the actual game - p[quote=“Shadow_Rose, post:147, topic:232755”]
are not going to throw hundreds of hours and dollars down the drain and be told remake it or don’t play because guess what we just made everything you ever did pointless.

Ro was in the past and this is now.

please go play something else


I would like to agree to class reset since we dont know if rank 8/9/10 will have synergy with our current classes, but i do believe there will be more then one choice in those ranks so i dont see a point in a reset except for people who want keep switching to whatever is OP at that moment

Why can’t it be:

“Oh damnit I ■■■■■■ up, now I have to give IMC 20-30$ to fix this”

Instead of…

“Wow, I ■■■■■■ up and can’t fix it, cya”

In option A, IMC makes money, the person learns from their mistake and still has to pay a price (literally) to do so. Literally every angle of this outcome is beneficial to the player, and IMC as a company.

In option B, literally every part of that outcome is a negative result for everyone.

Like, what do you think most intelligent people would answer is the most suitable and beneficial outcome out of those two circumstances?

Keep in mind, I’m judging you if you say B, because that would make you really ignorant.


Honestly if your a swordman not using the swordman->peltasa->hopelite3->dopplesoldner->dragoon build you might as well reroll now, that build is the only one viable for dps on a swordman, and since it has peltasa you could also tank/taunt. Only other “viable” build would be a peltasa3 tank build. If you don’t believe me ask, i’ve heard so many lv 220+ people remaking their swordman to that build since at high level its the only viable one for dps, all the other builds don’t even come close to the numbers that one can put out. Granted the hoppydragoon build is a late bloomer, it doesn’t really get great till 125 ish once you get hoplite3 after that you can laugh at anyone else using a crap 2 hand sword builds like most do, because that build falls off hard starting at 100+, since they can’t et enough crit rate for a decent crit % (unlike hoplite3 which gets +150 crit rate and +3 aoe attack ratio for free from lv 15 finestra). You have been warned, I don’t wanna hear crying when you hit 200+ and relize you now need to reroll. Also, if your a swordman and youd on’rt have peltasa 1 in your build: reroll, because a cleric, archer or wizard will always out dps you, and without swashbuckling the aoe taunt, you really offer nothing of value to the party that other classes can’t do far better. Sadly this is how swordman is atm until they buff them, and they need some major buffs, the only class thats actually decent for dps is hopelite3.

Also I suspect Flecher will be getting the nerf bat too. Guy told me a story today about how a 230 archer alone, was enough to out dps a full lv 280 party on a world boss. Its because alot of the flecthers single target skills have 0s cooldown and no downsides to spamming them at all. don’t even argue SP costs either, or arrows. The nerf will probally be as simple as adding a 5-8s cd to all its current 0s cd attack skills, and upping the others from 10 to 15s. The skill they spam vs single target is usually magic arrow+that one that hits 1-3 times based on enemys armor type. All the fletcher skills in general hit way to hard for their cooldowns.

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IMC would make even more money if they allowed stuff like the costumes etc to be sellable on market. I myself won’t buy any costumes since they are locked to 1 char, I can’t even use team storage to pass them around so I won’t buy them at all. They are too costly for something locked to 1 character.

The problem is that literally nothing you quoted of yourself explains in any way the negative affects on you as a player if others are capable of resetting their circles. Will it hinder your ability to level? Will it make you weaker somehow? Will it prevent you from leveling the way you want to? Will it stop you from playing a class you want to play? What is a negative repercussion for you if others can circle reset?

And further–it seems like everyone and anyone who is against circle resets is operating under the assumption that they will be free and easy to obtain. If you believe that there are “no consequences” to messing up a build or coming to find out that a class isn’t what you thought it would be, then you’re not at all considering that class resets could be something that are not easy to obtain. Maybe they could be obtained through a difficult chain of quests, or through only a great deal of silver–I am 100% that anyone advocating for circle reset as a possibility is not asking for them to be easy to get, but only asking for them to be possible alternatives to spending 500+ hours releveling a character.

You know, as soon as you say this you are conceding that whomever you’re saying this to is correct, that you agree with them, and that you have no counter-point against what they’re saying. When you have to resort to saying “stop playing” or “go play something else,” what you’re saying is, “You’re right, but I don’t mind it and I don’t like that you have an issue with it.”


I agree with the OP 1000%!

nice way to put the game pay to win, no job reset at all or riot

I would say yes because having more options is not a bad thing. Sometimes you just want to say “hey, perhaps i would enjoy this version of the swordsman tree better than this” and want to change instead of making a billion characters. It may not be that you messed up, but might have a more enjoyable time.

But for those who want a more “hardcore” atmosphere ( i find this funny because i see some of the same people saying this are the ones who complain about things that contradict that statement) or feels that it cheapens the game, a job reset should be VERY costly or have some kind of heavy penalty. Maybe EXP penalty, perhaps costs as much as a token?

Who knows, thats not for me to really say im not balancing the game or making changes.

Options never hurt anything. Its there for people who want it. People would buy it, it would help fund the game and it wouldnt nessicarally ruin anything because there are no real advantages to be gained from not having it. if someone changes from 3 circle barbarian to 3 cat, in reality it didnt hurt anything. Hell it would mean that weapons on the AH would be in more demand. No one wants to sit there with 7 characters trying to level them all up. No on really wants to continuously delete things. Hell I have done it a few times but that was for other things. Hell perhaps a class gets a complete remake and some people say “this is not the character I enjoyed anymore”. Would you force them to completely remake their 280 because of a patch they didnt ask for ? Or perhaps a job gets a revamp and they would want to change into that because its more their playstyle than their current.

Again like i have been saying. Options never hurt anything. It just adds to the experience. A company would have to be completely retarded not to want to give people what they want if there are no detriments to it. This wont kill or destroy anything. Not balance, not the market, not anything besides perhaps hurt the class ranking but I feel the ranking is in need of a complete overhaul. You can scream about “im a gamer, im hardcore” all you want but denying people options is never a good thing whatsoever. People are right when they talk about tooltips not being accurate forcing people later on who built around certain skills to reroll because their entire build is now garbage.

Here is the thing, you want to force your beliefs on everyone else and limit their ability to change what they want because you feel that they need to be within your specific guidelines for “gamers” or how certain things need to be. Let there be job resets, its not hurting you. Telling people “if you dont like it, go ■■■■ yourself” is not a good thing. You are refusing to compromise and that is the essence of getting what you want in any way shape or form. This is why you do not make balance changes. This is why you arent a dev. This is why you are posting on the forums with views that tell everyone that if they dont do what you like then they arent anything of value. If anything you are the “anti gamer” ( i really hate using the word gamer). You make people play the way you want them to and everyone has their own way to play. I may not like people’s way of doing things but i dont scream about how im this and that if you dont do it like me, you arent this.

WoW was completely different in terms of this. Think of it as respecing, not changing the entire way jobs spec out in the first place. You seem to not know the difference. In WoW you had talent trees with talent points. The same thing as jobs with skill points. Now what WoW did was instead of having points number into the 10s they simplified it to where you had like…6 options for that spec max level. So what they did was take a bunch of skill diversity and passive buffs and change it into a extremely simplistic talent choice from A, B, or C. In ToS you have your jobs and they each have multiple skills you can rank out at 5 at a time for each skill in that tree, a maximum of 15 points per circle. Thats your talent tree within an A B C or D and then adding more skills on with each further advancement for you to either put more points into the previous skills or forgo that and put points into E, F, G, H for the new skills in that circle or pick the next tier’s circle. If this was like wow you would have your class and every so often you would be able to pick one talent. There would be no circles and no skill distributions. You would have the swordsman class, and then learn along the way the preset skills as you level. There would be no mixing or anything of that sort. So what you are associating with is completely wrong. If anything respecting circle and jobs would be the EXACT SAME THING AS A TALENT RESPEC IN WOW. The only downside for old WoW was the gold cost which you had to do every time you wanted to change and it grew into a lot of gold after you did it so much. But this is coming from someone who played wow probably a lot longer than you and started way before. WoW had talent respecs which costed in game gold. This, has no respecs and any skill/stat resets will cost real life money. If anything this is worse but people arent complaining about that. They are wanting the OPTION of being able to do what you could already do in about every other MMO.

Oh btw, even diablo 2 got respecs later on down the road. So that says something. Respecs are not a bad thing. It just gives players the ability to diversify more instead of spending another month trying to make a build that may or may not work out. You can only number crunch and min max on paper so much.

Reposting this from another thing plus a few edits.


They should never nerf, just boost every class and make harder content. Like boost monsters and bosses.

I’m only going to comment on a few things.

Its more fun. Game will last longer. You must be turning a blind eye to our reasons or just dont care about that stuff.

So, where do they go to see what they want? because there is a poll up on steam forums and these forums and no class resets is on top right now.

I dont think you understand whats going on. This is an older style mmo with no resets. Its not meant to have them, so it doesnt. Casuals are coming in here trying to tell us how certain things need to be and trying to push their ideals on us. Dont be offended when i say casual, i dont mean anything bad by it.

Skill reset is similar and we have that.

About wow, casuals didnt feel like levelling up either, so now you can buy a max level character for 60 bucks. That would be similar to rank resets.

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I do understand that its an older MMO style, but you have to understand that this is a f2p market now and sadly we do need to cater to the “Casual” market in a sense while slowly turning them into a playerbase that has a good retention and not here today, gone tomorrow. This really isnt going to be damaging to the game if we had it. Having the OPTION is good. Sure its good planning out things like the old days but honestly, no one really wants to do that ■■■■ anymore. No one wants to google doc their build out with maximum damage and rotation builds. No one wants to remake 4 characters to get something right at end game. No one really wants to do these things anymore. You just need to realize that its not the 90s anymore and the playerbase now adays just doesnt want to do that.

Im not saying fold to every single demand of the casual playerbase, thats what killed wow. But what I am saying is that just respeccing your job…is not that big of a deal yet everyone explodes when this is mentioned or world pvp. If anything the only thing stifling this game, is the userbase besides ToS’s jewish outlook on anything that has a remote possbility to be connected to anything monetary.

Who is we? Casuals have good retention?They are more likely to switch from one game to another and not spend a dime than a more hardcore player. Why do you think path of exile survives? its not because of the casuals, its the group of hardcore players. We can have the same thing here considering the amount of people who dont want the resets. I think it will be bigger than path of exile though.

The thing is, it is a big deal. Just not to you.

As for the last sentence, I agree, but this has nothing to do with why we dont want resets.

I just think it should not have rest , because everyone would choose one to build the fast levelin , and then would use to change to they really want.

For example : A wizard who wants to be full -sup , lvl up with pyro and linker , and when either the reset rank 7 . and ready!!! tau - chro a Wizard , or as it is a build of this type , I do not know.

Now if you want to reset, than all the ranks . only one before .
Example : Rank 4 to rank 3 and not 4 Rank to Rank 1 .

In Ro, it did not take this (I think), but often create a new one and that was the only solution and I think that many came to do.

Besides the game has only 1 month came , and only would give opportunity to correct some quest of some classes that make no sense .

that’s my opinion…

And sorry for my English …


Thats fine.

I have remade 7 chars that were over level 100 already.

I also lost money when i deleted them to.

Resets would be nice lmao

Yep pretty much this.

A way to avoid this sort of thing could be to have some 40 hour quest to reset 1 circle or something along those lines but I doubt the people asking for the reset want to spend the time to actually fix their mistakes and would prefer to just pay their way out of their mistakes.

Most of this just comes from the fact that no mmo is like that. I haven’t played a single game where you could reset your class. Reset your skills or stats of course, but a whole class reset because you made a mistake? There’s a whole site dedicated to ToS information about stats and character skills. Do some research before you play the game. And it’s not like it’s even hard to level up from 1 to 200. Me and my friend are level 113 and we haven’t grinded at all. Just doing quest and doungeons. Only carding when we we’re out of the level range. Saying things like the game will die if you don’t have this is just blatant a lie.